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Everything posted by CousinAmy

  1. Re: Sherri's court couture. A few months ago I had an idea to hit up a local hardware store for funding for a program for our preschoolers. When I offered to drop off the proposal, my boss said she'd do it, and wear a low-cut blouse that day. She never explained what she would do if the manager in charge wasn't swayed by large breasts. Re: Today's discussion about religion making children less likely to distinguish facts from fantasy. Sherri tells the viewers that she tells Jeffrey about Shadrack, Meshash and Abednego so that he'll understand what faith is. If he doesn't have faith in that story, how can he ever believe a man can rise from the dead? I think Whoopi is probably counting the days until she doesn't have to explain everything to her co-hosts.
  2. Just a reminder that tonight's finale is 90 minutes long! (Or short, if you were hoping for 2 hours.) As bad as this show is, I really miss this particular franchise when it's gone. Bravo seems to be trying to "re-create" the magic with all of its copycat shows - groups of guys and gals doing things - but really there's nothing like it. Except Game of Crowns, which I think should be running on an endless loop 24/7 on its own channel.
  3. I was re-thinking this, and it may be that Evan's generation will be one that won't care. I'm old enough to be Jenny's mother, and old enough to be Evan's great-grandmother (barely, I'm 65) which is several generations removed from "kids today." And "kids today" don't seem to have the same feelings about privacy as their elders do. With so many teens and pre-teens using social media - not to mention Jenny and Sherri's attitude towards it - I don't think this will be a problem when their sons are old enough to have unlimited access to it. We've seen how the older Gosselin daughters feel about having had their lives exposed for the past 10 years - but this is different, Jeffrey's been on the show once or twice, and I don't think Evan has been at all. Their exposure is really limited to "dumb stuff my mom says."
  4. Now I'm wondering why two kids with special needs are in a camp where counselors aren't specially trained to care for them. (Even if the staff at the camp had training, how could they be oblivious to Evan being bullied?)
  5. I brought this up on Jenny's thread, I think, but I don't know that Evan is likely to read these news stories - and certainly it wouldn't be fodder for the bullies. I doubt 12-year-old boys are looking online for entertainment news or reading synopses of The View. It was a discussion at a roundtable of other moms, a great-grandmother, and a new dad. I don't see it as out-of-line in those circumstances.
  6. I'm not sure that she's trying to walk away because it's inconvenient. Since donor eggs were used, it's not her baby. Sal wants the baby very much, what's wrong with letting him have the baby, since he's been bleating about it for months. Give him a settlement, and let him go to work to support himself and his baby. I think she must have something in the contract which allows her to back out.
  7. Today Jenny shared that her son Evan, who's away at camp, tells her every day how much fun he's having at camp, and how many friends he's made. But the camp called her to tell her that Evan hasn't made any friends, but he has attached himself to the bullies and believes that anything they do to him - throwing dirt down his pants - is a sign that they like him. She wanted advice about how or when should she tell Evan that these kids aren't his friends. I couldn't tell if this is a camp for children with special needs, or a camp for all kids. I wonder why she doesn't enlist the help of the people who run the camp, who maybe should keep an eye on a nine-year-old boy being bullied.
  8. I don't think Sherri's constant "dance moves" are a sign of ADHD. It's part of her loose-and-free new persona. "Look at me, I'm so sexy when I dance, I can't help it." It's like her speech, which has suddenly become much more slangy. If Barbara could see her now! She's thumbing her nose at the idea that she's a serious, staid older woman. (And at 48, she's much closer to middle age than teenage.) I couldn't imagine not washing my hair at least every two days. It feels greasy when I don't, and while it might look shiny and beautiful, it just doesn't feel clean. Obviously - to quote a phrase I haven't seen for a few months - YMMV.
  9. When a surrogate gives birth, whose name goes on the birth certificate? Would Sherri's name be on it? Even if it wasn't her egg?
  10. It's all fine and dandy until your financial advisor goes to jail (see: my mother). You have to keep an eye on them and not blindly trust that they are protecting your interests. (Yup, my mother, who gained and lost her nest egg each time her so-called advisor went to jail. Oh, and her attorney kept her advisor company in the pokey.) Now, is Sherri smarter than my mother, who, without my knowledge, fell for the snake-oil salesmen every time? (In her 70s and 80s, with no signs of dementia, a brilliant woman who unfortunately didn't like to be bothered with the details.) I hope Sherri has people she can trust handling her business affairs - but she hasn't exactly been a model for smart choices.
  11. I think he enjoyed being snarky, and it was very rude to allow the children to mock their guest. No one said they had to pray with her. All they had to do was be polite and shut up. They were not toddlers who couldn't hold in a case of the giggles. They were old enough to practice some self-control.
  12. Maybe Jeffrey is away with his father this weekend? I wonder how well Christian comedy pays? I can't even imagine what it is. Since she's on late, can she get a little raunchy? We need someone on the scene to report back to us. I'd offer to go but I'm Jewish.
  13. Oy, I watched this thing twice and I can't tell the players without a scorecard. The brunettes do stand out, thank god, but the blondes seem interchangeable. I wish they would put up a chyron with their name, their titles, and their husbands' names when each one appears on-screen. I guess I have to pay more attention to the length of the blonde hair on each to tell them apart.
  14. Thanks for the update - and I checked out the Facebook page. This should start a conversation about options for mothers without adequate childcare, but somehow I don't think the country is really focused on this issue. There's an article about black latch-key children on their page. If only Sherri knew what mothers really had to face, and it's not human-trafficking.
  15. Here's Sherri on Entertainment Tonight, talking about her plans for the future: "Maybe they need a chocolate Ellen!" I think in some ways she is relieved that she isn't constricted by Barbara's rules for proper decorum. I think she appreciates that she can loosen up with her clothing choices, get angry and loud when she feels passionate about a topic, and dance at the table whenever. I think she'll be around for awhile, since she does make these appearances, gives interviews, etc. But as an actress, or as a "personality"?
  16. She was raised on Long Island - her parents weren't "super-rich" but they were comfortably upper-middle-class. She was to Allie's father (I don't know what happened with that husband) before she met and married Bobby. He owns a fabric store in Manhattan but I think he made his serious money in real estate. He treats Jill like a queen so she's used to spending money anywhere and any way she wants.
  17. I tried to find out the age that children could be left alone in a car when Young and Restless had the "Billy left Delia alone in the car" storyline! I couldn't find out much, either for Wisconsin (where Genoa City is located!) or for New York, where I live. I work in a preschool so I'm a New York State Mandated Reporter and if I see a child left alone in a car in our parking lot, I'm supposed to report it. Instead, I usually tell one of the social workers on our site and they have a talk with the parent. They'd only call the police if there was a repeated pattern. If she had left the girl home alone, it might have been illegal but chances are no one would see her to report it. (I wonder if the home is unsafe - they said her laptop was stolen - and that's why Mom didn't leave her there.) Of course, a child left home alone might be in just as much jeopardy than a child in a crowded playground. Accidents happen. I became a latch-key kid at the age of 12, but millions of children younger than that are left home alone by necessity. As for this case, the cops could have used their discretion. Did they have to go to such extremes?
  18. Thanks, @Stacee, I appreciate the info. But isn't the point of wearing a weave to give the appearance that that's your own hair? As I said, some of the wigs looked so good on Sherri that at times I thought she had had her hair cut and styled the night before. The weird thing about this particular weave is that it makes the hair on the top of her head look thin, since it seems to be pulled down by gravity on the sides.
  19. So Sherri's weavy guy makes it known that her weave is made of Peruvian hair. Now I'm no expert on weaves, but do you really want everyone to know that you're not only not wearing your own hair, you're wearing the hair of some stranger in another hemisphere? I know the ship has sailed as far as Sherri's changing looks go, since we've run the gamut of wigs from "horrible" to "just okay," but somehow I could suspend my disbelief, especially when it was a short one (following a hideous long one) that flattered her face, so it looked like she got a nice cut and color. But don't tell me the nationality of your hair, for goodness sakes!
  20. I agree with Whoopi that the over-the-top protectiveness has to stop. Yes, as an 8 and 9 year old in the '50s my friends and I disappeared from sight for hours at a time. There were woods behind our house that were dense enough that you couldn't see what was going in the clearings from the outside. There may be more news about predators now, but are they a new phenomenon? I doubt it, since most molesters know their victim. We just hear news about it now, since people have come forward to speak out. When I was 6 in 1956 we moved to a new town. That same year there was a child abduction in our old town (toddler whose body was never recovered) and a infant kidnapping that made national news - the baby Peter Weinberger case - who was found dead in our new town. Did our parents get terrified everytime we were out of their sight? Sherri -get a grip. Not everyone has the luxury to hire help or afford a summer camp for their child. And as you are a SINGLE MOTHER, as you tell us every day, stop the demonization of single mothers!
  21. I never got the feeling that Donnie is into Jenny as much as she thinks he is. She seemed to be climbing all over him the first time he was on, while he was more reserved. I don't think they seem like a serious, bonded-for-life couple. Maybe that's what Mark's wife was implying. I feel bad for Evan that here's another male who will be in his life for a short period of time before disappearing. She is now neck-and-neck with Sherri for my Mother of the Year award.
  22. And you also love using those bullet points!
  23. The theme was Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil so Heather's white dress was supposed to represent Good. She must have known that Carole would be wearing that red dress. She should have made it a black-and-white party - but it was pretty cool the way it worked out. Laid-back Carole? Where was she when Frantic Carole was rushing around micro-managing. Harry is completely sexless. His kisses are not the ones a "girl" dreams of. What is Sonja getting herself into? Jill's daughter went north - to Sarah Lawrence, but she may have transferred to Vanderbilt in Tennessee. We did see Jill taking the train up to Bronxville to see Ally at school.
  24. But her job is making appearances - that seems to be her main source of income now. If she was getting acting jobs on Blue Bloods, she wouldn't have had to do all these 'fests.' I think as long as Jenny can keep her assets perky, she'll have a much longer shelf-life. Sherri, not so much.
  25. I thought Whoopi, alone, should be the one to talk to Jada. I wouldn't trust any of the others to do a non-sensationalistic job; none of them have the warmth and empathy that Whoopi has. She's raised children - daughter and granddaughter, and I think she would know how to speak to a young teen without sounding like she's interviewing a media celebrity. Barbara Walters got to do solo interviews but I guess they don't trust Whoopi with that responsibility? No, she's not a "journalist," but I'd like to hear what she would say to the child without the other hyenas chiming in.
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