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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. So stupidity all around! Because they want to "shock" people. If you get the audience thinking it's Felicity, they get to have their little "gotcha" moment when they reveal who it really is. If they've been insinuating Felicity's in the grave all season, it really wouldn't be all that surprising when she actually winds up being in the grave. She is an anvil sized red herring.
  2. Probably means something terrible will happen to Felicity in 4x09, and they'll flash to the grave again. Cue panic/gloating throughout winter hiatus.
  3. I could be wrong, but I think it's highly unlikely that the dude who just went "Not all Texans!!11!!!" on Twitter just a month ago gave any kind of thought to the social/political climate regarding law enforcement. I think he just didn't want to publicly agree that he thought that plotline was stupid.
  4. The only reason E2 is okay in my book is because it brought forth the dorky stone fox that is Jay Garrick.
  5. Yeah, probably. The usual players who would rail against that kind of thing haven't bothered.
  6. I wonder if it has something to do with the leak? Although you'd think they would still want to promote the episode.
  7. Yep. I wish she hadn't had that thought, haha. It's like, her sister's been running around murdering and beating people for a week, beat Thea's ass twice, and it isn't until Sara is kicking her ass that Laurel thinks, "Yikes, this was a bad idea, I HAVE TO KILL HER." LMAO I wouldn't call that "grappling" so much as maybe "gra." It's a third of a grapple.
  8. Before the kid was for sure back in the picture, I had hoped after last year's crossover with The Flash that we'd find out that the kid the mom spoke to on the phone in the coffee shop wasn't Oliver's. I never thought about it happening after Oliver found out about him and thinking he had a son. I like that thought, and I know it would be for !plot! but I would have to call serious shenanigans if getting a paternity test wasn't the first thing these people did. Does it take a while to get one back? Could the waiting be enough to fuel a few weeks worth of drama? Also, if he wound up not being Oliver's, I'd like it if the mother wasn't aware of that fact.
  9. She was brain dead, incapable of living on her own. Would have died if she hadn't been dunked. Close enough to me-I wrote back from death not back from the dead.
  10. To what extent this show can make sense, it doesn't seem too out there to me that bringing someone back from death would involve a little ceremony.
  11. I think he'll softly apologize for it and they'll hug it out. She did seem to be aware that he was cheating on her, so I guess a kid wouldn't make any of that worse?
  12. I never really thought about a specific scenario, it's just that Laurel's reaction to this has always been the only thing I'm really curious about regarding this storyline, especially since KC has repeatedly refereed to Oliver as Laurel's soulmate. I guess I never expected her to react a certain way, but I'm wondering if she'll react at all now that TPTB have made an effort to have them make an effort now.
  13. Laurel's involvement is the one part I'm actually looking forward to. But with their newfound friendship or whatever, I'm afraid she'll probably be disappointingly okay with it.
  14. Any reference to a secret could also be the secret that Baby Mama kept, since she had every chance to tell Oliver about his kid when they met in Central City and any time after.
  15. Since the comment mentions the storyline being with Felicity, if it is about the kid (which it seems like it would be, since I think he meets the kid over on the Flash part of the crossover), then she must know, whether she finds out and tells Oliver, or whether he finds out and tells her.
  16. Yeah, I hope so too. I'd rather not see the kid very often (if at all), and just have Oliver mention visiting him or something. I still don't see the point of the kid if he's not canon Connor. Even if they had initially intended that and backed off because of whitewashing complaints, they could've just alluded to the woman actually having a miscarriage or something. I really hope they're not planning on bringing a kid onto the show with any kind of regularity.
  17. It can't be all that dramatic if he proposes to her an ep later. Assuming the proposal is real.
  18. He made a mistake (as people do) because he was distracted. She took advantage of it by hitting him in a place where he couldn't fight back, and she was a small woman probably trained to do exactly what she did. So, losing isn't the right word, just that IMO it seemed more to me like she got lucky and took advantage (which happens) instead of Oliver being dumbed down. This particular instance isn't a big deal to me? Not like him losing to Lonnie Machin.
  19. Probably. Kiss or something with a sideswipe. Slade Pt. 2.
  20. Well, he didn't even necessarily "lose" to her. She hit him in the back with a knife while he was distracted, and it's not like he was gonna make a move on her while she could get him in the spine.
  21. Felicity inherited a conglomerate, along with all of its holdings and real estate. All of that had to give her bank account a boost, regardless of how PT is performing. It doesn't matter to me if they address it, since it'll probably make about as much sense as the Queens losing everything in the Rochev debacle.
  22. It's okay, they're filming her arrival -Oliver's inside. Thea's stopping by for a visit. /fic-ing it
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