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Everything posted by OakGoblinFly

  1. "Sometimes you get a prince even if you don't want a prince." --- priceless.
  2. Even though the quality has fallen off lately, I am reading Crimson Shore, the 15th book in the Agent Pendergast series by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. I have to admit this one is better than the last three or four books, there's a lot of Constance Greene and I find her an interesting character. I can't help it, Agent Pendergast is one of my favorite characters and I enjoy reading about him (even in less than stellar stories). I find it hard to break up with him - much I like I find it difficult to completely break with Harry Dresden.
  3. So, did anyone else notice how Scott skirted the issue on how the actual songs were seletected? I can't help thinking that certain (odd ball) songs were foisted on certain contestants to help other contestants who were given songs that helped moved the "narrative" along.
  4. I don't even know why I bother watching - none of these contestants is even remotely ready for prime time. Once Sonika gets her nerves under control and breaks out of shell a bit I think she might have a decent career as I think she's the only one with a radio friendly voice right now.
  5. Buy your IT Cosmetics from QVC - it's cheaper than Ulta (especially when they create bundles) and the infomercial (which forces you subscribe to an automataic delivery service).
  6. I, much like Mr. Harvey was tickled at how the little girl was sitting with her legs crossed and hands primly placed on her knees.
  7. I enjoyed this more than I thought I would - the kids were, for the most part, adorable and Steve Harvey was great. I especially liked the little boy who was a huge Bruce Lee fan - his giggle was so infectious. I was very impressed with his ability to mimic Bruce Lee’s movements and facial inflections. The basketball kid had me rolling when he asked why there were three girls sitting in the front and weeping tears when he asked Steve where his balls were. This looks like it could be a pleasant way to kill an hour on Sunday nights.
  8. She's pretty much the most powerful being in the Marvel comics too ..... so her taking on Vision doesn't surprise me.
  9. So let me get this straight judges - every pair sang their duet song without changing it and the only ones who get called out are Dalton and Mackenzie? Alrighty then. And Harry, you only ask Mackenzie and Dalton what their duet song means? Simon Cowell would have called La'Porsha's performance "indulgent" and the very definition of “karaoke.” I didn’t like a thing about it; and unless she’s adding runs on every line, her vocal ability is rather ordinary. I’m bored with her already. I can’t believe I am going to agree with Jennifer Lopez (who looked stunning but was dressed horribly) – since they’ve “made over” Trent something seems to be missing from his vocal performance. He’s still good; it’s just that he is missing that little something extra that made him rather special. Oh Keith, don’t you remember David Cook’s wonderful rendition of Eleanor Rigby? Dalton’s version was the first time you thought about the “dark” undertones of the song? Nice performance by Dalton; vocals weren’t particularly strong (then again he’s not the best vocalist out there) yet I found it very enjoyable. I really enjoyed Mackenzie’s take on You Are So Beautiful: I thought that was the best he’s sounded during this entire season. Sorry show, nothing you do (even using her Grandpa) will make me like Tristen (something about her rings false and highly calculated) – she ain’t no Martina McBride and I thought she missed the connection to the song (despite the fact that Harry was feeding her lines). There’s a rather flat, nasally quality to her singing that I do not like. Avalon seems like a really sweet person and I adore her rather laid back vibe; I don’t know why she wasn’t connecting to the audience. I wonder if song choice played into it at all. I really like Sonika; I like that she’s shy and awakward and complexly unsure of herself. I’m not bothered by her “woodenness” (and frankly no one will ever beat the wooden queen that was/is Carrie Underwood). The girl can sing, she has a radio friendly voice, and I think she has a chance at becoming a legitimate pop star (I thought she sounded the best when singing next to Demi Lovato). It's too bad that the show seems to be pushing for a Tristen (if not La'Porsha) win. Lee seems really sweet – he’s wasn’t ready for prime time.
  10. Bryan Fuller and Neil Gaiman ...... that sounds like a perfect match.
  11. I thought that she and Bale were both visible "acting" and I did not enjoy either prerformance. Adams and Cooper were better (but still not great). I though Renner was the most under appreciated individual in that entire mess (which really isn't saying much as I detested that film).
  12. Has Demi Lovato always been that bad? I thought the only girl who sounded decent next to her was Sonika, having the most radio friendly pop voice of the group. Bandzilla strikes again and makes it nearly impossible to hear Lee or Mackenzie. Jennifer looked stunning; that dress was so flattering and I liked the make-up and hair. Too bad she spoiled her look with some of her over-the-top stupid comments. Thank you so much for crowning LaPorsha the winner; nice to know there's no need for me to vote. <rolls eyes>. I didn't enjoy many of the performances tonight - I liked Trent and I liked Avalon (that was a perfect song for her) and I like Sonika (even if she was a bit to peppy on that song). Dalton disappointed and Lee and Mackenzie were predicable. Also predicable, LaPorsha - I don't get why the judges, powers-that-be, and the audience were losing their collective poop over that performance; I thought it was (once again) highly indulgent and froth with clichéd runs. Not. A. Fan. Tristan sounded screechy when she sang the Lovato song but was better on her solo song (even though I thought it was a highly manipulative choice). I can’t quite put my finger on what it is, however there is something about her that reads as extremely artificial – and not artificial in the highly calculated Olivia vain (who only seems calculated in performance, otherwise she seems very genuine). Ginna really couldn’t hang vocally – though I do wonder what she’ll sound like with a few years maturity and training – however she seems like a very sweet, dorky girl – I like that about her. I did not like Harry’s song.
  13. She's been on my "I want her out, like yesterday" list since the first episode where she announced, not once, but twice "Mel in da'house!!" Was it last season where they used a weighted scoring system? That seems the most fair to me.
  14. Until one of their favorites is sent packing and then it's back in.
  15. Can I get an "amen?" There's no question that the girl can sing, I just don't understand the over the top reactions (and this is only week one!). I thought a great deal of that song was self-indulgent drek. Harry should have given his “run speech” on La’Porshca’s performance not Trent’s.
  16. The only thing I didn't like about Jennifer's look this week was her hair; it looked dry and damaged - it's usually so glossy that I noticed it right away. Jennifer is a stunning woman; I wish she'd back off heavy the make-up a little - I don't think she needs to go full out glam (with wild colors) all the time - I think she's the most stunning when she wears a neutral eye and a bright lip. I'm pretty sure that the powers-that-be had a hand in song selection; they harped on "iconic" moments of the alumns moments on idols. I also think that singing one of the alumns post-idol songs/current release was the only way to get some of them back.
  17. I agree - I thought some of the alumns (I'm looking at you Haley) were there to promote a new project; the only ones one gave any decent advice were Jordan Sparks and Chris Daughtry. I also think that the judges were going to send certain people (Tristan) through regardless of how sucky they performend (and she was awful in both her performances). Other than Dalton (who is interesting) and Olivia (who really has a great voice) and possible Trent (who sings well enough) I feel like the rest of this group is cannon fodder (no much matter how badly the powers-that-be want to make Tristan happen I don't see it).
  18. Kevin Hearne, who writes The Iron Druid Chronicles is someone that I no longer enjoy reading. The first five/six books of this series were wonderful, then books seven and eight happened and I find that I had to force myself to finish the books. The issue, for me, is the Hearne moved away from what made those first books so enjoyable; they were silly (but in a good way) and focused on a single character (Atticus O’Sullivan), his wolfhound, and the people he met . Sadly the last two books are taken over by two exteremely annoying characters and Atticus is pushed to barely a third of the story - that doesn't even take into consideration that I feel the writing style has gotten weaker and that the stories have gotten worse.
  19. I am nearly finished with Brandon Sanderson's The Bands of Mourning (one of his Mistborn novels). Based on numerous recommendations and the excellent SyFy show, Leviathan Awakes by S,A. Corey is next in my queue (which is odd, becuase I rarely read a book after watch a film/television adaptation.
  20. So if Meisner had to "break" Juilette to turn her into Eve, why is he looking to her for direction? Is Eve in charge?
  21. I thought this episode was very uneven and for the most part I didn't like it. It feels like the powers-that-be are trying to shoehorn in so many people and storylines that the entire episode felt disjointed. Did we really need to have the Joe and Jenny conversation right in the middle of the heist? The conversations between Pandora and the Hidden One were useless (expect the one where the Hidden One dismisses Pandora, her feelings, and her powerlessness - because that's going to bite him in the end). I liked Zoe - well that is until the writers changed her completely. I Ilike Abbie's new hair. I found Crane's wig in the flashback distractingly bad.
  22. Ugh! What a steaming pile of dung - I can't believe how awful everyone NOT namede Dalton or Olivia (and maybe Trent) were. Did anyone sing on key? At first I thought Harry was being extra grouchy, then I realized the bad singing was making him grumpy because it was making me grumpy.
  23. The premesis reminds me a little bit of Snowpiercer (the whole class struggle where the better classes are at the front of the train instead of on a higher floor bit).
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