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Everything posted by Toonces464

  1. I run so hot and cold with Sharna. I think the problem is there are definitive "leading men" in that one or more of Val, Maks, Mark and/or Derek are on every season, but with the women you really don't have that unless Cheryl or Karina come back.
  2. Oh thank you! I thought it was just me! It looked like she couldn't keep up with him and he was just dragging her around the floor.
  3. Yes! All with their original pros or all with new ones. I hated that some had the advantage of the same pro and some had new ones..
  4. I'm thinking the athletes will be ones who have already been on. Four weeks isn't enough time for the audience to bond with anyone or for them to bond with their partners. Or learn much. James, Calvin, Paige...all former athlete contestants that could have won.
  5. I split my votes last night between Jordan and Lindsay with Lindsay getting the extra one. Tonight my five votes went to Jordan. I really think the right person won, but I would've been happy with any of them. Fun finale, but I missed the bloopers! I thought they might be phasing Erin out but with an All-Athlete mini-season I can't see them bringing someone else in. I'm not sold on it, but it's better than DWTS Jrs. Peta can just go away any time now. It disappoints me that we're apparently never going to see Maks dance with another female pro again. I always loved him dancing with Cheryl, Anna, Edyta and, of course, Karina. He used to have chemistry with anyone he danced with not named Hope Solo. I think he and Peta have the chemistry of a couple of trouts. I've always said as awkward as she can be as a host, she's always in her comfort zone with "Maksy." I wonder if she realizes just how much he's her go-to guy with comments, jokes and zingers? HATED that there wasn't even time to talk to the winners. No excuse for that in a two hour show. Sharna, apparently. We already did. Her name was Meryl Davis. You remember, the ICE DANCER who used Derek Hough to choreograph a routine for her?
  6. Honestly, I thought it was too busy. I kept losing track of Julianne in the crowd of dancers.
  7. All along I've thought Jordan would win but I think Lindsey might've stolen it from him tonight. Both were excellent freestyles. I like Drew but I'm glad he went home. No way should he have been in the finals over Frankie. Funny thing is before the season started I thought Frankie would be first out. I'm really getting tired of the show forcing the Chmerkovskiys and their women down our throats. Did they really need to be "featured" in the opening number? I don't find either couple interesting at all to watch dance and I used to think Maks could have dance chemistry with a wet mop until he started dancing with Peta. I know I'll get crap for this but honestly, Peta and Jenna would be a couple of nobodies without their relationships with Maks and Val. I can't stand watching either of them. I thought Erin looked beautiful tonight. That dress was a great color on her. Please.........no more Pitbull. Ever. Very interested to hear this announcement about the spring tomorrow. My gut is that they'll bring back past runner-ups to complete in a shortened season.
  8. I could see them bringing back past 2nd and 3rd place winners for an abbreviated season. I agree it has to be known commodities because it's not enough time to get to know people or for them to really learn much. As someone who hated All Stars, I'll definitely take this over DWTS Jrs.
  9. It's refreshing to see a fan of Meryl's talk like this because boy, there were (and still are) a whole lot of crazy fans out there who were so wrapped up in the fantasy I think they seriously lost touch with reality! But to bring this back to the topic at hand...I liked Mark and Lindsey's interpretation dance! I really have missed Mark and his creativity. Having him and Cheryl back just brings me back to the old days of the show before all the manipulations and how good it was and how enjoyable it was to watch that older set of pros dance.
  10. To me, their dances were another lousy acting job by Maks.....ones where those who didn't know him or were fans of Meryl that wanted to believe in the showmance ate it up hook, line and sinker while all I could do was laugh at the ridiculousness that Maks would ever be interested romantically in someone like Meryl.. And "Maks shows vulnerability with a partner" was already old news and something I'd seen more than once from him so I it wasn't anything new or different. Especially since the previous partners I'd seen it with were partners he actually invested and spent time with during and after their seasons for non-work reasons. But nothing...NOTHING...will ever beat the fake scripted tears backstage at the finale. I still can't believe there are people who thought that was real.
  11. She did get some real clunkers after that. I assumed the lack of recent contenders (or even halfway decent partners) along with the fact that Maks WILL NOT GO AWAY made her realize she doesn't need this crap anymore.
  12. I think it was Karina's choice to leave. She's been working nonstop performing and judging all over the world. I think she's miles above any of the current female pros. The only one that even comes close is Cheryl.
  13. The show seemed to want very little to do after his disappearing act so they were probably happy to tell him to stay home. And Peta is his little puppet who does whatever he does.
  14. I wonder if Rashad will join them again for some of it. I saw it back around Season 8. All I really remember of it was that Derek and Cheryl were fantastic and Karina was hurt so she and Maks barely performed, though he was out there before the show started schmoozing everyone sitting on the floor.
  15. "Sexual chemistry" is subjective. I thought Maks and Meryl had the sexual chemistry of a couple of toads because to me she looked like his teenage daughter. But Meryl had a lot of fans who were dying for her to hook up with someone and Maks is a master at playing a showmance so they were able to sell it, and then both kept playing it for publicity long after their season was over. So from that perspective I agree Lindsey and Mark were never going to be able to compete with that nonsense.
  16. I'd be happy to go back to theme-free weeks, or at least cut them down. There doesn't have to be a theme forced on us every week. My favorite season, Season 10, I only remember Story Week (not personal stories, just telling a story with dance which produced one of my most favorite dances ever, Erin and Maks's Blindfold Waltz) and Decade Week.
  17. TPTB seem to have switched from pimping celeb/pro showmances to pimping promances. That must be the trend since they have four of them to work with right now.
  18. I wouldn't be so sure it was Keo who brought his name up as much as Erin using him to bring up Maks's name because she obviously knew he was back there and planning to come out and "surprise" everyone.
  19. And at least in one case because they knew how to play a showmance. ;)
  20. Raise your hand if you didn't know at 8 PM that Maks was going to find his way into the interview with Erin, Maks and Lindsey. He's oh so predictable. I figured Victoria was going tonight but I still felt bad for how upset she got. Drew may or may not be as good as her but he seems to have a huge voting base. And I think Emma is still riding a voting base from last season's win. Please go away Jenna. I'm tired of you and Val's pimping of you. I hated iconic dances. Hated it. Please don't ever bring it back again. There's absolutely no reason to compare one contestant to someone from seasons ago, especially since the show is so different now. However, if the show wants to do something different and maybe even regain viewers, how about another All-Star Season? BUT.......rather than former celebs, let's bring back former pros. I would give anything to see Karina, Tony, Edyta and Anna again and though I wasn't a huge fan of any of them, I would take Lacey, Jonathan, Chelsie or Louis in a heartbeat over Keo or Gleb or Sasha. Didn't Karina also get hurt doing some kind of move with JR?
  21. I feel like he's at the point where he's trying to prove something with Jenna...most likely to himself. He's following in big brother's footsteps. Personally I'm tired of seeing Jenna show up in all his dances. I'm tired of seeing her show up in any dances. i'm tired of her constant mugging for the camera.
  22. I will always think of this dance as the exact moment Maks realized he needed a showmance to win the season.
  23. I totally agree with this. I used to look forward to the freestyles because they were different and exciting, but between the addition of contemporary/jazz (meaning do whatever you want) and these big production numbers every week featuring the troupe, the freestyles are nothing special anymore.
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