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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I wonder if this woman would outright identify herself as a reporter and show up to City Hall to let Oliver know she's working on a story about him or whatever, or if she'd like...I don't know, misrepresent herself as someone who is interested in him personally so they could go out on some dates so she can have receipts for him taking off at the same time the Green Arrow shows up to do his crime fighting or some other such shenanigans.
  2. Yay, a lady in the sausage factory! Although I watch Suits and have absolutely no recollection of her whatsoever, haha.
  3. Well, that would certainly be one way of addressing the "romance has taken over the show" complaint, by adding more of it and making it angstier than it was last season. Which seems like the type of dumb shit MG and co would want to do. Whether or not they'd get approval to do it from TPTB though, IDK. Guess we'll see soon enough.
  4. I think he said something about it in a FB Live video - and he probably said "cross board" and I, not knowing what that is, heard "forward" because they sound the same, haha.
  5. Well, clearly I misheard him. Cross-whatever, you know what I meant! :)
  6. SA said it was a "cross forward." I thought that's what he meant - that it's a two parter.
  7. Well, if Barry completely changes the timeline and doesn't come into contact with a single new person, it'll just be one more problem I have with that stupid show.
  8. But even if FP does go on for any amount of time, wouldn't they still need new people in the cast? If Barry changed everything beginning with his mother's non-murder, what are the chances that every single person that's in his life now would still be in his life then? Maybe it's just all way under wraps.
  9. I think Quentin might become the Commissioner as a way to get him in City Hall with Oliver.
  10. I suppose this question goes here-not sure though. Anyone have the final screen time per character for S4? I can't remember who was calculating that or if they ever finished.
  11. I went to a play on Saturday night, and Liza Weil was standing behind me in line for the ladies' room, and spoilermonger that I am, it took everything I had in me not to beg her to tell me what happens in the revival, haha.
  12. I don't know why they would. Neither one of them seems to want it. Oliver's moved on in the professional field, and Thea seems to live off of Malcolm's money (I guess).
  13. She...owns it? Not sure why there would even need to be a connection to PT at this point. Maybe she'll start her own company over the hiatus.
  14. That all seems pretty low-level compared to the T-Spheres and the other type stuff that Curtis was making for PT (the biostimulant, the battery, and some of the other Palmer Tech-saving stuff he mentioned earlier in the season). Seems like there's a difference between being able to work up/repair commonplace stuff and conceptualizing and building new things. She's got some skills in the former, and Curtis has skills in the latter.
  15. I think it's being focused on because the arguments seemed to be that something that was Felicity's was being taken away from her and given to Curtis. I'd like Felicity to evolve as a person, but according to the show, she's the best at what she does, so where is there to go from that? That's probably why most of her "evolving" happens outside of the lair - because she's the best at what she does inside of it.
  16. If we're about to get ridiculous, Cisco-like tech on this show, I'd rather Curtis be the one to take the criticism for its ridiculousness. If giving him an area to work in while he works towards masking up keeps him out of the hacking/computer science stuff that has been established as Felicity's strength (and that he *has* taken over in her absence, like during the bee ep), then I'm not going to complain about him coming in and doing things we never (or rarely) saw her do anyway. Just MHO.
  17. When was she shown to be particularly talented at building tech? I remember some bugs (and I guess trick arrows, but I don't recall it ever being mentioned who exactly made them) here and there, but I truly don't recall her ever really building anything the way they say Curtis will. Someone refresh my memory, haha.
  18. Not being snarky at all, but what exactly is Felicity going to evolve into on the team? She's been operating in pretty much the same capacity since the show started. She can't exactly become a better hacker, since she's allegedly already one of the best. I agree with @wonderwall that an engineer is probably going to be pretty useless. Either they're going to have him work up ridiculous tech (and I would prefer Felicity not do that anyway), or he'll be shown making trick arrows or some other gadgets they were already using and we never knew exactly where they came from anyway.
  19. Season 2 ended with a will they/ won't they. Season 3 ended with "they are." Season 4 ended with "they aren't." I'm not sure what they'd be promoting at this point, since they're broken up, and TPTB won't tease anything until there actually is something to tease.
  20. I like the hair. I think SA should also probably start wearing sunscreen.
  21. Definitely. But I'd be surprised if any mention of a statue for GA (vetoed or otherwise) is ever made.
  22. And not to mention the fact that as far as they know the Green Arrow single-handedly took out the guy who just tried to destroy their city/the world with nukes, lmao. That's so Star City!
  23. Oliver is already mishandling the budget!
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