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Everything posted by renatae

  1. Danielle is so busy sticking up for her right to be selfish that she can't see that her choosing her friend over Johan's objections sends a signal to him that her friend is more important to her than he is. She's an idiot who vastly overestimates her intellience. Yes, I think until July. 😞
  2. Hi, all! So much to be disgusted about. Jen saying f*** Rishi's mom for calling her old, and she'll never speak to her again if his mom repeats that. Guess what, Jen, you *are*too old. You can't have children. And she probably won't speak to you again after your horrid disrespectful remarks and attitude. Mahmoud laughing about his online encounter. Toad.
  3. I can identify with that, lol. Many years ago and we were at my mom's house in between. She gave me all sorts of dirty looks later. Too late for your disapproval, mom!
  4. Sorry, I was unclear. I meant what Teresa went through with Juicy Joe, not the daughters.
  5. Sheeshe. "Respect for Joe and Melissa." Weddings are not a venue to make a statement about those not involved. If you can't be happy for the couple, keep your butt at home, Bravolebrity or no.
  6. I doubt Gia meant it the way I'm thinking, but it makes me think about what she must have been through all those years with nasty Joe G.
  7. I'm watching now. Sure, the crown was OTT. But I love weddings and I'm enjoying this one. The hair was, yes, too high, but absolutely gorgeous from the back. Beautiful dresses, so far everyone getting along. Jennifer is stunning in that gown. Could have done without the side show at the reception! Not missing Melissa and her constant sourpuss commentary. I used to really be on her side, but she is tiresome. Oh, whoops, here's her sidekick Margaret, crying not because she's sentimental over the wedding. She's sad because Joe, who opted out, isn't there. So let's not celebrate, everyone, I'm going home. Nothing to celebrate here. SMH Oh, I see M&J found a way to piss all over the wedding on social nedia. Don't worry, Margaret, they are having a gay old time. Joe, especially, acting as though Tre refused to ask Melissa to be in the wedding. Love their revisionist history. Guess you weren't invited to the wedding, either, right?
  8. Jen is being extremely rude to Rishi's mom. Deplorable.
  9. Rishi's mind hasn't changed. Basically, Jen's admitting she'll take him on any terms.
  10. Hi, everyone! Hope you're all doing well. Can't believe I actually made it live!
  11. Let's see, Oussama paints pictures of aliens which look like a 6 year old's attempts, and he thinks he needs someone to understand his extreme angst and soul crushing perspective? OK.
  12. Gabe's sister is just another mean girl. I see from the preview that she's going to refuse to be at the wedding. Doesn't care who she alienates. Bad move after Isabel was so gracious. Surprised that Rishi had been so honest. Not so surprised that his mother was a more polite version of Sumit's mother. Them's the rules in India. I had great hopes for Debbie packing up and leaving, but hearing her say "love conquers all" gave me chills. So Oussama thinks she should just ignore when he says nasty things while angry. He thinks that should give him carte blanche to be as abusive as he wants to. He apparently hasn't even considered she is probably hoping the clothing wars will be over, and she apparently hasn't considered that just because western women don't dress according to Egyptian rules doesn't mean he will change his ideas.
  13. Chance definitely showed his true colors. He is the most unreasonable person. "Nobody tells me how to do anything. I don't have to tell anybody anything. I spent 10 years in jail." Yeah? And whose fault was that? Tayler's? You lying, controlling turd. Do her a favor and leave.
  14. I was really disappointed they didn't try any local dishes! If you're going to eat the same old same old, stay home!
  15. I agree about Fuda. Sure, Tre answered, but she always blurts out answers without even thinking. She's just not quick enough not to. She didn't have a malignant tone, either. I'm getting sick of the Ste. Melissa act. After Joe kept going at Teresa, and the lies from Melissa about doing so much for Teresa's kids, it's getting a little old. "You didn't invite my MIL, blah, blah." Melissa turned down the admittedly belated invitation to be in the wedding, but turns around and acts as though she wasn't asked at all. Meh.
  16. This freaking TC. What a blob. Amber: "I feel so alone after the baby." TC (Staring at navel): "Grunt." Awesome.
  17. Chance is a jerk. No, talking to other women secretly isn't going to make Tayler feel secure. Your secretiveness is your problem and pretending to be stupid about it and blaming her - bosh. At least be up front and stop acting like you don't have to tell her anything. Aris needs to "make up" with her father, not joy boy. Her father, her responsibility to inform him. Finding out that Cameron wanted to ask your dad for your hand makes you look really bad, Aris.
  18. Not sure how I feel about Maya and Karina getting back together. Maya has suddenly gotten herself back together after a completely inexplicable disintegration. I'm getting whiplash. I started out with years of not liking this show and finally started to like it, but now it's going off the rails again. (My son always wants me to watch it with him.) Ah, a smear of crisis pregnancy centers, which don't have staff pretending to be doctors or nurses, have actual medical models of stages of fetal development and not cutesy pictures, and are definitely NOT publicly funded. Everything they do is free and funded privately. Prenatal classes, clothing, workshops, housing assistance, baby clothes, etc.
  19. Blue haired guy is a true pot stirrer. He really was in Georgi's face. I think he needed a pounding, pacifist as I am, lol. It was interesting that their dad was so adamant that they stay away and kept telling them not to cry. His BS assimilation level was reached about 2 years ago. I'll bet he didn't want cameras in his face, either.
  20. Night, everyone! Thanks for the snark! Great to see @Trackdawg Hope you are OK @Pepper Mostly
  21. Kris bouncing around again like all people with back/neck injuries do.
  22. Yeah, I LOL'd at that "Queen of the house" comment.
  23. Yes, most likely. There is an entire community of people whose children were born ambiguous, and years back many believed parents should not choose the sex, but let the child choose when they were older.
  24. I have a theory about Gabe. He may have been born with ambiguous genitalia and someone mistakenly assigned him female without doing a karyotype. Long shot, but that's my theory. I'll show myself out.
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