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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Yeah, you'd think someone would've said "this is for all three shows" before he signed the contract.
  2. This is just a guess, but I think that Barry is going to undo most of Flashpoint in the first ep of The Flash. Because there wouldn't be much point in doing it if everything went back to the way it was, I think he's going to be unable to completely reverse it, leaving us with the ripples that WM and MG talked about. I think those are probably permanent, and will either change things that aren't really all that important to the past but have big impacts on the present/future (like maybe some things changed in Digg's military past that affect him in the present? IDK), or completely erase/change events in the past that will be put to rights in the future in a way other than they originally happened. Of course, there isn't much drama to this unless someone in the present knows that things have changed - that's why I think maybe Barry will tell Felicity. *Just* a guess.
  3. Hey, maybe I'm wrong! Maybe it'll be a great, fully developed relationship with a guy who really loves her that results in some great character moments and isn't just a placeholder shitty ship stall. No drama, no angst. LMAO, JK JK - it'll be a placeholder shitty ship stall. Full drama. Full angst!
  4. That would make the thing Felicity "carries" more significant if it's not just knowledge of Flashpoint, but how things were before it (like whatever is different with Diggle, her and Oliver, and whoever else it affects). Provided the BF is a result of Flashpoint and is actually Barry, haha.
  5. What's going to happen is Felicity and BF are going to break up in 5x04, but she isn't going to tell anyone. And in 5x05, Oliver's going to tell her that he has a date with a new lady friend (Reporter? Someone yet to be cast?), and Felicity won't say anything. Angst, angst, angst, season 3 turned inside out, etc etc.
  6. Plotty writing is an Arrow thing though, not just an Olicity thing. The pattern here is pretty much every thing they put on screen, haha.
  7. Further sleuthing, because I tentatively brought this up last night - is Barry at the end of the trailer saying, "Green Arrow?"
  8. If Barry winds up being Felicity's Flashpoint boyfriend...girl, love yourself.
  9. I hope this one's better than Raybot!
  10. Seems like it's a mixture of DCCU Flash taunting, and commentary on him not defending Candice against racists? There's a lot going on in his mentions.
  11. He's making them? I didn't know that! I was under the impression that Oliver was taking off to either do recon or fight during the times when he should be doing mayoral work, which would make him absentee, and therefore unable to do a lot of mayor stuff by virtue of just not being there - not that he's physically exhausted or somehow mentally unable to do the work and Thea and Felicity are picking up the slack. Thea isn't vigilante-ing, so taking off to vigilante isn't an issue for her. And I don't know if Felicity has a day job at this point or what, so who knows? But she's helped out on comms and such during work before, so if she is working I assume multitasking isn't an issue now? Not sure any of this really matters since Oliver's absenteeism or lax leadership is something that they're nipping in the bud in the first or second ep. Then Thea and Felicity should be able to go on their merry ways and get on with living.
  12. I'm hoping now that most of the originals have left and it's getting ready to open up in Chicago/go on a tour that the ticket availability will loosen up a bit. I had tickets for a show at the end of last month and for one brief, feverish moment I considered selling them, but I'm glad I didn't. It's such a great play. I love how into it the cast is, haha.
  13. Not snark at all, but I think it's so funny that in S3 and S4 there was criticism about Laurel seamlessly being able to juggle training/being a vigilante and DA with no issues whatsoever, and now when we have Oliver in a similar situation and actually, realistically struggling, there's complaining about why he isn't able to unrealistically juggle the two, haha. I can't say Diggle's ever had to successfully juggle a real job with his nighttime job, since he basically worked whatever hours Oliver did when he had a job (does Diggle have a job anymore?). And Felicity was unrealistically able to juggle working nights with working days for most of her time on the show (like last season in whatever ep it was she first went into Palmer Tech, and she'd clearly been on comms all night and was fresh and ready to go work a full day after sleeping...when?). I actually liked that we saw her struggle a bit and even though the Board chair was an ass, and she had a good reason for missing their meetings, in reality she would've been let go like she was on the show (I kinda wish it had just been because of her missing so many meetings and seemingly being neglectful, and not because of her plans for the chip). I suppose that's why Oliver being a garbage mayor doesn't bother me, because it's realistic that he wouldn't be able to juggle being mayor and Green Arrow off the bat, and I know fixing that is the story I'm going to be watching over the course of the year.
  14. When Oliver ran for mayor, he had a team of people helping him out on the crime fighting side, and when he accepted the interim position those people had just left - he probably didn't realize how difficult juggling the two would be. And for all we know - since we haven't seen any of the season yet - Thea and Felicity could've encouraged him to ditch mayoral responsibilities because they *could* handle it, not realizing that it would become something that he'd have to do so often and now they feel like they have to confront him because he's relying too much on that. After having the last however many mayors murdered and then having an actual terrorist fill the position, it doesn't seem like a stretch that they'd want him to keep the job and would be willing to do whatever it took to make that happen. Since the argument about recruiting newbies was spoiled, clearly this is an actual issue between them and not something that's going to be the status quo, so...seems like Felicity won't be putting her work life on hold to help him for long.
  15. I think that Barry's going to undo Flashpoint in the first ep of The Flash - but there are going to be things that stick that he can't undo, and those are the things that are going to affect Arrow.
  16. At least he's bad at it because (according to spoilers) he's dedicating too much time to Green Arrowing, and not because we have a Ben Wyatt/Ice Town sitch on our hands (and with Oliver that could easily be possible).
  17. So, if the Palmer Tech set is gone, then...I guess those weren't Palmer Tech shirts Echo and the newbies were wearing in that BTS pic Echo posted a week or so ago? Or maybe Palmer Tech still exists, we just aren't going to see it? Otherwise, how would Felicity be working to get the implant available to the public? Unless that's EBR's head canon but isn't being addressed on the show at all (yet). Too many questions!
  18. I think maybe he just means that four shows are participating in a crossover that takes place across three episodes? It could be something as simple as what kismet suggested, that the crossover starts at the end of the Supergirl ep, with the hope that those viewers will then follow her story to the other shows.
  19. No, that was me assuming, since SA justified it as a kill-or-be-killed kind of thing. I figured he wouldn't really need to justify that if it was past Oliver. But it also seems like past Oliver is doing some killing, so maybe he was justifying that, IDK.
  20. I think it just says that he's overwhelmed with mayoral work and trying to keep things straight as Green Arrow. He doesn't have capable help on the Green Arrow side, so he leaves the mayoral stuff to people who he trusts that are capable of handling it. It's probably one of the main reasons why Felicity argues with him to bring in the newbies.
  21. Didn't he say Oliver kills half a dozen people? He confirmed that Oliver kills three in one shot in the present time - could be three in the past (or present). I think that one might actually be true.
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