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Everything posted by Dandesun

  1. I related hard to Frigga who put her husband down for a long nap, told her son to do his homework and then went for a wine weekend with her sister. I don't have a husband or a son... but I do have sisters and the wine weekend... yeah. That's more a daily thing, but still. This was obviously just a lark but after all of the murderdeath, I appreciated it. I loved the Carol vs Thor knock down drag out. I loved that Carol said no one knew what Stonehenge was for but it was seriously uncool to knock it over. I loved the shriek Thor let out when his hammer came back draped with beads, underwear and graffiti. Jotun!Loki was a hoot. I loved that Jane kind of let things get out of hand a little bit but was the one to get to Heimdall and Frigga when it became more than obvious that Thor wasn't going to slow down for anything less. It was a fun episode. Was Infinity!Vision/Ultron necessary? Not really. Would this universe result in 'Ultron, we would have words with thee?' Probably not. And it turns into a gigantic 'Exactly HOW did Ultron/Vision actually happen in this universe?' which is the kind of question I don't want to be asking after a super fun and silly episode.
  2. No judgement from me, Kevin. I, too, would be speechless in the presence of Tony Leung. It's entirely possible I would dither a bit but I would TRY to maintain some dignity.
  3. I went to see this last night with some friends. First time in a theater in I don't even know how long so that in itself was rather delightful. I was introduced to Tony Leung in Hero back in 2002 and he was so captivating that I dove headfirst into Hong Kong cinema for awhile. Every time he came on screen I audibly sighed and my friend just laughed. I thought that first fight where he fought Lieko Wu was absolutely breathtaking. I mean, it was so beautiful that you knew they were falling in love. Sean and Katy's friendship was wonderful. I loved how they leaned into the more irresponsible, having fun part of their lives by going to karaoke and I loved the book-end with Wong at the very end. But I also love that every time he was all 'I have to do this on my own' she was all 'Yeah, I'm coming with you, and you're telling me everything on the way.' I also really liked how it unfolded that he really did kill the guy who killed his mother. When he denied killing anyone at first, it was believable, but as the whole family turmoil and drama developed it wasn't at all surprising that he did the job and then never went back. Being a mythology nerd from my earliest days, the village with all of the magic creatures was everything. Nine tails!! When everyone was lining up to fight I leaned over to my friend and said 'If either of those lion-dogs die I am burning this theater to the ground.' Also? DRAGON. Look, I have no chill when it comes to dragons. It's like Valkyrie showing up on a winged horse. Where? Why? How? I DON'T CARE! DRAGONS AND FLYING HORSES FOREVER! Also, it's been over 10 years and people are still leaving before the end credit scenes. The first one played and people started leaving. I sat in my chair going 'There's two scenes. Two scenes. Just trying to help. Seriously. Two scenes. Parking isn't that bad here. THERE ARE TWO SCENES!' None of them listened to me. Woe upon them.
  4. I feel like that's not too far from what the comic series actually was. I only got an issue here and there when the idea appealed to me but I don't remember a lot of them turning out well. With this series, we've got the first episode which is a retread of Cap's origin movie but Bucky didn't fall and become the Winter Soldier and Steve got to be the little man in the big suit. Then the second episode we have T'Challa being the Best Starlord Ever and even talking Thanos out of his bullshit plan. And everything since then has been death murder murderdeath and misery. What the hell, guys, can't you even give me Planet Hulk Steve/Bucky reuniting and riding off into the sunset together on their giant red dinosaur?! IT'S WHAT I WANT!!
  5. I still haven’t watched the zombie episode. I just… no. I really fucking hate zombies.
  6. Killmonger and General Ross teaming up with Tony Stark tech is a nightmare, no doubt. Although anytime Ross gets screwed is delightful. But Shuri and Pepper teaming up? Now I’m interested.
  7. I was thinking the same thing. I hope they at least ASKED him, you know?
  8. Rogers: the Musical is everything I didn’t know I wanted.
  9. I am not looking forward to the zombies. I do not like zombies. They are a consistent recurring nightmare and making Cap one is just salt in the wound. I really don't like zombies.
  10. My thoughts exactly. Seriously. I even call it 'that fucking song' and have since it came out. And yeah, I'm the one who posted what it was. In a way, it's fitting. Given the absolute fuckery showcased by this list that fucking song being at the top is actually perfect. You know, in a screaming into my pillow kind of way.
  11. Dandesun

    Clueless (1995)

    Well, I do appreciate the Chris Evans' film debut clip because, you know, Chris Evans. I actually showed this to my almost 15 year old niece yesterday. She thought it was all right but I think there were a few things that didn't land to her 15 year old self. Truthfully, she loved Clue way more. I know it's not the same wheelhouse but still.
  12. I'm okay with the Russos not running the ship anymore as far as directors go. They had their say and then some when it came to the Marvel firmament and they did good. In some instances they did great. But at this point, I think different voices are necessary.
  13. Back in the day, my Mom had an 8-track (!!!) that was basically Tammy and Loretta's greatest hits. Lord, if ever there was a peak way of showing their voices off. There's Tammy singing 'Stand By Your Man' and 'D-I-V-O-R-C-E' while Loretta is all 'Don't Come Home a-Drinkin' with Lovin' on Your Mind' and 'Fist City.' And then I think of the commentary in the Country Music documentary where Tammy was always singing about standin' by her man and Loretta was telling them where they could get off but Tammy was constantly in and out of marriages and Loretta was married to the same man forever and maybe they ought to have switch songs. I'm thinking Loretta telling her man where he could go with his bullshit was probably the reason she stayed married to the same one. Not that he was all great shakes but she sure as fuck didn't roll over for anyone. Tammy just seemed a broken soul who sought out other broken souls thinking love would fix it all and it never did. At any rate, Tammy's not been my favorite singer in country and 'Stand By Your Man' well... I will say this. I fucking love that scene in 'The Blues Brothers' so there's that.
  14. I still sing "I was raised by two lesbians" when I hear that song. I just like it more than "I was raised by a toothless bearded hag." Although her being incredulous at 'a spike right through my head' is even funnier given that it's the real lyric.
  15. I suppose this is as good a time as any to express my outrage that there's nothing of John Denver on this list. Now, I admit that there's a huge nostalgia factor when it comes to him. My Dad loved him, I grew up on his music as much as I did the Beatles or the Stones or Dolly or Loretta or Waylon or Willie. And there was such a blowback of 'he's not country, he's folk' but that holds absolutely no water whatsoever when fucking Kid Rock is on this list. They have a fuckton of Jason Aldean songs on this list and yet, somehow, 'Rocky Mountain High' 'Take Me Home, Country Roads' or 'Back Home Again' aren't represented at all. That's fucking bullshit.
  16. And now Charlie's gone. Charlie Watts passed at 80 in London surrounded by his family according to their rep. Rock just lost a lot of its roll today.
  17. I mean, not only would Red Skull do something that ridiculously stupid (and fitting given how racist Lovecraft was even for the time) but of course he wouldn't conceive of the possibility that Cthulhu would immediately crush him upon getting through the wormhole. Stupid Hydra.
  18. Whenever they bring up what isn't on the list or which artists have like one or two songs when they should be represented and respected way the hell more... it makes me livid.
  19. Sersi digs those Northern Stark types apparently.
  20. There comes a point where a movie has become such a part of culture that you already know it and it's almost unnecessary to actually sit down and watch it. You know all the points, all the beats and you've probably seen so many homages and satires of it that nothing about it would be new. I think that's probably fair.
  21. I go back and forth on the idea of when Steve possibly lost his virginity but, ultimately, I don't think it matters all that much. I will say that my favorite fan theory was that Marlene Dietrich got a hold of him on a USO tour. Of course that probably didn't happen. But I love the idea that it did. More than that is the idea that he and Bucky were already fucking but that's deep in the Stucky-ness of it all. I'd give it to Marlene. I just like it.
  22. How is badminton this fun to watch?! We had a set in our backyard when I was in the 6th grade and we just tried to see how high we could make the birdie fly but competitive badminton is crazy! I'm loving it!
  23. I don't want to hear about the ages! Just let me ogle and admire without the guilt! If I were to pick age appropriate Olympians at this stage in my life I'm limited to the Equestrians. Not that I'm mad about that but it's a small pool is all. Although it doesn't help when I see some of these baby faces. I remember when the men's gymnasts were like 'Oooo... MEN' and now I'm like 'THEY'RE BABIES!! THEY'RE ALL BABIES!!!' Time is unkind.
  24. I remember when synchronized diving was announced as an Olympic sport... I just thought the idea was idiotic. Holy crap, though, every time I see it, I'm transfixed. It's incredible to watch. These days when a new sport is brought on I'm less inclined to go 'that's stupid' and sit in the 'wait and see' mode. Like sport climbing?! Bring it on. Surfing? Sure! Do it!
  25. Most cheating songs piss me off. And this one? **rage** Especially the whole 'You're married to my friend so I didn't say anything until now because I love you soooooo much.' Some friend. Also, my Mom's name is Linda and she would never do that so I'm ticked off on more than one principle. Fuck you, Linda. And fuck you, Conway-voiced narrator, I hope she dumps you for your best friend in a month.
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