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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I always thought he was using crayons. Those are markers/colored pencils - he could've been drawing instead of coloring, which for a kid his age is normal. Booooooo, I'm losing my canon!!!
  2. So was he pretending to not be nuts to manipulate Oliver? Nooooooo, what a shocker that would be! Or is someone else the ~new Deathstroke?
  3. I can always count on Marc or Wendy to kill whatever excitement I manage to muster. I thought for sure there would be some kind of sweeping moment when Oliver realized she wasn't dead, but Marc pretty much killed any excitement I had over it (when I could've just liked it on its own had he not provided commentary). KP tweeted that it's a big episode for Katie - she's shot 4 days so far. So looks like Oliver's out of the picture for a chunk of it.
  4. They're not going to reveal that Felicity made it home until the last minute of the damn premiere.
  5. If someone's being abusive and the author is calling attention to that person, I think that's fine. Calling out actual concrit (which *is* definitely difficult to read sometimes) seems immature to me.
  6. The longest fic I've written is nearly 200k words (half of which could've been tossed in the garbage, but I was too in love with my own writing to delete any of it, even though it didn't add anything at all to the actual plot). I wrote it as I posted it, and it took close to a year, and I wanted to quit so many times. I was super interested in the premise for about half of the time it took me to write it. That particular fandom was at a high point at that time, and fic chapters were getting thousands of reviews each, and about 95% of them were positive, so that kept me going when my interest waned. I got a lot of constructive comments (mostly commenting on my tendency to be too wordy or to not really delve too deep into some of the more ~difficult plots, which were things I knew I needed to work on). When people in that fandom were nasty though, they got REALLY nasty, and that did lower my enthusiasm from time to time. I've only written two multi-chapter fics for Arrow (one barely counts, because it was only 2 chapters), but the longest one I wrote was during my peak interest in the show, during the S2 hiatus, so I wrote it over a long weekend and didn't post it until it had been edited. I don't think I could get involved in an in-depth multi-chap fic for the show now, especially considering the absolute garbage it can be at times, so I admire anyone who tries and sees it through to the end.
  7. The only reason I thought of it was because I've written in fandoms before where review numbers were a big, big deal. People would "hold chapters hostage" until they hit their review goal, but it was much more common for authors to bribe reviewers with the promise of replying to reviews with an outtake or extra to get the numbers up. I was guilty of the latter tactic when I first started writing fic, haha. I mean, it works!
  8. I have no idea if that's the case or not, she just tweeted that she could finish her story in peace (after hitting 3k), so I thought maybe it was a milestone she'd set for the fic.
  9. Isn't that because they're pretending that the other half of Arrow's romantic relationship is dead, and didn't Kara's dude screw off to another planet or something? There isn't an OTP on Legends, so it seems like they're the only ones left by default?
  10. If Iris ever tried to leave Barry, can you imagine how many lives he'd erase/ruin in order to undo that?
  11. I tapped out a long time ago, but I looked at the author's twitter the other day, and it seems like she had a personal goal for kudos for the story - perhaps that's why she kept it going?
  12. What I think is interesting about this is that if you were to ask Katie (or anyone who gives this answer) about the strong women in her life, she'd probably have a whole list of women that she considers "strong" and very few - if any - would actually be literal ass-kickers. Pretty sure it's 9?
  13. You really don't understand why fans of Arrow wouldn't want their ship married on another show? I'm guessing that's what you're referring to you since that's the comment you quoted.
  14. I stopped watching on account of Barry being walking garbage, so I missed the last half of last season, but haven't they always just shown post-coital bed sharing. Like cuddling and whatnot? I recall that with Eddie and Iris, and Barry and Patty. I think it's a Flash thing, not a race thing.
  15. I can't say that the Olicity fandom doesn't have homophobes, but if there is rampant homophobia, I'd like to know who's participating in it so I can avoid them. Thankfully, I've never seen it. I have seen a group of Katie's fans make derogatory comments about Emily's sexuality, but have only ever seen positive responses to that from Olicity fans. Also, I'm not sure that this particular subject — Gail making fun of people who misinterpreted a tweet she made about Godwin's Law — is the best one to have a go at Olicity fans over. Olicity is usually met with derision from comics people, so I do understand why people thought she was making fun of them. Of course the thing to do would be for her to calmly explain that instead of retweeting to her follows so everyone could ridicule them at once. But, that's adult behavior, and online Gail seems like a child desperate for attention. So I agree - it's best to just ignore her.
  16. Maybe. I also wouldn't be surprised if some people really were contacting DC about her - so I'm not willing to call her a liar about this, haha.
  17. Seriously. And it just gives her fodder for more, since apparently people are writing DC about her, trying to get her fired. Just let her bask in her attention from her fans when she posts, and don't give her what she's looking for. The fun will die out for her if no one responds.
  18. She used to be generally good natured in her trolling (IDK if that's changed because I haven't followed her in a while), but Olicity is something that's guaranteed to get some Olicity people whipped up into a frenzy, and her followers whipped up into a frenzy making fun of them, and gives her some RT fodder and some of the attention and validation that she seems to desperately crave. I mean, that's the only thing I can think of as to why she continually picks at that scab.
  19. No, just the background of the video. But it seems like they must've been living there at least a while since Myson's room is all done-up in the trailer. I'm just surprised there aren't any books on the shelves or that there isn't a fake cityscape outside. Or something that makes it definitely look like not the inside of the lair. I suppose maybe they don't plan on shooting at an angle where you could really see it, but it seems to be in a corner in a pretty big room where it'd be tough to mask unless they close the curtains all the time. Which they could!
  20. They seem to have put even less effort into that set than usual. No books on the bookshelves (unless those aren't bookshelves), and a lovely view of what looks like...the lair?
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