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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. He was definitely looking for a reaction from the audience from that statement, but who knows if he was trolling. Since EBR's scenes are filmed separately when the team is out in the field, O&F could be working together on Team Arrow through the comms even though SA&EBR aren't on set at the same time.
  2. I've read a few articles about one of the guys who's the "keeper" and travels with it. None of those articles have ever mentioned any security outside of him-although maybe they all omitted that part.
  3. I thought the "security detail" was basically just one dude who works for the hockey hall of fame, haha.
  4. I think the "Queen for Mayor" implies they're shooting something to do with the campaign - usually that account just uses the #arrow tag.
  5. No one ever said they all hate her, where are you getting that? I wouldn't pay to see her there, and it seems as if a lot of other posters wouldn't, but her actual fans do, which is why she agrees to go in the first place. They're money-making opportunities for these people, and some choose not to participate, like Emily and Grant Gustin, and others do. Katie's one who chooses to go, but seems to cancel pretty often, which has to disappoint her fans. But, hey...if she doesn't care, then I sure don't. Just seems like a bad move to repeatedly make.
  6. He has been visiting him in Central City, MG said as much. And until proven otherwise, I'm going to assume that's how Malcolm found out about him, haha.
  7. I read the tags before I started reading. It's just that for a story that started out the way this one did, I didn't expect the fluff to be well over half of the story at this point, that's all.
  8. Yeah, after MG and WM's visit to set, and SA's tweet about the script that it's highly likely that everyone knows who's in the grave. Saying they don't know - like SA did - is just a good way of shutting down the questioning, like @Sunshine wrote. Also, if KC is going to keep canceling fan events to do fashion stuff, she should probably figure out a better way to post about it. It's a difficult line to walk, switching out one thing for another when she's trying to get the blog some exposure, but someone on her team needs to help her out with that, since it comes off as, "I canceled on you, sorry, but look at this fun thing I'm doing instead!" Even if it's just advising her not to book anything outside of Arrow during Fashion Week just in case something comes up.
  9. I can't say for sure, but I agree with you. It sounds more like Thea than Laurel to me.
  10. Yeah, I get that. It's just been about 38k-ish words of *not* Slade, which isn't really what I was expecting when I started reading. NOT that I'm complaining about it - at all - I'm just ready to get away from all the fluff for a chapter or two. Hopefully.
  11. It actually made me wonder if there was something so big happening that even the Asian promo spoiler fairies didn't want to reveal it.
  12. I'm sure there are some exceptions to this rule, but usually secret/surprise kid storylines are written specifically FOR contrived drama and nonsense. I don't think there's a show in existence that would've dedicated this kind of time to exploring the thoughts and feels of its characters after a surprise!kid like this fic does - that's what makes fic great! I mean, I love conversations and feelings and exploration as much as the next person, but even *I'm* getting a little impatient for them to get back to the Slade of it all.
  13. Oliver's quite the chef, of course he'd want to have his own garden.
  14. Hopefully this monologue is over a montage of Samantha and William packing up their things in Central City and being collected by Lyla for ARGUS to relocate them to places unknown.
  15. I just watched that part. She said, "If you live in the Glades, get out now. Your lives and lives of your children depend on it." Couldn't be more clear, lol.
  16. Didn't Moira hold a press conference letting literally everyone know that?
  17. Oh man, what on earth could Oliver have to talk about for 3.5 whole minutes.
  18. Honestly, that's the only premise under which I'll believe those two would sleep together. In a fuck-or-die sitch.
  19. I don't think she'd continue paying for his living expenses or anything, but I don't see why she'd stop funding their mission or his mayoral campaign (if she's still doing that). The mission is still hers, and the only other person running for mayor is the wife of the guy who wants to obliterate the city from the map. Seems like Oliver being in charge, even if she is still angry with him, is the better alternative for her and the people whose lives they spend their nights protecting.
  20. Why don't we just wait and see how it goes? I wouldn't put it past these writers to have Digg tell Oliver to never tell Felicity about the kid or whatever, but maybe he understands Oliver going along with whatever that terrible woman wanted in order to see his kid? Maybe they'll go for the absolute stupidest reasoning ever, but maybe they won't. No point in getting upset about it before you know what actually happens.
  21. To be fair though, there isn't anything in what SA said that indicates he's back already - he could be talking about storylines he knows are going to pop up in the future.
  22. I like that his "promotion" of it basically consists of telling people that he hates the lie and knows it's not Oliver but had to be done for plot, and apologizing in advance for what's about to happen, haha.
  23. Who cares what Malcolm says, though? He wants Darhk to go after Oliver's kid, and that's the best way to get him to do it. I think the ranking system is stupid, because there are different kinds of love for different people in our lives, but even if Oliver had one, how would Malcolm know what it is? ETA: from what he's seen from Oliver, Thea should be the person he thinks Oliver loves/cares about most.
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