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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. If the spoiler is true, probably because he does it right when Black Siren tells Oliver she can help him track down Prometheus.
  2. I suppose they could have her escape custody on her way back to Central City. It seems likely that she does show up on The Flash at some point (3x11, maybe?) since Central City is such a random place to ship her off to for ARGUS custody considering the head of ARGUS lives in Star City.
  3. If the spoiler is true, it seems like Felicity uses the time and access to get some of Laurel's DNA to test. So, for all we know it's done not only with her blessing, but with that particular endgame in mind (for her, at least).
  4. Some people don't need a reason to party!
  5. Yeah, I wonder if it's a full-on party party like Oliver threw for Sara, or if it's a get together to talk to "Laurel" in a more relaxed environment with friends like the loft scene with the Flash and Arrow gang in the S4 crossover. Throwing a she's-back-from-the-dead party is problematic plot-wise given that Felicity is obviously still skeptical of her being the real Laurel (given that she takes DNA from her glass - so it doesn't make sense that she'd go along with outing her as real to the general public), and this Laurel doesn't seem to be sticking around, so...sorry, party guests! False alarm! Then again, this show is this show, so...
  6. http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/juliana-harkavy-arrow-cast-walking-dead-1201906144/
  7. If Tina's a meta - her fighting people hand-to-hand in alleyways seems pretty stupid when she could incapacitate them with a single scream. And the vigilante-hating thing seems weird if she's off sonic screaming people for just hitting on her at a bar. I guess that could've been just a completely bogus character description to throw people off though, which seems like a weird thing to do. But it's this show, so any level of stupidity goes, I guess.
  8. No clue - but you don't have to take anyone's word for it. You can actually view his past posts on reddit and see the other spoilers he's posted.
  9. Oliver mentioned in the scene they released that she's helping Felicity track down Prometheus's mother - I don't think anything is coming of that storyline for a little while, so she doesn't need to be present. She doesn't even really need to be present if/when they do find her, really.
  10. I don't think so - it seems like (if the spoiler is correct) she's already revealed herself to Oliver so there wouldn't be any mystery there. Plus the guys would need a reason to go on a road trip to find Tina - I guess maybe there's a rumor about a chick with a sonic scream or something? LOL
  11. Yeah, totally could be - I thought there was a scene change before the Talia thing, but I just reread and there isn't one indicated. I also thought that Black Siren was going to show up on The Flash next? I figured that scene was just an indication that she'd escaped to explain why she's there although I suppose she could show up in Central City still in ARGUS custody. Do they not have a Star City branch? Like...where does Lyla work? Having the person who's going to be recruited as the new Black Canary miraculously have the same characteristic as the the Canaries who came before her is completely stupid, so it makes sense that it would happen here.
  12. I thought the woman in the bar was Black Siren - seems like the scene before (with the shouts and gunfire) indicates that she escaped from custody?
  13. I'm not even sure to what extent we were even supposed to care about Billy. The show itself made it pretty clear that he wasn't seriously involved in Felicity's life (his multiple mentions about not knowing any of her friends, etc), she didn't know if their relationship was "real," and in the episode where he died she could barely get herself to refer to him as her boyfriend, and definitely wouldn't say that she loved him. So, at least some of us not really caring about him seems intentional. Although they're still trying to wring an emotional story out of the death of a guy that we don't care about, and it seemed like no one on the show cared all that much about him either. Hacky writing either way.
  14. Just stating his intention to get full-on wine drunk in the AM, I guess.
  15. I'm mostly curious about why he thought he was getting snuggles after being summoned like that.
  16. Since he's either in rehab or fresh out of it and probably not emotionally equipped to handle another daughter coming back from the dead who's likely gonna wind up not being his daughter, then I hope they don't tell him. Of course, because of those reasons this will probably be the time they actually do, haha.
  17. There's also a Sin-Eater comic character - who is apparently an alien demon - so let's hope we're not going there.
  18. I'm 100% sick of the name Tina, that's for sure.
  19. Given this comment from WM: I'm not sure that his death is going to be what pushes her to the Place of Darkness, but maybe the circumstances around it as well. But this show does have a habit of assigning meaning to people in death they never had when they were alive, so who knows!
  20. Is Curtis gonna hang up his T to do comms and such during this drawing away period or is Felicity just gonna become a dark overlord during the day since she doesn't have a job still?
  21. No, it hasn't been confirmed - we're just making educated guesses on Tina. SA talked about BC's importance in his post-MSF Facebook live chat. Maybe possibly to fool people into believing that Laurel is back to be Black Canary, but definitely to get them excited for whoever is taking over the mantle next.
  22. I don't think he cares about comic canon now, he's just buttering people up for the new BC they're getting ready to bring on. I've noticed how anyone who brings BC up lately (SA and DR have both done it) specifically mention Black Canary's value, not Laurel Lance's. I'm sure there are viewers who only care about seeing a pretty woman in a tight suit and don't much care who the pretty woman is, but I'd be willing to bet that a whole lot of the people who care about Black Canary care about who is behind the mask. Not sure how well Tina Boland, Black Canary is gonna go over. I am fairly sure that bringing on a new BC right after teasing Laurel Lance fans with her return is a really, really big mistake though, lol.
  23. It's not me saying it. Stephen Amell said it: Didn't she give him that 30-day reprieve on exposes to show her what he's got as a mayor? Seems like he's already giving her access to some of the wonderful initiatives he's got going on to help Star City, and she's still digging up dirt on him, so IDK how much of an incentive that would be. And yeah, Oliver opening up to her is stupid. But he is stupid. And if there's a gotcha coming up as far as him trusting her, then I don't expect a whole lot of his actions where she's concerned to make sense except for to set up said gotcha.
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