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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. That was the scuttlebutt - which makes the cancellation more LOLworthy IMO.
  2. Arrow's season 5 promo will consist of manips and fanvids on the CW_Arrow YouTube channel.
  3. They picked up 3 new shows - Riverdale, Frequency, and some other one. No Tomorrow, I think?
  4. I don't think they'll waste Flash's lead in on a show that will pull high numbers for them.
  5. Supergirl is moving to the CW: http://www.spoilertv.com/2016/05/supergirl-renewed-for-season-2-by-cw.html
  6. They're delayed until 2PM Eastern, for "quality checks" I think.
  7. I think he did that because Felicity told him that she knew that he'd be faced with having to lie to her again because "That's this life." Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense because he lied to her about something personal, but she drew that correlation when she broke up with him the second time.
  8. Super curious about whether prisoners skewed Team Dawson or Team Pacey.
  9. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what he was talking about.
  10. Yeah, he could've packed it and left it there, and then she could've started going through it to determine how it should be loaded and labeled it just to give herself something to do. They need a new script supervisor to make sure this stuff is clear.
  11. It still doesn't make much sense that she'd be lashing out at Oliver over Malcolm. Oliver's done some dumb shit to perpetuate things, but Malcolm can be traced back to the root of all of it - and even in this episode, she acknowledges how awful her life is with him in it. I suppose she could've already tried to deal with Malcolm and Oliver is her second target, but that seems unlikely.
  12. After William was kidnapped, Thea told him she didn't want anything to do with him anymore, and yet she still wound up under the dome - Malcolm would've made sure she was safe regardless of how she felt about him. Alex got drugged because he decided to work for Ruve, and not take Felicity's offer - and that's how he got down there in the first place, so...still not even remotely Oliver's fault, haha. Agreed. My issue is also that she'd be going off the rails and lashing out at Oliver, who legit had nothing to do with her winding up in her current situation for once in his damn life.
  13. I suppose she could figure that if the team infiltrates the ark and destroys Darhk's safe haven, that would buy them some kind of time. Destroying the world seems like a much less appealing option when there isn't a safe place to go to after you've done it, haha. I think she probably is actually brainwashed though.
  14. Well, she's either A) brainwashed, B) pretending to be brainwashed, or C) legit going off the rails. B is my preference. A is my backup. C = no way in hell would I buy that
  15. They mentioned the money last year, after the whole Roschev debacle. Personally, I don't have any trouble believing that he has some money, just not a huge amount of it, simply because the thought that a family of billionaires got left without a cent to any of their names is too ridiculous for me to fathom.
  16. Since Malcolm took Ruve aside and told her that Oliver was coming for Thea, I'm hoping part of that had to do with getting some of those pills HIVE uses for brainwashing. NOT that I want her to be brainwashed, but if given the option between her actually being so angry over Alex that she's lashing out at OLIVER over Malcolm or being brainwashed, I'll take brainwashed. For my own sanity.
  17. He does have money - they never really explained this in-show, but SA and MG have said that Oliver does still have a couple of million dollars lying around somewhere.
  18. Now our debate over who moved out can be put to rest - even though it makes zero sense that Oliver would stand by and let a recently rehabilitated Felicity pack his stuff (which were actually boxes of things that looked like they would be hers), or that Felicity would still want to live there, but whatever, show!
  19. Yeah, I think that's the plan - to have all of his followers reproduce and live underground until it's safe to go back up again.
  20. I'm 99% sure the magical juju keeps him forever young. He was in the League with Ra's, but I don't remember how old he was. Hundreds of years, maybe?
  21. Yeah, he set off the nuke- Felicity just redirected it.
  22. It was affected- we saw it at the end when Diggle and Oliver found his nexus chamber in Star City.
  23. I agree. Since the whole point of a nuke hitting was so that all those dead souls would power up Damien's Darhk magic by a frillion, I don't thing we're going to see Felicity have HUGE guilt issues that can't be solved by a nice chat with Oliver. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it goes beyond that, though.
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