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The cackling was super immature, but the comment about the horns isn't as weird as it seems. I read somewhere that they had been (or were going to) a Halloween party that same night, which is why she is dressed and made up that way. So she likely had actual devil horns for a costume.
S18.E13: The Truth Always Comes Out
sara416 replied to TwirlyGirly's topic in Married At First Sight
I agree. What he did was shitty in the confines of him being technically married, but she checked out as soon as the wedding is over and has been completely uninterested in him since then. So why get hurt about it? She's mad that he is texting other women, but she has been less than minimally participatory in this marriage from the jump. She's holding him to some standard that he has to chase her or something when she has ZERO interest in making this work. -
Eh...she might not have drank as much as him. It was his birthday party, after all. Madison did mention at the football game that "no one forced him to take all those tequila shots!"
On the after party, Karla said that a bunch of them went out after the parties and stayed out until 4am. He was absolutely hungover.
David has lived by himself in an apartment before, correct? He has not always lived with his parents. I don't know if anyone else has ever moved an entire home full of stuff, no matter how small, into a new and different temporary place, but it sucks. I can give him some grace as he intends this to be temporary, so he isn't working to make this a true home. I do have some issues with the style of stuff though. I'm sure it's snobby, but if I walked into and actual apartment that was decorated like that by someone in their mid 30s, I would also be turned off. His basement looked a lot like the apartments guys I knew had in their early 20s just out of college.
Having watched him from the start on Big Brother, I just get the sense that he was never a cool kid, never had a lot of friends, and this show is like finally being asked to sit at the cool kids table. He attaches himself to anyone in power and tries to be them. One of the most telling moments of this was a few seasons ago when he was trying so hard to have some sort of conflict with Wes, and Wes flat out told him that there was no there there. People seem to like him outside of the show, so he's probably a nice guy. He just really comes across as emotionally and socially stunted, like that kid in jr high who spent time with the popular kids but they all talked about him behind his back. It's sad. And annoying.
No, and she's now a flight attendant.
I looked her up after the casting episode because the name of her business was there. It's cosmetic injections like botox. I kind of laughed when he mentioned she was "saving lives" as a nurse or whatever. He works at a school as a college counselor. He works at a collegiate charter school so they can be choosy about their students. He does work in a rough area but it being a charter school also helps them likely get a lot of financial aid and help from whatever university holds their charter. They are near UIC, which is not an easy school by any means.
I hate when people say women are "too much" but I'm going to say right now that I think Karla is too much for Juan. I think there is someone out there who will appreciate everything she is, but he already looks overwhelmed and they just met. I don't see this one going well. I also don't get the connection with Emem and Ikachi. I am sure they are both lovely people but something seemed off with him. Really hoping Allen and Madison work out. They had good energy.
Everyone is so damaged. Cody's father is so terrified of losing his son that he can't see that everything he is doing is pushing him closer to actually losing him. Carlee's sister is amazing and I want to give her a hug and a long, all expenses paid vacation where she can stop worrying about everything and everyone. I will not be surprised to see an update that they have died. So sad.
This makes me so happy! I'm so glad to see them doing so well!
I think there's only one type of video store still in business. This should be interesting.
Something was missing for me this episode and I'm not sure what it was. I feel like there was more to her story and we weren't given the information. They really glossed over the stuff with her mom at the beginning and the stuff she was getting into in her early teen years. They also never really outlined what drugs she was using, which I think it what led to me having little investment in her and little hope for her. The narrative of the episode didn't seem like "let's help an addict" it seemed more like "out of control party kid needs shipped away". I don't know...something just didn't sit the same as other episodes.
I've been to the DR often, it's one of my favorite vacation places. Those birds will take ANYTHING. They really like shiny things, I saw them steal a button off a guy's polo shirt and my husband got into a battle with one to steal back a keychain he had hanging off his hat. They are gorgeous thieves! I loved seeing the DR in the race, it's so beautiful and the culture there is so wonderful. Also, that "mud" that they drove through in the dune buggies is not just mud. It's probably best to think of it as just mud when you are driving through it, but those roads are backroads near farms and there's other substances in that mud that you don't want to think about being covered in.
Brooks transformation was amazing! I really didn't have high hopes for him to be honest. Something seems off about Taryn, even in his update. Like he hasn't worked through everything or he's not buying into it. I worry for him when he gets home.