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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Katie looks like a time traveler who has failed to adapt to her current surroundings, haha. Years ahead of trend with that hair in 1969.
  2. The show is likely hurting because it's been straight garbage for the majority of the past two seasons, but I think the larger point the OP you were quoting was making is that shippers will stick around even when their ship isn't together - they can weather a lot of stuff as long as they have some hope, and the marketing that the EPs did over the offseason wrt the ship (and, honestly - wrt the newbies too) doesn't really match up with what they're showing. There's a lingering ick in the air for shippers because the boyfriend is looming, and who knows what's on the horizon for Oliver as far as a love interest goes, but the last three eps have been really great for them in spite of those things. So marketing away from a group that's loyal like that when you are actually giving them something to enjoy? Incredibly stupid.
  3. The audience not caring enough to be bothered to go looking for a show they used to watch but can't find on the schedule is just as big a problem for the CW as the audience knowing where it is and just not watching.
  4. Don't pilot directors make additional money throughout the life of the series? If so, them continuing to do well would benefit him, so I can see why he'd reach out and thank them.
  5. It won't. Oliver will find out about the boyfriend and take Felicity aside-wrapping his arm around her in a very after school special kind of way-and tell her he just wants her to be happy. He'll give her some advice about telling her fave condiment about her extracurricular activities so that she doesn't make the same mistake with him that Oliver made with her. He just wants her to be happy! And then he'll pull a couple of strings at a hard-to-get-into restaurant and make some reservations for Felicity and her guy, then have some wine and a box of condoms sent over and wish them well. Crazy kids! And in the lair it'll be like nothing ever happened.
  6. Seems so. Guess spec that Felicity breaks up with him right as Oliver finds out about them was wrong. Yay?
  7. Even if they wanted to, the people who actually call the shots would shoot that down with a quickness.
  8. She shot what's-his-face Rhodes didn't she?
  9. And they haven't really given any reason for Felicity to say something like that. Seems like she has the perfect setup so far - a guy who fawns over her and doesn't ask too many questions. Yeah, she's hiding a big part of her life from him, but we haven't seen her being bothered by that yet? HIT ME OVER THE HEAD WITH IT, SHOW (even when it doesn't make sense pls)
  10. They kind of set Susan up to be Isabel 2.0 - I wonder how that's going to play out. Is she going to get a sob story that softens her to be an ally/LI/whatever or are they gonna do a retread and have her working with a baddie to undermine Oliver's position as mayor to help destroy him as both Oliver and Green Arrow (part 2). I love Oliver so much but he is such a simple moron-please don't pull an Isabel Pt. Deux with this chick (at least until she isn't actively out to get you), you beautiful idiot.
  11. Yeah, a little humility worked for him. I think Ragman is my fave, Wild Dog is growing on me, Evelyn is just kind of there, and Curtis just...I like Felicity's occasional one-liners on the comms, but I don't think the babbling/comic relief works well in the field, so Curtis just isn't working for me as-is. Hoping that's just growing pains and they'll get in the swing of things soon.
  12. They were at the old HIVE HQ. Agreed. Him deciding not to fight the charges for something HE DIDN'T DO to pay for Andy's death is just really stupid. Unsurprising with this show, but really stupid.
  13. I think no expectations is the key. I've dreaded all of these eps to the point where I didn't even watch the last one live - and have been entertained by all of them, so...I guess that's the way to go.
  14. I think Diggle not wanting to fight the charges because he killed Andy is really stupid. Also stupid? Curtis's mask, lmao.
  15. That was a lot of plot for 40-however minutes, my god.
  16. 90% sure ragey hate tweets turn him on.
  17. I'm so annoyed! This is like the Baby Mama Drama just hanging out there like a lingering fart looming over everything. Just get it over with.
  18. I hope Oliver walks in on Felicity getting Mayo on her hands, then goes out and does something stupid, and Felicity (after breaking up with her former favorite condiment) then walks on Oliver doing something stupid, just so it can all be as messy and dramatic as possible pls.
  19. Depending on what part of FL you're going to, definitely check into JetBlue. They have flights out of National several times a day - and they have really great deals for both Tampa and Orlando (maybe some others, but definitely for those two cities). If you buy early enough and fly on the right days, you can sometimes get round trip tickets for $120-$140 total.
  20. I agree about JetBlue. I fly them usually once a month. They are by far my favorite domestic airline - the seats are comfortable on their own, but I like to upgrade to more legroom, and they usually have plenty of options, and the upgrade cost is IMO very reasonable. My least fave airline is Delta - I hate them. And yeah - Southwest is a no given their boarding system and the fact that the only extra leg room they offer is in the exit row - I flew to Austin with them once and my knees were so jammed into the back of the seat in front of me that the lady in that seat couldn't recline (and made me very aware of how unhappy she was about that, haha).
  21. If they're trying to get buzz with the Deadshot reveal, this is pathetic effort even for them. Admittedly I don't follow Suzanne Gomez or the Arrow account on twitter, but I did just look at those two as well as MG's and it doesn't seem as if anyone RT'ed the GATV spoiler - or released one of their own?
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