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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I mean, as long as they don't try to date, it works for me!
  2. I actually like the "Mommy" thing because of its creepiness, haha.
  3. I wish that Oliver and Diggle had gone down into the dome to destroy it - which is a pretty good strategic decision, since the madman is less likely to destroy the earth if there's no way to repopulate, generally speaking - rather than racing down there to save Thea. So close, show. So far away.
  4. What did Oliver do to Darhk's kid when he leaned down? I just caught the tail end of his head near her head.
  5. And he keeps calling her Mommy, which makes sense in this universe given the weird family stuff.
  6. They should've gotten suspicious when they couldn't get hold of her last ep, considering they know her boyfriend is (was, RIP Tim Tebow) working for Ruve Darhk. BUT PLOT
  7. If I were kidnapping someone to take them to an underground dome, I'd for sure take their phone away, haha.
  8. Or she won't show sufficient emotion over the fallout, and she'll be accused of being a heartless, remorseless, murdering b*tch!
  9. Wouldn't the smart thing be to have one writer tweet during the east coast version, and one during the west? Holding out till the second viewing assumes that it's going to trend during the east coast airing. Not that I expect these people to be smart about it.
  10. I don't think the show needs to be tested to prove SA's comments - I think he was simply stating that the ratings are remarkably steady for a show in its 4th season. The numbers haven't dropped off all that much, which they typically would have over time.
  11. At this point I imagine a WestAllen proposal being like: Barry: "So, you think we should do it? Get married?" Iris: "Yeah, why not. If it's fate for us on E2 and according to that future newspaper, might as well." Barry: ::shoves hands in pocket, kicks dirt:: "Cool, cool." (For the record I'm neither for nor against this ship, I just think it could've been christened better)
  12. No way would he not be smart enough to put 2+2 together there. It's not like Noah Kuttler is a common name.
  13. No, because Iris's main motivation - per her words - seems to be that since E2 Iris and Barry are together, and the future paper indicated that she and Barry are married, that it's fate, so they might as well. When she presented that to Barry, he didn't respond to her, then he got sucked into the Speed Force. When he came out last week, he told her he wasn't sure what was between them, but then last night he told her the might as well "give this a shot." Regardless of what feelings were presented last season, there doesn't seem to be any feelings-based motivation for them to be together now. I don't need drama. I don't need angst. But I do need to get the sense that whatever two people I'm watching are getting together because they want to, and not because of fate or whatever. Iris and Barry's whole romantic arc the past season has culminated in the equivalent of a shrug.
  14. Perhaps I'm giving the show too much credit, but maybe Zoom goads Barry into the race to reach a specific end? LIke their combined speed racing through time is enough to destroy E2? Barry is stupid like that.
  15. Emily was tweeting about seeing Hamilton tonight, so I'm guessing she's in New York for up fronts. SA probably will be too. Not sure about anyone else.
  16. And what a meh canon it is. It's been a while since I've seen a couple this unenthusiastic at the prospect of being together.
  17. I wasn't paying much attention to which thread it was in when I responded - the comment about Atlin threw me off, because it seemed more like a "Mind Your Surroundings" type post, and after I realized, the post had already been up for a while, so I didn't see much point in deleting it.
  18. OMG @ Wally pulling a Felicity. I cannot stop laughing. I figured he would since they were standing in the street, but...LOL.
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