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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I prefer one-shots being posted separately but in a series - they're easier to find that way. Trying to navigate to one that I liked and didn't bookmark for whatever reason by wading through 100 chapters is annoying.
  2. If I were Katie, I'd hope E2 Laurel was written as differently from E1 Laurel as she could get, regardless of whether that includes redemption or not. Because they didn't know what to do with that character to the point they killed her off (and personally, she was irritating to watch). As a viewer, if they try to turn her into a Merlyn type who's an ally when it suits her, a person who sticks around beyond all reason to the point where characters look dumb as hell for not killing her on sight? Keep it.
  3. I don't really have an issue with it in this context. They just watched the whole island blow up, Oliver probably doesn't want to just randomly leave him somewhere on his own, and regardless of what William might think of Oliver once they get back to safety, he did save him from Chase and is also probably at one point the only one around who William even slightly knows.
  4. It also didn't make sense because she didn't know she was dying and had already decided to stay on the team, lmao.
  5. I'm probably way off, but I thought she asked him not to go it alone? Or to work with a team or something ridiculous that he was already doing.
  6. It's stupid for many reasons, mostly because they forgot Moira promised a second check once Samantha left, and ignored the fact that Moira wasn't the kind of person who would've let a payoff slide and ALSO seems like the kind of person who would've at the very least secretly kept track of William once she thought Oliver was dead - if not demand that she be involved in his life because he's a piece of her son left behind. Ugh, the whole storyline is just such garbage.
  7. I don't know why they didn't just have some nameless old Queen family friend/accountant bring one of Moira's old ledgers out to show Thea this uncashed check was out there somewhere and was something she should look into when said family friend/accountant found out Oliver was running for mayor.
  8. The Department of Homeland security did a tax audit after the Undertaking and they found record of a check to Samantha Clayton for $1M but it was never cashed.
  9. Personally, I disagree that Laurel was a highlight in S3 - lying to her dad about Sara dying, burying her without any of her family there, tricking Quentin into thinking he was talking to Sara by dressing up as her. Bleck. Although I will give her credit that she was dumb enough in some of the stuff she did when she first started out as BC that I got a good laugh out of her from time to time.
  10. Yeah, even if they were on great terms I would expect him to call Oliver "Oliver." Everyone knows that the turning point in the fic is when the kid suddenly starts calling him DAD. C'mon!
  11. The picture wouldn't seem awkward to me if I hadn't seen the video of it. I wonder why Katie didn't just wait until Stephen let go and give Emily a hug herself.
  12. The thought of Diggle walking around without an arm and a few days later someone going, "Oh shit, your arm's gone!" made me laugh. So thank you for that.
  13. A made-up backstory that might not come to fruition might bother me if I cared at all about what Black Siren's backstory is. But I don't, so make up anything you want, Katie!
  14. I agree - KC's color isn't great IMO, but it looks relatively healthy. JH's looks like she needs a good oil treatment. Or 10.
  15. If it doesn't have pieces of fruit that have been baked in it, I'm totally fine. Just fruit pie! Cream, chocolate, pumpkin, pecan, etc are all good in my book!
  16. I've never had pineapple on pizza, because I hate warm/baked fruit and berries. I won't ever eat them, even in pie.
  17. I didn't think it looked like she had a death grip on him, although I do think she gets pretty tactile when she needs support. I'm surprised more people didn't comment on her clutching the mod's arm when he brought the cake to her - that seemed like a bigger deal than her holding Stephen's hand.
  18. I think celebrating Emily's birthday at SDCC is a really thoughtful way to make sure it's recognized, but if she has such an issue with anxiety and crowds, maybe they should reconsider in the future.
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