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Everything posted by Yokosmom

  1. Typical hoarder family--one parent hoards up the house into a toxic waste dump, while the other passive partner just stands by and allows their children to live in filth. I don't understand the lack of backbone in these people. I'm a wimp myself, and not really into conflict, but once the house started getting filled with mold and feces, I think it would stir me to make a stand. I really felt for the eldest son--as they mentioned, kids with his condition, which is basically a form of sensory overload, really need a neat, structured environment. I'm hoping that the couples counseling helps. I kind of wonder about the neighbor though--was she just hinting that she was going to call CPS, or did they just assume that she might, now that she had a grudge against them? Not sure about Yama. I do think that she is young enough that she can change her ways, but I feel that even if she does, she'll be in real danger of falling back into hoarding. She just didn't seem all that in to the clean up to me. I can see her shopping getting out of control as she starts getting stuff for the baby. Nothing against Ohio, but it would be nice to see another state once in a while.
  2. Yes, I'd read Helter Skelter many times, but Jeff Guinn's recent book had new information in it, specifically on Manson's early life. It also gives fairly comprehensive coverage of his musical odyssey. Really, he had more chances and certainly more industry connections that many other would-be musicians at the time. The cops were grossly incompetent--NOT because they didn't glom on immediately that these were cult killings, (can't fault them for that), but because so much evidence was mishandled and a number of leads (the location of the gun used in the Tate murders, the fact that news reporters found the murderers clothing and knives, etc.) weren't followed up on. I give them some slack on deciding that the Tate/LaBianca murders weren't connected. There were some dissimilarities in the crime scenes and the victims lived and ran in completely different social circles. However, the two sets of detectives working on those cases seemingly never compared notes or talked much at all, even though their desks were about 20 feet away from one another. If Manson was on anyone's radar, it was more due to suspicions of car theft.
  3. I'm looking forward to the Beach Boy connection on the show. Denis Wilson met some pretty girls and invited them to his house. Next thing he knows, the entire Manson family, which was possibly around 20 or so people have moved in. They wrecked his very expensive sports car. He wanted them gone, but was so intimidated by Manson that he wasn't quite sure how to get rid of them. Hoping that this shows up on a future episode. The scene where they talk about dumpster diving for food, and how much food was being thrown out was true to life. They got most of their food that way. The dumpster diving kept them going a lot longer than they otherwise might have.
  4. He was my favorite character too--I would have loved to have gotten a backstory on how those two got together and why Wesley was so loyal to Fisk. From a story standpoint, though, I understand why they had to get rid of Wesley--the last few episodes were spent slowly stripping everything/one Fisk cared about away from him. It would have taken longer to get there if Wesley had still been around. Also, quite genius to have him get done in by Karen, and in part due to an ill-timed phone call from Fisk. Still.....damn, the actor brought a lot to that role. Kudos to he and the writers for not making him a mindless, generic, minion. Here's to hoping we'll get some more interesting characters in season 2.
  5. I agree that the show was absolutely awful last night. Such a disappointment. I'm afraid that it will turn off any new or returning viewers, so it was especially stupid of the programming department to start the new season with such an awkward mess. I think that many viewers just wanted the old show back, minus Matt's "spend the night in the hoard" stunt and the hoarders that were so over the top mentally ill that no one could stand to watch them. So sad about Jim. I remember him from the first series because he was one of the ones who seemed to really turn his life around when they came back for a revisit. One of the show's few real success stories. His grandchildren were his priority, etc. So sad that he relapsed so badly. Perhaps the counseling money ran out? I hope that next week's show will be better. I have missed Matt, Corey, and the various psychiatrists/counselors.
  6. I'm not sure about Elias. It looked like he was shot in the heart, but he was still moving slightly, so who knows. However, even if he could possibly be saved, surely Samaritan would have him killed in the hospital. He didn't get a head shot like some of the others, though (clinging on to every thread of hope). I kept yelling "shoot him, shoot him" in Control's scene with Greer. We need another season, if only to have the satisfaction of seeing Old Smugface taken out. Sorry to lose Grice--wish it was Ivy. Computer guy is still alive at least. TM's propensity to walk unscathed through massive gunfire always amuses me. Outside of assassin guy, Samaritan's agents have the worst aim ever.
  7. I'm assuming that both Elias and Dominick will die next week--it sounds as though they plan to kill off at least one of the main characters, as well as a host of secondary ones, and Elias seems the most likely of those-who-are-not -TM to get taken out. He's had an arc through the entire season, and now they are winding it up. Not that I want that, mind you, but I have a hard time picturing his role next season if he defeats the Brotherhood in the finale. Just go back to being the charming crime boss that shows up once in a while? Of the two, I think that Control is more likely to survive until next year. Which is too bad--I would love to see those two together in the same scene... Agree on the angst factor, however, I would be willing to put up with a lot of manly mopiness to get rid of Iris.
  8. The Machine is as smart as Samaritan. Maybe it realized that this is what it would do itself, if the situations were reversed.
  9. Agree that Our Team should have protected Khan better. He died in part because they weren't open (enough) with him. I know that they think that they can't risk trusting anyone, but he'd already guessed about the AI aspect. He was a brilliant guy--I expected that the Machine had marked him out to be saved to be a future asset for the Team, but it was really his software that she was interested in. Of course, I was equally pissed at Khan for running from Team Machine, when they'd saved his life and he already knew or suspected that he could be easily found. Didn't have as much sympathy for him as I might have. I'm glad that Root is talking to the Machine again. I guess that I wasn't paying enough attention. WTH was the deal with the egg? And I hope to heaven that it wasn't an original Faberge egg. Didn't anyone else think that Finch was going to whip out a gun and kill Martine, saving Root? Next week's promo looks.....bizarre.
  10. I believe that the Cromwell so hated in Ireland is Oliver Cromwell, who came much later. Haven't read the books yet, so the deaths of his children as well as his wife was a real shock. Agree that the show is slow paced so far, but it kept my interest (at least until the power went out in my area--I missed the last 30 minutes or so). All the indoor scenes are dark, but that is true to the era. I read somewhere that there was more light in one lightbulb than what you could get from multiple candles in a typical home throughout much of history. I'm not sure if modern doctors have ever figured out what "the sweats" actually was. One of those horrible diseases where you are fine in the morning and dead by supper.
  11. His children even irritated me. For the interview, they were lined up in a scene that made me believe they were in church. Sorry, quote function doesn't work on my tablet. I'm glad that you felt that way too, RedHeadZombie. I was feeling guilty for feeling the same thing. The kids were obviously quoting their mother and they spoke in the same childlike way as she did--same intonations and all. Of course, kids are supposed to sound childlike... The kids were frightened because mommy and daddy made them that way, instead of staying calm to shield them. And if Chad wanted to scare the hell out of those teenage vandals, all he had to do was shoot that assault rifle into the air--that would have given him his gun protection jollies while scaring the hell out of the intruders. And no one would have been hurt. I'm not downplaying being frightened by possible intruders in a remote area--but Chad had a whole group of friends camping there that night--he wasn't alone.
  12. In a similar vein, the episode that I keep rewatching is the Chad Wallin--Reed case. That's the one where a car full of older teens vandalized Chad's property, which prompted him to chase them in his car for seven miles, shooting all the while, killing one and injuring two others. I can see how someone in a remote cabin in the woods could feel frightened, but really, the guy was clearly off his nut. He had a sign, "you are now entering the ROC (Republic of Chad) and only god-fearing red blooded Americans are welcome" or words to that effect. The teens thought the sign was funny, which was a sign of their immaturity, as someone just a little older would have realized that this indicated a mental state that was, shall we say, a little out of the norm. The teens were the sort that thought that mild vandalism and shining bright lights into campsites in the middle of the night were innocuous things to do. Not horribly bad kids, or outright thieves--more like adolescent jerks. That said, they definitely didn't deserve what happened to them. And quite frankly, Chad was so into projecting his uber-macho-manhood, that personally, I think that he would have erupted at a perceived threat at some point or another, sooner or later. His wife had a soft, child-like voice and like her husband, seemed to have a very simplistic view of things, or at least that's how she struck me. The guy was a Ranger wannabe that got kicked out the military for wearing insignia which he had not earned, amongst other things.
  13. Dominic's number 2 survived the explosion. Not sure why he wasn't in this episode. Maybe it was his character's night off.
  14. My assumption is that her father put it in the rabbit, just as a safe hiding place. He had no way of knowing that he'd end up dead and that his daughter would carry it around as a cherished toy for 26 years.
  15. Unpopular opinion here, but I've never really liked Murphy. I don't care how tiny and fierce she is, for some reason her character bores me. She's almost too perfect. Small, yet hot, and of course, total ninja warrior when it comes to fighting. Sigh. I get tired of some of the book's plots, that often seem dragged out a bit. Despite all of this, I love the series. Butcher seems to pull something completely off the wall off in every book. The identity of the new sword keeper. The foreshadowed, expected sword keeper Molly's fate. The real roles of the Summer and Winter Queens. Hades. and so on and so forth. Plus Toot-Toot! One of my favorite characters is Marcone, even though he is a bad, bad man. I think that he'll eventually end up either picking up a coin (to save coma girl) or pick up a sword, but whatever happens, he's going to be a major player in the Apocalypse.
  16. Doesn't Samaritan already communicate with Martine? They were conversing via cellphone in the department store when she went after Shaw. I don't see Samaritan dumping Greer until he becomes a problem. As long as he's a cheerleader for all of it's actions, there's no reason to get rid of him. Another great contrast between Samaritan and Team Machine--Greer has complete faith in Samaritan--Finch has deep doubts and mistrust of the The Machine.
  17. I've never understood why Samaritan didn't make blanketing the city with cameras a number one priority. It's not going to be able to cover every building, of course, but why in the world would it allow street blind spots to continue to exist? Hubris? It's so powerful that if feels that it is unneeded? Another Dominic/Elias comparison, perhaps?
  18. There's still that little matter of that virus that Harold hopefully passed on to Samaritan. I keep hoping that The Machine is luring Samaritan into a false feeling of security. Perhaps the Machine was lying when it says that it knows that it can't win. I'm hoping that the Machine is actually playing Samaritan. Agree that the kid was creepy as hell. If this was the setup episode, the next one is really going to put us through the wringer.
  19. Yes. I mean, I'm sure things are obviously going on behind the scenes, but it would be nice if the show would actually let us see what actions are being taken. Is TM recruiting like Samaritan? I'm sure that there's some nervous AI researchers out there that would be willing to join. That would be really interesting, though I'm not sure I can envision Elias taking on a man who killed his previous boss as his number 2. But that point reminds me--I want Elias at some point to learn about the Machine/Samaritan war. He may know that "things are different now", but he has no real conception of what TM is facing.
  20. It's a bit early, I suppose to be getting a wish list for next season, as this one isn't half over yet. So, I'll stick with this one. What I want to see for the second half... Elias survives to see another season and does not betray Team Machine. (I know that he's a bad, bad man. Still love Elias.) Also, he must kill Dominic in some incredibly clever way. Also, Bruce survives and stays loyal. If Elias goes, there won't be too many recurring (non government/CIA) characters left, outside of Leon and Zoe. He still has that extra missile/bazooka/whatever it was weapon, doesn't he? It may be the Chekhov's gun for this season. Speaking of Dominic, wouldn't mind him finding Finch before Elias takes him out. I'm ok with Link taking him out instead of Elias. Nobody on Team Machine gets killed/captured. I know, it is almost a given that we'll lose someone this season, but it's a bit of a puzzle. Reese and Finch are the leads, so I'm taking them off the plate. Fusco is needed for police help and info (and he adds so much to the show). Sameen is needed because Reese can't be everywhere. Root is perhaps the most expendable, now that Finch is apparently talking to the Machine, but hey, he can't be everywhere either. Root is apparently doing a lot of the Machine's behind the scenes work. I want Greer to realize that he has made a big, big mistake. I'm assuming that Martine will take him out at some point, but that is rather predictable, so perhaps TPTB will go with another scenario. I want some more scenes of the Machine fighting back. Nothing over the top, but something on top of the virus that has hopefully already been passed on. Not a big fan of Control, but ok with her showing up again. Would love to see some dialog between the Machine and Harold. What is their tone with each other? We've had several numbers that ended up getting Harold his new subway digs and a way to communicate. Would like another seemingly normal case to hand TM a big tool for their arsenal. No one must hurt Bear. I'm feeling hopeful on this last one, as one of the show runners said in an interview that only Bear was safe this season. But they could have been faking us out.
  21. I know that Samaritan is The Omnipotent One and all, but I call foul on this--how is it supposed to stop impulse crimes, or crimes committed in the heat of the moment? Too bad it didn't decide to do that LAST episode. We'd still have Anthony/Scarface.
  22. I call it a draw between Elias and Dominic tonight. Elias lost his henchman/friend/ally, his banker's identity is now known, and Dominic is now investigating Team Machine. However, For that alone, I call it a tie. That little seed of doubt is going to grow. And, as others have said, Dominic neither shows loyalty, nor inspires it. I agree that the writers are backing Team Machine into a real corner here, and predict that the season will either end with things becoming even more desperate (their covers blown, at least one member killed, etc.) or that a big rabbit will be pulled out of a hat to provide some hope. The beginning episodes of the season gave them some tools to hide--I'd like to see what the Machine is doing to fight back. However, back to this episode, I think that Anthony is the one that ended up providing the one hopeful moment, with his interaction with Link.
  23. Only bright spot in the episode was Paul's reaction to his girlfriend's disfigurement. I was so afraid that he would reject her now that she isn't pretty anymore. Daddy was a sicko, but also stupid--there was always the chance that she would come crawling back once the reality of the freak show life sunk in. And damn--he gave her a split tongue like a snake? I still don't understand why Dell didn't kill his blackmailer, but I guess the fact that he's a coward at heart answers that question. My take on Ma Petite's trust is that she has always been loved, cosseted and protected by the people around her. Plus, she knew Dell and didn't know of his dark side.
  24. No, he made it clear when looking at the pinheads at play, that they were safe because they were innocents. Sorry to see Twisty go so soon--I found him more interesting than Dandy. Dandy isn't all that clever--he's just a 5 year old in an adult body. Twisty's mouth was one of the nastiest things seen on this season. I think that Dell is lucky that Mordrake didn't go to his trailer before Elsa's. Speaking of Elsa, it take's a lot of handwaving to accept that she survived that snuff film--both of her leg arteries would have been severed by that chainsaw. Poor Elsa--she was only a "star" in porno films. I actually like the musical numbers but agree that they didn't fit into this episode. Although Denis O'Hare's character is aiming for Dot and Bette, I think that the little people and the pinheads are in greater danger from him. Although, I suppose that he could con the twins into a fake "separation" surgery.
  25. Well, the show had me fooled. I was sure that the woman was playing Harold rather than the other way around. Of course, if that had been true it would mean that Samaritan was on to him, so just as well that he was playing her. Always love Elias. So like him to ditch the guns but keep one for himself. The scene between he and Dominic was very tense. I think that there's a good chance that he'll kill Elias by the end of the season. Hoping that I'm wrong. Regardless, I want to see a scene where Finch sits Elias down and tells him what is really going on (sometime before the end of the season).
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