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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. IIRC SA's said it's because she doesn't like the cooler weather. If his work schedule was the issue then I don't think she'd be up there with him in the summer, which she seems to be. But who knows.
  2. No, it's Tomada - in the video his trainer Thomas says he made it up.
  3. I wouldn't expect anyone with a loved one in a coma to be depressed over it day-in/day-out six/seven months after the fact. I think it also depends on the prognosis. Is it a legit medical issue that's keeping her out, or is it a TV issue where they don't know why she hasn't woken up and expect her to open her eyes at any moment. Considering he probably thought she was dead at one point, a coma like that wouldn't be such a downer, haha.
  4. If she's in a coma, then Samantha's probably dead nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  5. I think that’s how most of the audience probably gets their show info. It’s still incredibly dumb that at this point they aren’t even teasing that anyone apart from Dinah and BS lived to those people - they’re teasing that they all died, which is...yeah, just unfathomably stupid.
  6. They did - he's chained around the ankles as well, and the one on his left ankle broke.
  7. Yeah, Susan made Oliver awful (aside from his weird issue with Thea regarding discrediting Susan, he trusted her to not expose him as GA even though she flat-out told him she would), but even outside of that she was a reporter and the most we ever saw of her "doing her job" consisted of flirting with Oliver and trying to get him to ask her out. She wasn't around when any big things happened (like Chase getting outed, or the mass shooting or any other thing). Useless.
  8. I should've written differently - I don't think the actual usage of brackets is weird, just that whatever Katie said was so word salad/unintelligible that the writer needed to clarify something so simple as "get through to."
  9. What a strange use of brackets in that KC quote.
  10. There's nothing wrong with wanting to help this version of Laurel find her way - there is something wrong with acting like she's the same person, just plucked from another dimension. It's an interchangeability that they've had with Laurel that is IMO pretty gross - E2 Laurel is the same as E1 Laurel - Dinah is E1 Laurel in the field but better, even has the same first name AND field name. Yuck.
  11. Yeah, I was gonna say - it's tough to tell whether this is just a wish/headcanon or something that is actually happening, since Arrow can't keep its canon straight. I'm guessing it's probably an overstatement since it's way too early in the season for her to start waffling on villain status. But then again, the Arrow writers are awful, so...who knows?
  12. Is it possible - just once - to not be a total asshat
  13. Is...is CW actually airing a new Arrow ep on Thanksgiving?
  14. I don't know whether I'm hoping she was totally sober when she picked out that tattoo or not.
  15. I think cons still invite her because people still pay to see her - if her flakiness starts turning fans away and it's not worth their while, then they'll stop inviting her.
  16. Yeah, I think she probably forgot. Girl, they have apps that'll help you with that!
  17. Isn't Oliver in the promo as Arrow in present day? I'm not really sure what he could change that would be a big spoiler - I don't think it'll mention a wife since I don't think he and Felicity got married offscreen (and even if they were married, I still don't think they'd mention a wife). I don't think single father indicates that Samantha died - to me a single parent is someone parenting a child outside of a relationship with the kid's other parent, but who knows what Stephen considers spoilery.
  18. They don't need any characters ordained. The Olicity fake wedding was officiated by a rando day player.
  19. That seems like two "ceremonies" to me. Two weddings implies two different couples, although who knows what he meant.
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