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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. This - the cliffhanger is dumb, but the "everything has changed" indicates that everyone DID die - they aren't even teasing that they could possibly be alive, which is usually the buzz-getting point of a cliffhanger. They can't even do the easy stuff right. Goodness.
  2. Because the EP said they'd be going to couples counseling because they're butting heads over who's in charge.
  3. I paused it - no, that's not him. Just some poor fella with a tragic hairline.
  4. Nowhere in that clip does it show that Iris is confronting the villain - it shows the villain stepping behind her, Joe yelling her name, and the villain holding her - indicating that she hasn't taken charge of the situation. If the scene is her confronting the villain, I think that's much more interesting than giving the indication she needs to be saved. But, maybe the CW marketers understand the very, very sensitive nature of some of their viewers when it comes to women asserting themselves and don't want to scare anyone off.
  5. Normally I would think that but "limited quantity" was on there since close to the beginning (IDK if it was on when they first went on sale - I didn't look until later), and it seems like if they sold enough to be low enough on tickets that early in the day that by now at least one of them would've sold out?
  6. I'm not sure what the limited quality use here means, especially since it's on Stephen's - he's always been willing to stay long enough to make sure everyone who wants a pic and/or autograph gets one.
  7. Relevant or the perfectly set-up villain for Black Canary by lazy writers who couldn't even be bothered to change the name or characteristics of the character who came in to replace her? Tough to say at this point.
  8. I don't think the commentary about Laurel and Felicity belongs in that article, either. It just comes off as a personal axe to grind that the author threw in there - it doesn't directly correlate to the subject matter. Talking about the way the show handled big issues involving the characters would be more on-target (like alcoholism and addiction, paralysis, etc - other big issues it didn't have the range to adequately cover). I also disagree with the commentary about Arrow suddenly deciding to go back to its comic roots - there's been a heavy police presence on the show from the beginning, and they've covered stories about corruption within the force. Oliver is mayor - it's totally relevant show canon material to cover if they were capable of doing it justice. Agree with the rest of the commentary though - every time I see MG's tweet about bringing a black writer in, just....ugh. If the fact that he had to do that didn't give him pause, nothing will.
  9. Wrong based on your own idea of what you think you should get when the show tells you - literally every episode right in the title cards - that you aren't getting it. It's an interpretation on the established characters - do you think Adam West's Batman is wrong? Or is it just a different version? I appreciate that you're glad your fave got a shout out that expresses how you feel about the way she was treated on the show, but I still think the point could've been better made using different examples instead of a rundown on her love life and that she "never really gets to grow into her Black Canary persona." Those are issues that are better served in an article about how the show treats women, or one about how the show treats comic canon, not one about BLM.
  10. Yes, but just because they decided not to follow comic canon, doesn't make the way they handled the characters generally wrong. It just means that they didn't follow comic canon, which is a given since the opening title cards read "based on" the characters published by DC Comics. So it's a poor argument.
  11. Yes, and her beef with Laurel and the sentence she wrote about Oliver are both about them not complying with comic canon, which isn't a great argument. Does she have the same issue with white characters who aren't comic canon? Or is there not "right" way for them to be, and their flaws are just part of who they are? Her point would've been better if it had been about the way the show skated over Laurel's addiction issues, or Felicity's paralyzation, or Oliver's PTSD. They can't handle big issues for their white characters, so how can they do it for the black characters? But that's not the argument she made.
  12. The author admitted on Twitter that she had stopped watching, so I think she didn't tune in for anything that happened past S2 (I think that's when she said she stopped). People on Twitter did pick up where she left off and made those arguments, though. I think the space occupied by Laurel in that article would've been much better served by an edit to include all the other examples of poor treatment of PoC instead of dedicating space to a white person. Or mentioning all the other big issues Arrow has done a terrible job of addressing (gun control, PTSD, paralyzation, murder, etc).
  13. None of the white comic canon characters are exactly like their comics counterparts. Neither are the PoC comic canon characters. It's a point that makes no sense in any context, haha.
  14. Yeah, I think pointing out what an awful idea it is as often as possible is a great idea. Unfortunately MG's the kinda guy who doubles down when someone tells him he shouldn't do something.
  15. Especially not holding her up as an example of them not being able to do white characters right. Seems like a personal point of bitterness the author wanted to air in a completely unrelated article. Fits in an article about the Arrowverse's treatment of women, but not here IMO.
  16. They seem to think there's a market out there for drumming up interest in BC vs. BS, which I suppose is kinda true. From what I've seen it gets a lot of people going for various reasons. Is it dumb to focus mostly on that? Yes. But 95% of Chico's marketing efforts are dumb.
  17. I think it might mostly come down to people who have enough seniority/clout to be able to tell them that they don't want to take time out of their own time to do promo, and TPTB being kind enough to go along with it. New promos are fun for us, but I don't think DR and EBR like doing them very much (maybe not WH and PB, but I don't recall ever seeing them in one). SA for sure doesn't - he's said as much. In this case though, I think it's just because they had to add SOME new promo and it seems like they thought people would more likely tune in to see if the long-time cast members were alive, vs the newbies/resurrected folk, so they were put in the promo.
  18. I know this type of promo is typical WB/CW, but I think it's useless. I don't think Dinah's cry should've been included - it always looks dumb regardless, but especially so here. And I think it's beyond stupid that they don't tell anyone which shows any of these people are in. Even if I was interested in one that I hadn't seen before, I couldn't be bothered to do the work to look it up - if they want you to tune in, they should make it easy.
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