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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. It is - from what I've seen over on reddit and on twitter people seem to forget that Felicity had seconds to divert the nukes and only her dad mentioning a prank she'd pulled in college where she'd changed satellite coordinates (or whatever she'd done with the satellites that "tricked" them into thinking they were however many miles West of their mark) gave her an idea of how to do it. I've seen a lot of alternate scenarios these people put forth (why didn't she put them in the ocean? Into the atmosphere? or some other such ridiculousness) and the answer is because the trick she'd pulled off in college was the only one she had time to pull off here - it was going to either hit the major metro of Monument Point, or the place that she could trick the satellites into thinking Monument Point was - Havenrock. THERE WAS NO THIRD OPTION. It's maddening, haha.
  2. I've only been to Pride once, but there was glitter EVERYWHERE. People painted themselves with it, threw it in the air - it covered every available surface. I arrived with no glitter on my person and left with it in my pockets, in my bra. Everywhere. So his comment about clothing is spot on. And quite a few of my gay friends do really love Britney, but I'm not sure what SA means about her being "currency."
  3. He said it's a pinched nerve - I've had one in my leg that's taken nearly 3 weeks to get better (but I also have the ability to stop doing the things that aggravated it).
  4. Maybe? If a wedding actually takes place, I just think it'd be weird for the wedding to happen on a show that the couple isn't regularly on. But who knows if they're going to be playing by any kind of rules here.
  5. Yeah, Barry's a special boy - people can't stay mad at him for long (if they get mad at him at all). I think he'll get his wedding sooner rather than later with very little muss or fuss.
  6. If that's the case, I wonder what the first two hours would be about? Unless there's a lull in the action for long enough to have a wedding. Which, if any sort of crisis would stop for anyone, it would be Barry!
  7. Well, if it's Barry and Iris's wedding (which I'm guessing it is, whether it actually happens or not) - it should be a twofer for comic fans since she's a canon LI!
  8. I never watched Legends and I stopped watching Flash, so I had no idea what was going on on Tuesdays, haha.
  9. I think that's a good idea - they're more likely to get viewers to stick around this way. Provided they advertise the hell out of Arrow so that people who watch it realize it's on a different night.
  10. I hope Quentin's just hospitalized. Surely they aren't dumb enough to eliminate what would be the most interesting storyline possible for BS? LOL, I know they are juuuuust that stupid.
  11. Bringing this talk of KT Tape and plantar fasciitis over from the Social Media thread: KT Tape has been a godsend for my plantar fasciitis - my podiatrist taught me a way of taping my foot that really eases my flare-ups and makes walking nearly pain free (and helps it go away until it flares up again). If you have PF and need some help with it - definitely talk to your doctor about it. There are some videos out there that will tell you how to tape for PF, but I think it's better to go to a professional first since the location and severity of your pain will dictate which anchor points you'll use and how much you'll need to stretch the tape to give yourself some relief.
  12. I don't remember the specifics, but I'm pretty sure he had her doing a lot of stuff for the suit without telling her that's what the endgame was. Like her convincing that guy to give him his dwarf star whatever he needed to shrink.
  13. Was Ray not using Felicity's IT abilities as a tool to use to get his suit built?
  14. KT Tape is 100% amazing. I use it for plantar fasciitis and some knee issues from running. Looks like his tape may be for the nerve issue he mentioned and the long one probably gives him some help with shoulder stability. Pinched nerves are no fun.
  15. I don't think anyone here is arguing that she suddenly realized that she wanted to be an EA for the rest of her life. Just that there's evidence that she found some benefits to it that she was willing to accept with the bad until the next opportunity came along.
  16. I don't want to project my own feelings on to Felicity, so all I can say about it is that she didn't ultimately seem too bothered by the move considering in the beginning of S3 when Oliver was trying to get QC back she still wanted to go back and work there (and I don't recall him having promised her a different position).
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