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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I mean, I guess? His dad is the Green Arrow, so regardless the whole origin story has changed there.
  2. Nah. Working with a shitty person as a means to an end is totally different than having a romantic relationship with one.
  3. Well, the show isn't going to exist on 2 earths, and Earth 2 Oliver is dead, so...if they're going to do anything with that it'll probably part of some BS origin ep, in which case heavily promote it so I know which ep I can skip. But David doesn't write the show, so IDK how much there is to get worried about. Especially when SA's answers from this weekend's con were pretty positive and he actually knows what he's talking about.
  4. She's used to being knocked out by now - her body has probably adapted by giving her a quick turnaround time back into consciousness.
  5. Perhaps she used them as a tool? Good for killing small animals to eat, maybe breaking/cutting some stuff, etc.
  6. This looks like the before pic in a superhero laxative ad.
  7. Hopefully they just did that because the kid is such a non-entity that they were worried people wouldn't know him by name and they'll simmer down in the future. Please.
  8. I have low standards. I don't quit over things I hate (like actor names showing up as character names, RL actor quotes worked into the story, etc) - as long as it's interesting enough and not gross, I'll keep reading until I get bored. Unless the spelling and grammar are atrocious - which does happen a lot. But sometimes I even keep reading those if the bad spelling and grammar amuse me. Like the other day I clicked on a story where Ray referred to Felicity putting "porky pine farts" on his phone. I didn't make it past the first chapter, but...I did make it to the end of it, haha.
  9. Nooooooooo she really cared about Oliver and totally didn't stalk him and date him for a story! A story that she never ended up writing! What a woman.
  10. I think the payoff maybe was that the person they painted as being shady all season wasn't actually shady? If they'd been wanting to do a reporter storyline for years and that's the best they could come up with, then bless them. They're worse than I thought.
  11. As long as Myson trips over a branch or something so I can get a good laugh out of the situation.
  12. I feel bad for anyone in the public eye in the age of HD, haha.
  13. He does - it's actually weird. Even his quirked right eyebrow is the same.
  14. Can you imagine if Samantha actually does die? He's going to have to have like...zero residual issues with it because I cannot imagine Arrow writing that storyline or the kid being able to sell it. At all.
  15. From what we've seen of him thus far, William is way too stupid to be a vigilante. His best use would be to fill him with nanites and keep using him for bait.
  16. I don't think it's weird, I just think it's a concerted effort on her part. She clearly gets some kind of satisfaction out of getting acknowledged by/being able to say she knows these people ~personally.
  17. It's not really natural, no. TVD/TO world has nothing to do with Flarrowverse - there aren't any crossovers on the network, and the shows aren't even filmed in the same country. She seems to be the only writer on the CW who's latched onto the cast of a different show like she has.
  18. I don't think Carina is a moocher. I just think she's a name-dropper who's desperate to have famous friends and tell everyone all about it.
  19. It's just a shitty thing to do to the fans she filmed, especially when they paid for something Stephen and Emily willingly offered, knowing the requests they'd get - because they did it last year.
  20. He's asking fan questions that were submitted on their site, which I think is spectacularly unfair to the people who actually paid to be there. I would be so upset.
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