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Everything posted by Toonces464

  1. I thought he was one of the best judges they've ever had. He spoke from experience but also from watching. I thought all his critiques were really good.
  2. Yes, this! Watching that dance I kept wondering why SHE was front and center and I didn't have a clue where Adam was.
  3. Me too. I'm sure Val was also making a ton of coaching appearances via Facetime/Skype. During the team dance, Sharna being the only non-blonde really stood out to me tonight.
  4. I'm sorry to see Kareem go because he just made me smile. No idea how Jennie survived since I thought she was toast. I guess in the competition of male pros who are just meh, Keo beats Gleb by a nose. Very impressed with Tonya, more than I expected to be. I really like Josh and hope he makes the finals. He seemed to get really hosed tonight so I wonder if he's giving Adam a run for his money in votes. Or rather, if Sharna is giving Jenna one. Jenna irritates me so bad. I thought she overpowered Adam in their individual dance and I couldn't help noticing she was front and center not only choreographing the team dance but in dancing it too. It's a shame in such a short season with some good dancers that the winner was predetermined before the season even started.....but I guess we need to keep Val happy if we want him back next season (with the rest of the fam in tow). I really wish this season wasn't so short. I'm having trouble getting really enthused knowing it's over in a couple of weeks already. Wheeeeee! How could I forget the best part of the night.....RASHAD!!!!!
  5. Sharna is what Maks used to be -- the one who's had plenty of chances to win, but hasn't been able to make it happen. I just hope we're not in for a future season that's totally scripted to give her the win like we had to suffer through during Season 18 for Maks. But since Sharna doesn't whine constantly about never having won, I'm optimistic.
  6. I don't think they'll ever get an Aaron Rodgers or a Derek Jeter or a LeBron. Why would they need to do this show? One thing I do think is that there's too many Olympians. They're of no interest to me because I couldn't care less about the Olympics.
  7. Probably because they know he'll make it through either way and they have to pretend they're being fair.
  8. I hope they don't cram the friendship down our throats like they did with the married couples last season. I did notice that at the end of the night, it was the two of them Erin was talking to on stage before the results.
  9. Then their ratings would have really tanked since I can't imagine anyone but skating fans watching that.
  10. I've been reading some blogs and message boards, and the comments on articles today, and I have yet to see anyone say they think the short season is a good idea. In fact I see so many people saying they're not even bothering to watch. The top three complaints I've been seeing are no interest in all athletes, Tonya Harding and the lack of any known pros. I have never been a fan of All Stars (I hated S15 almost as much as S18) but someone suggested that this would've been a good season for that since the celebs and their relationships with their pros are already known and I have to agree. This would've been the right season to bring back 10 champions or 10 second/third place finishers and have them compete against each other with their original pros. That could've been pulled off in four weeks. What they're doing now cannot. And the irony of it is that for the most part they got a pretty decent cast this season, most of whom would've been great choices for a full season. It's a shame they won't get to experience the whole DWTS process.
  11. I thought Erin said at the end of the show that in addition to their individual dance they would have team dances next week?
  12. That may be beyond Sharna's control since it seems Adam and Jenna have already been scripted this win.
  13. Another thing that reminds me of Meryl Davis...that grating little girl voice! Because they blew the budget load on Idol.
  14. I'm already bummed this season is only 4 weeks long. I think there are several people who we could've really seen grow and get better in a regular 10 week season. Instead, I think people were just power voting the hell out of their faves tonight so they didn't get eliminated, rather than splitting votes to keep people around they wanted to see more of. Adam and Jenna are already on my nerves, as is Mirai. Her dancing reminds me so much of Meryl Davis and that brings back horrible flashbacks of my least favorite season ever. I really liked Josh a lot (he reminds me of Rashad) and would love to see him and Sharna win but I think the script is already written for Adam and Jenna. Val in the front row in a bright orange jacket didn't hurt. All that was missing was the dog inside his jacket. I really wish Lindsay would've given Kareem a bit more to do than just having her and Haley dance around him. Yes he's 70 but he can move a bit and could've pulled off a few more steps. Tonya surprised me, she was good. I also wanted to see more of Chris and Jennie. But with the two skaters and Josh pretty much a lock for the finals, I think only one of them will push through to the end. Not surprised Jamie went home, bummed about Johnny. I don't think he would've won, but I think in a regular season, his personality would've come through and he would've stuck around for a bit. No more short seasons please!
  15. Rashad will be guest judge next week. I couldn't care less if he knows how to judge, I just want to look at him and see him interact with Emma! http://people.com/tv/rashad-jennings-guest-judge-dwts-athletes/?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=peoplemagazine&xid=socialflow_twitter_peoplemag&utm_medium=social&__twitter_impression=true&__twitter_impression=true
  16. Team Baseball here, so it's Johnny Damon for me.
  17. With such a short season that so many say they're not watching and none of the "big" pros on, I think this season will come down to the fans of the pros trying to push their pro for a win rather than the actual contestants. The wild card will be just how big a "turnout" there is from the C fam fans and voters who will be pushing for Jenna. Honestly, I don't see any of Maks's fans watching/voting just for Jenna, but since he doesn't have that many of his own fans left, that won't be a big factor. I also don't see Peta's fans watching and voting just for Jenna. Val's fans, yes. They'll be out in droves. The thing there is that there are a lot of Val's fans who don't like Jenna. Sharna's fans will be out in full force, football players generally do well.....so I can't help but wonder if Sharna and Josh will take the whole thing if he's charming and can dance even a little (Rashad 2.0).
  18. I don't like Jenna and I'm already sick of her and Adam and all the focus on them. She may be a good dancer (though I've never seen it because she's always too busy mugging for the camera) but I can't help but feel she was given such a ringer to pacify Val for her not being allowed to tour with them and to ensure he comes back next season. I agree the male pro lineup is very weak but I don't think the female lineup is much better. I like all the other girls well enough but if we're being honest, this isn't Cheryl and Karina and Anna and Edyta we're talking about here. That why I disagree completely that the show needs new blood. They keep trying it and I'm more bored with each new person they bring in. As I've said in other posts, I think the opposite, that they need to make sure they have at least one or two of the old pros each season if they want to hang onto the non-teen audience.
  19. I love that Johnny Damon is dancing to Centerfield!
  20. Funny, that's always been my theory on Maks as far as Peta was concerned, only he settled when he was ready for a kid and realized he had no other quick easy options. Oh man, if I were Emma I would've been all over that, Sasha or no Sasha! LOL But I also noticed that Sasha has never followed Rashad, even when they were on tour together, while he followed the Property Brother the day partners were announced. The partnership of Val's I've always been curious about is Rumer Willis. I know Maks and Val's partners always become fam, at least for awhile, but Rumer seemed to get much more involved with the family than most, and her attachment seemed to be more to everyone else than Val. I remember she used to hang out with Maks and Peta all the time, right after they got back together, and Val was never with them. Peta even asked her to be in her wedding the night they got engaged. Then she disappeared for a long time but suddenly there she was in the wedding. And we haven't seen any sign of her since.
  21. They were talking about the cast on my local radio station this morning and the hosts were most excited about Chris being on. They think he's going to win the whole thing.
  22. And let's not forget the ones who see Maks and Peta as the great love story of the century. Apparently the story he's shilling now is that he dumped her because he was soooooooo in love with her but too scared to tell her. I buy that as much as I buy that he knew instantly the breakup was a mistake and he spent years hovering around her, trying to get her back. I guess all that hovering came in between PR-dating Kate Upton and JLo, banging his personal trainer and laying around a beach in Hawaii with Karina. Even Emma and Sasha, who I think are the most genuine of all the current DWTS relationships had their own breakup for awhile, where they continued living together but she seemed to have her sights set on Val. When that didn't go anywhere, she went back to Sasha. At least she didn't have to unpack. I honestly thought when Sharna broke up with Paul that she had her sights set on Val so the two BFFs could be with the two brothers. But she never seemed to pursue that and I give her credit for it. I'm so over all these DWTS relationships.
  23. It's no secret how I feel about the whole Maksyl nonsense, but to be fair, it's not just what they post in their social media feeds. Maks and Meryl used not only social media but the tabloid media to continue egging those shippers on long after the expiration date. And Maks and Peta continue to use the media in all forms to try to keep themselves relevant outside of what has become a very young fan base of girls who worship Peta and see their relationship and the revised history they've invented as the greatest love story ever told.
  24. I think the same could be said of Cheryl. If she wants a spot and has time between her other projects, she'll be there. But there was such excitement when Maks returned the first time (until he wouldn't go away). Same with Edyta when she returned, but they gave her Geraldo and she was out the first week. I'd be excited if they said Karina was coming back for a season, or Tony, or Anna. I know they cater to a younger audience now and the current lineup of pros have a different type of fan base who are very vocal about them. Back in the day, each pro had one fan site/Twitter and now these pros have tons of them, holdovers of the people who used to tweet at the troupe members and get retweets and responses about them going pro (Henry was the worst!). But I don't think this pro lineup is as appealing to people who have been watching a long time and (no offense to anyone) people over the age of about 25. I know none of my friends who used to watch the show religiously watch anymore because they don't give a damn about any of these pros and they miss trained champion ballroom dancers and true ballroom dances.
  25. Yes, I forgot about Kiki. And Val did throw a fit when he was dumped. I thought at the time they put the Volynets in the troupe to lure Maks back to the show. It was when he was off in Ukraine doing The Bachelor and first started making noise about moving on from the show. I thought he'd be too embarrassed to come back once that leaked out. LIttle did I know back then that Maks lives for that kind of publicity and attention!
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