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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. If it is Baby Canary, I look forward to her screeching her way into helpfulness, unless she's magically learned how to fight over the past few weeks, which...with this show is entirely possible.
  2. Well, so far the purpose of time remnants has been to trick someone into believing the remnant is the real person, or, in Barry's case last night, to get the remnant to do something super dangerous that would kill him so that Barry could continue doing something else. So, as we've seen them used so far - as duplicates - them going back and changing time wouldn't really be the point.
  3. I don't recall that, but I *think* @HighHopes said that the people on set were referring to this person as "Black Canary." If so, then I'm not sure why they'd be calling Baby Canary that since the show went out of its way to make it known that title belonged to Laurel. But I also don't think that person was Laurel Black Canary. So...apparition? Flashpoint Black Canary? Or did the people on set call her that for whatever reason, when it actually wasn't the Black Canary. We'll know by 9:01 this evening!
  4. I'm not even entirely sure it's manipulating - from what I understand (even though we've never been shown one of these time remnant convos), they all know what they're doing/dying for in whatever time they get called to.
  5. Time remnants are the most pull-it-out-of-your-ass plot hole-laden devices I've ever seen, but basically yes, everyone would have a time remnant, because it's past you. But then you have to be willing to die (or kill yourself - I can't remember how Zoom explained it), in order to use them. Basically it's a past version of yourself that you convince to come into the present to die for you for whatever reason. Which makes no sense, because if past you died, then current you should also die. Barry did an incredibly half-assed job of trying to explain it, which was basically trying to pass it off as "this is too high-minded for you, Simpleton" when the real reason it can't be explained is because it is DUMB AS HELL.
  6. Oh man, I hadn't thought about mystery Black Canary being part of some Flashpoint scenario. If that's the case, maybe it's Sara, and that's why CL mentioned coming over to Arrow for a few eps next season? Although I'm not sure how that'd work...they'd have to Flashpoint us at some point during the ep so that the people who don't know what happened would somehow get brought up to speed (PUN INTENDED) on what in the eff is going on, since they'd have no clue. And then the team would have to...what, start interacting with her like she'd been around this whole time? Or be like, "Oh hey, Black Canary. Glad you're back from wherever to help us out!" Or, maybe this is the first appearance of her, and we're getting sent back to when Sara returns to Star City and Laurel is somehow dead from something else? But then...that'd have to be after the fight, not during it, because there's no way the timeline would continue exactly the way we've watched it for that to happen. Time travel makes my brain hurt. I truly do believe they're not dumb enough to have this stretch over onto Arrow, but then I think...they truly are dumb enough to do that. But I still think no. Or, maybe. But probably not.
  7. I think Zoom got turned into Black Flash and was sucked into the Speed Force, not another Earth?
  8. But a clone isn't an actual version of a person from the past. If a past version of a person dies, why wouldn't the present version die, too?
  9. Forget that, I need someone to explain time remnants to me. They're past versions of your present self who are independent folks who can be persuaded to "die" for someone or something? And yet the present self doesn't die along with them? Total bullshit, haha.
  10. Comics fans seem super excited about this, and I get that it is exciting to see a storyline that you loved come alive, but IDK. The point in time that Barry just left is significant enough that I'm guessing he'll want to return to it, so unless they're fixing this somehow in the time over the hiatus or in the first ep, then we've either watched a whole season's worth of stuff that doesn't matter, or we're going to watch a half/whole season's worth of stuff that won't matter next year. Not a fan of either option, to be honest. This is why I don't like time travel. I loathe the idea of something that I spent time watching and getting invested in being completely erased.
  11. I would hope it wraps up in the first ep or two of The Flash. Otherwise, we'll get half a season or more of a timeline that we aren't going to stay in, only to get back to the same place were are now. But if he decides to go back to this timeline, then what in the actual fuck is it all for? Ugh.
  12. Yeah, wouldn't Zoom be able to harness Barry's speed or whatever just by him racing? Seems like it wouldn't matter if he won or lost.
  13. Oh Jesus, as if opening up a singuarlity after not saving his mom is enough, Barry wants to race Zoom to win (which he hasn't yet) to save the people he loves even though if he loses, like, every single earth is destroyed?
  14. Or maybe it's going to be like S2's "I love you," and everyone says it? JK JK (maybe)
  15. The quote doesn't really indicate that the speaker is talking specifically about a previous attack by ghosts - if it's Lyla, she could just mean that she's never seen Diggle freeze while being attacked.
  16. The only way the drama would've worked for me would've been if Oliver had gone with his first instinct when he found out about William and stayed away from him for what Oliver believed was his own good. Not having him lie for fear of Felicity breaking up with him, or because Samantha asked him to, but because he truly believed that not subjecting the kid to the scrutiny of being his son, and not subjecting him to the dangers of being closely associated with the Green Arrow was what Oliver truly believed was best for him, with the full intention of staying out of his life forever. Felicity could've found out about that somehow (maybe Oliver still took the hair to Barry, and Barry let it slip, IDK). Since Felicity grew up believing her father abandoned her, that would've brought up some issues with her that we've heard her mention on-screen, and would've made her question marrying a guy who willingly stayed out of his own child's life. Of course, MG and co would've probably had Oliver reach out to William because of Felicity, and then the little idiot would've gotten kidnapped for drama, and then we would've had "Oliver's kid was kidnapped because of her!!!111!!" idiocy, so maybe it's better they didn't go there.
  17. I think it'll be Lyla to Diggle, which would likely lead to a conversation about Andy at which point he either a) admits that he lied to her, and we get fallout now, or b) lies to her again, so we get fallout later (or at the end of the episode, when he leaves town or something).
  18. The actor who plays Curtis is a regular next season - he isn't going anywhere.
  19. I care about the lying, and I'm glad Oliver faced consequences for it, but Oliver had been a pretty great partner to Felicity leading up to that, so I'm not willing to write him or them off over it. If they get back together and he does it again, then I might not feel so charitable toward him.
  20. I'm guessing the movie will be terrible, but will make a ton of money, which is the important thing.
  21. Would the votes be a limited to registered users only, one vote per person kind of thing?
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