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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I can't find an air date anywhere - but it's coming on after the Olympic break.
  2. Pretty sure, yes. She's probably sitting there surrounded by Lance's old photo albums. And Thea's like..."what the fuck is going on here?"
  3. I bet Quentin has Black Siren tied to a chair in that cabin with her eyelids propped open Clockwork Orange-style watching home videos of E1 Laurel.
  4. I don't think they've painted OTA completely in the wrong - Oliver has already acknowledged that he wronged them and explained why he did it and asked them if they could move on. Right now the newbies still seem to be (based on the script, so far) righteously angry over it. Who even knows how they're going to ~fix it. Some combo of Oliver demonstrating trust in them again (even though Dinah and Rene haven't done anything to earn it back), and NTA deciding that they're better off united and they just get over it, I guess. Or Oliver, Felicity and Diggle each demonstrate trust in the newbies that's sufficient enough for them to decide to bury the hatchet. I'm counting on the resolution being flimsy (and perhaps angry making), though.
  5. This interview makes me sad because after reading this along with the ones Echo gave, it's clear that the writers intend for us to see the newbies as the wronged party (and probably hoped that we'd root for OTA just because they've been around longest, and for the newbies because they're in the "right", and would therefore be conflicted). And what they're actually writing is about a million miles away from what they thought they were writing that it's baffling that they all have jobs.
  6. Generally I don't mind the characters being hypocrites - because it does happen often. But if you're going to make a whole storyline out of it, you better make sure the group you're writing as hypocrites are actually the hypocrites of the story. And here? They aren't.
  7. Interesting that the hypocrisy of pointing the finger at others and not at themselves is coming from the newbies. Ooops!
  8. I liked the one with the Giants, the Tide ads, and the one for Australia. I also enjoyed the Toyota commercial with the Paralympic skier, and the one for the Olympics with Lindsey Vonn.
  9. Only if it has a weak spot directly over those three. I don't want any collateral damage that involves Oliver or Diggle!
  10. Where are 3 falling anvils and/or a giant, unstable metal beam when you need them?
  11. If only there were video to show Dinah of Oliver telling Quentin in S2 that the city came first when he wanted Oliver to go get Laurel away from Slade ASAP AND video from the mansion of Oliver manipulating Slade into coming to pick up Felicity from the mansion as part of the plan to bring him down. Also, what specifically is Oliver supposed to be on the hook for? Dinah and her new BFFs decided that they could work as a team independently of Oliver and company. They couldn't complete their mission - that's their failure, not Oliver's. Everything about this storyline is so incredibly dumb.
  12. Yes, I realize what "blinded by rage/grief/lust/love/etc." means. He just doesn't seem all that driven by emotion to me - he's incredibly cold, very calculating, very precise and patient. He doesn't seem to have any particular pressing need to get to Oliver - or to make Oliver specifically pay for anything. He's just killing a whole bunch of randos and bankrupting the city that his son lived in. Which would make sense if he hadn't put much thought into it and was just lashing out, but he clearly has put a lot of thought into it, to the point where he's counting on Oliver doing exactly what he's predicted him to do. So nothing that's happened so far gives me any indication that he has anything other than a case of the plot stupids. I'm glad the storyline is working for you, though! So I think we can probably agree to disagree where Cayden James is concerned.
  13. I think they were expecting it to go over better as well, or for the audience to at least see both sides. But so far it's been written like NotTA has a point (all the one-sided jabs on their part, with Felicity making one good-natured joke about turning their room into a gym), and all Echo's interviews indicate that NotTA is supposed to have a point, so I would be willing to bet that the negativity is probably surprising to them since they were likely not prepared for it.
  14. No need to apologize, I was just owning up to what I wrote and trying to clarify since it was a pretty general statement. :) Welcome!
  15. That was me! I was speaking specifically about the Civil War storyline - I haven't seen anyone personally attacking the actors over it, although I have seen people being nasty about Dinah, Curtis and Rene and @ing the actors for whatever reason. That doesn't seem like a huge offense to me, though. If I do come across someone getting personally nasty, I'll report it.
  16. Yeah, we discussed this back in September when she posted it - I thought he was talking about something more recent regarding the "Civil War" storyline.
  17. He is going to 3-D print the bejeezus out of Star City!!!
  18. I don't buy that a guy who was already captured by ARGUS and managed to escape would be so cavalier as to let someone else check a mysterious USB that arrived, and I also find it hard to believe that someone who was out free and presumably hell-bent on getting revenge for his kid's murder wouldn't assume that any and every lead that fell into his lap would be a trick by ARGUS to lure him back into getting captured again. He'd be heavily invested in staying free, if only to get said revenge. I like my villains as emotionally vulnerable as the next person, but I don't like them stupid - and at this point he seems pretty stupid to me. Especially since The only way any of this makes even a little bit of sense is if Alena was working a long con with Dick Dragon, and was the one who gave Cayden the USB drive and assured him that she'd checked it out and it was legit. I'd still have to hand wave that he wouldn't check it himself, but at least he trusts her and wouldn't have just plucked a USB out of the mail and went along with the information it contained uncontested.
  19. So, basically what Laurel did to Sara after she came out of the Lazarus Pit?
  20. Unless Alena is lying, the video arrived to Cayden on a USB drive sent in a package from Corto Maltese - for a murder that took place in Star City. Any hacker worth his salt (especially one worthy of being locked in an ARGUS black site) would've been suspicious of doing anything with a random USB drive he received in the mail - even if "EVIDENCE OF WHO KILLED YOUR SON" was written all over the envelope.
  21. It’s real footage that’s been doctored together to show Oliver’s face - which seems like something a computer super genius would check out.
  22. No, he mentioned Tom Brady (and the commentary on him kissing his son) separately after he mentioned the "entity." I think he's talking about people getting angry about the Canadian national anthem getting changed to be gender neutral.
  23. He doesn't even have to ignore his mentions - he's a verified user, so he has the option to just see his @s from people he follows.
  24. Yeah, I'm going to say he's just having another snit about Twitter for whatever reason. As a verified user, he's pretty much in control of the experience he has - he doesn't follow anyone abusive, and he has the option to check replies only from people he follows, so he could live a whole twitter life without ever seeing randos hating on him or anyone else if he wanted to. And it's not like Facebook doesn't have its abusive assholes - he's responded to them on there, LOL.
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