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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. What does Laurel having a connection to E-2 have to do with anything? Did she accidentally spoil that’s where the show takes place or is this just nonsense? I can never tell, lol.
  2. I'm glad the Queen Mansion didn't burn down on this new earth (or was rebuilt if it was).
  3. Yeah, I can think of a few ways that they can get around the Oliver is really for real dead (time traveling the Oliver that existed before the Crisis to the present, having an amalgam of E-1 and E-whatever Oliver on another earth that gets teleported to ours, etc.). Felicity told Diggle that she was doing a global search for Oliver and couldn't find him, but she could've been lying to keep him hidden/away from the lifestyle that kept taking him from her or whatever. The only thing I can't reconcile with those theories is that then Oliver would be around in 2040...unless somehow they can jettison O/F, baby Mia and William off to another earth to live happily ever after and just either ignore the fact that that would change the future (since Mia and William would effectively no longer exist on E-1) or make up some reason why it wouldn't. Or maybe Oliver really is off in some other dimension but since the future is different Felicity gets to him in some different way other than becoming a fugitive and going off with The Monitor (who...does he still exist or not? IDK). Only a week and a half and I'll never have to wonder about any of this again, yay (release me from my prison, Tatsu)
  4. I can only imagine what E1 and E2 combined resurrected Quentin would be like, now with an aversion to birthdays, birthday cakes and with a strong desire to handcuff Laurel to the backseat of his car.
  5. With people remembering what happened but also noticing that there were differences in the new earth, it was so weird that they didn’t reach out to see if the people they loved were okay/still the same? No mention of Iris from Barry, no mention of Lyla from Diggle, no mention that anyone asked Felicity if Mia and William still exist. No one wondered about Thea - Sara didn’t mention her mom (but she gets forgotten all the time) or wonder if her dad or sister got brought back. So weird and emotionally detached.
  6. Regarding the comments about which Laurel survived in the Spoilers Only thread, I can’t imagine why it would matter - they were treated like they were interchangeable for the most part anyway. The Laurel in the preview for 8x09 seemed nicer than regular E-2 Laurel - I will laugh if they Crisised out her snark, the one thing that differentiated her from E-1 Laurel and made her slightly more fun to watch lol.
  7. Gotcha. Your bringing up the 75 other pilots they have to review as being a reason for not getting a pickup already threw me off.
  8. Unless I'm misunderstanding your argument, it seems like you're making the case for the CW not having blind faith in the spinoff (that it would've been picked up already if it weren't for the bigger properties and other pilots they're looking at)?
  9. And a Walker, Texas Ranger reboot that they gave a series order to.
  10. I think they don't have blind faith in GA&TC because it's a pretty shaky concept. The flash forwards were pretty much universally hated because they were so depressing, and while that future seems to be changed somewhat now, the damage could've been done in the eyes of the audience already (or they could be depressing in a different way than they were before). The three characters they chose to bring into it had shaky receptions at one point or another, and combining two concepts that probably wouldn't be able to stand on their own into one show seems like a recipe for something not great.
  11. Yeah, they accidentally made it look even more like a posthumous single white femaling than it already did, what with Laurel dumping Sara in a pine box right after and not telling either of her parents that she'd died for months (and even pretending that she was Sara to fool her dad, lol). Whew.
  12. I wonder how that even happens - they're going to have to invent some tech way for J'onn to download it onto some kind of USB drive that can be inserted into skin.
  13. His whole life is sacrifice. This whole show is sacrifice - this is absolutely nothing new lol.
  14. Same. Although I guess it's a testament to good 'ol MG that he could kill my fave Oliver off twice and leave me feeling absolutely nothing, lol.
  15. I thought I might watch this episode to see what's changed, but it seems like Oliver's still dead, Star City is still a dumpster fire, and IDK if I could stand Laurel being the sage advice giver now, so it went from a maybe to a nah.
  16. Because they're the fictional equivalent of a cold you just can't shake.
  17. Maybe the part where she got possessed was left out of the replay?
  18. Hey, what happened to Lyla? Has that been addressed at all or nah
  19. Yeah, I can't quite figure it out. Did he just erase himself from after the beginning of the crossover since the bunker is the same and Diggle, Dinah, Rene and Felicity are still involved and know him, so he must've still recruited them? If he doesn't come back, then they still had Mia...
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