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Everything posted by Toonces464

  1. I didn't think it was inappropriate but as I said last night, I'm just not digging Tom in the role of interviewer after the dances.
  2. I agree. She gets on my nerves for a lot of things but I like her as co-host and do think she's better than any of the previous ones (or Leah Remini.....UGH!). The pros seem to like her and her goofy awkwardness is pretty amusing.
  3. I have. What I don't get is that Erin is no worse than she's been since she started so even if they want to get rid of her, why not just get through this season and then replace her whenever the show comes back?
  4. Welcome back Rashad! Seriously Emma...open your eyes girl! For the first time ever, Tom is on my last nerve this season. I don't like him doing the interviews and his humor, which I usually love, has been grating. If they're not going to use Erin, send her home to coke boy but let someone else ask the questions. I hear Maks is looking for work. LOL! I'll be shocked if Erin is back next season. I was sorry to see TO go home. I would've rather Victoria or Drew. I don't know why they feel they have to shove Val into the semis every season. Both of Jordan's dances were amazing! If they're going to do a gimmick, they need consistency. I hated All-Stars because some people had their original partners and some didn't. The same thing with the trios tonight -- either everyone should have had a former partner or everyone should have had someone new. It's unbalanced and unfair the way they randomly do it and it makes the concept so much less enjoyable. Were Maks and Peta home pouting? I noticed they were the only two eliminated pros who weren't in the opening number.
  5. Oh I did. I don't know how Emma hasn't run from Sasha as fast as she can right to Rashad. LOL
  6. Welcome! Loved reading what you had to say. I especially liked all the references to Mommy Vanessa. I said to a friend during the show that I wondered if she could ever get through a sentence without referring to herself as Mama. We get it.....you found a guy to give you kids. You're still allowed to have a life and interests outside of that but it doesn't seem she does. Whatever my feelings then or now about Maks, I usually love his Pasos. This week was a total letdown because I was expecting much more out of him. He's miserable and he can't hide it.....but I don't think he even put any effort into this dance. I loved Erin when she was on the show but she gets on my nerves now.....but I still like her very much as co-host. Vanessa, much like Leah Remini, would probably make me stop watching the show if she were co-host. I've commented all season on Erin's lack of screen time but said friend had a good point. They waste so much time waiting for them to go up the stairs and then hug/high-five everyone up there, and then Erin can't stop talking, especially when she's got Maks, Val or an athlete up there with her. They already run out of time as it is, so keeping them downstairs with Tom for one quick question does save them a lot of time. And even then, they still manage to run out of time. As for Erin being pregnant, I don't think so. Not only has she been in tight outfits most of the season, but she can't keep her mouth shut about anything and is constantly seeking attention, especially on social media, and I think she would have given something away. Hell, I knew she was going to Greece for her honeymoon before I think even she did LOL. I also hope she's thinking long and hard about starting a family with this guy she married because he's a known playboy and a known cokehead. That doesn't bode well for her long-term goals.
  7. Is anyone else still baffled about how one goes from Jenna Johnson to Amber Rose back to Jenna Johnson? LOL
  8. Tom and Erin said they'll be on tomorrow, I assume because of the GMA Halloween show this morning. Surprisingly I'm with Maks on this one too. Vanessa is the one who turned to Nikki both when they were eliminated and when Erin brought them down on stage. Not only did she blow off Maks but she also blew off Tom and Erin. As long as there is a TV camera televising the show that's willing to put Maks and Peta on, they'll both be back. Besides they have a nanny to do all the work so they can roll him out on his little tricycle stroller when they're in need of some attention.
  9. George Pennachio is the reporter for ABC in LA who's been covering the show for years. There's no way the elimination was last minute or unknown to anyone involved with the show because George basically announced last week on Twitter there would be a double elimination this week. Frankie also hinted at it in one of his interviews. Why would there be jazz movement in a contemporary routine? Isn't flailing what contemporary is all about?
  10. I don't know why anyone was surprised since George Pennachio basically said last week there would be a double elimination this week.
  11. I was wondering that too about TO's trio. I was also wondering why they couldn't find another winner to come back and had to pull out a single second place finisher...and one who was Karina's partner, no less? Artem would've had Nancy Kerrigan, I think. Maks would be more difficult since the only partner he seems to still have a relationship with is Erin, who obviously can't do it. I'm guessing by process of elimination it would have been Heather since I don't think any of the others speak to him anymore.
  12. I'm loving Frankie and thought his dance was fabulous. As much as I love having Mark back and would love to see him win another MBT, I'm throwing more votes each week to Frankie. Hey look, Alfonso is coming back! But how can you come back when you've never gone away? There was no way Drew was going home this week. TPTB want Rashad back next week and so does Toonces. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the whole team dance thing felt manipulated for the underdogs to pull off an upset. Best team dance ever? Not even close. My favorite will always be Gilles' Team Tango. Oh Maks, at least try to look semi-disappointed. Although, to be fair, Vanessa was the one who turned away from him and made no effort to interact with him after the announcement, even when Nikki turned away from her to hug Artem. Down on the floor, it was Vanessa who grabbed Nikki and started dancing with her, not acknowledging Maks or even talking with Tom and Erin. And when everyone converged, it was Erin who was right there hugging it up with Maks. I wonder if these two will even try to pretend anymore that they don't despise each other. Maks and Peta not going to Vanessa and Nick's Halloween party this weekend so they could carve pumpkins was a pretty big neon sign. Come on out Rashad.........I'm waiting for you! :)
  13. I miss the day when there were two dances and half the couples did one and the other half did the other. Now there's no rhyme or reason to anything.
  14. The leads should have been Mark and Cheryl. Recognize your talented long-time stars that still love and come back to the show and stop foisting Val, Sharna, Peta and the unemployable-outside=DWTS Maks down our throats.
  15. Being married to Maks and his family can't be easy. But there's a reason the word "obsession" sometimes needs the qualifier "blind" in front of it. I think Cheryl is beautiful. Witney looks great too. I thought old Maks was super-hot but now he just looks old and washed up. Lately it's been Artem who's doing it for me and I'm not sure why LOL. Eesh, there's a picture out there of Maks in a Speedo from Nicole Volynets wedding weekend. He's humping a swan pool toy. It's not pretty. I know a lot of people love Alan, but he just annoys me. He's a miniature Maks/Val wannabe. I was shocked Erin didn't remind us 50 times that she's married to a hockey player and had a lot of hockey players at her wedding!
  16. I miss the results show very much. I know people wanted it gone, but I miss the pro performances to well-known musical guests, I miss the results not being rushed and I miss seeing the couples have their last moments together. Tonight by the time the camera got over to them, Peta and Nick were already off with their other halves.
  17. Shania Twain was excruciating to watch. If they wanted her to perform, bring her on to perform. There was no reason for her to sit behind the judge's table where she was obviously uncomfortable and had no idea what she was talking about. Tonight's dance drove home why I've missed Mark so much. He and Derek need to team up and go do something on Broadway. Has Vanessa danced a single dance this season without the troupe? Now that Nick and Peta have been eliminated, I suspect we'll see them show up in their dance next week. And has anyone else noticed since Maks's no show, they haven't gotten any air time at all with Erin after their dances? I was annoyed they broke hold and no one said a word about it. TO has really grown on me. I think next to go will be Nikki. She's the most forgettable out of everyone left.
  18. If you happened to look at Instagram, right around that time Maks was behind the skybox curtain filming an Instagram story with Erin about Aaron Rodgers' injury. I would bet a week's paycheck that Maks was forced to give that "apology."
  19. I think overall the pros nowadays are much weaker than the pros they had when the show started. People like Witney, Emma, Alan and Keo are nowhere near the level of Karina, Cheryl, Tony or Louis as far as their talent and accomplishments.
  20. Every season Maks is on is pretty much like that --- some kind of drama designed to get peoples' attention. I'm not so sure it's the show orchestrating that and not Maks, since he'll do pretty much anything to keep his name in the tabloids. But I think it's backfiring on him because more and more people seem to be getting fed up with him and all his drama. And in this case it's not hurting Vanessa either since when was the last time you saw her name in the tabloids before DWTS?
  21. It's a product of not having a Tuesday results show anymore. They used to be able to spread the safe/in jeopardy couples out over the course of an hour. Maks can't act to save his life and the dude is miserable. He can't even hide the fact that he's miserable. I don't think it's manufactured at all. Maks has had three very strong-willed women for partners in Mel B, Erin and Kirstie and he adored all of them. I think he wants no part of the married couple thing and never did, while it seems to be Vanessa's entire focus of being on the show.
  22. If you watched Erin's IG story (filmed and posted during the show) Maks is wanting to fill in for Aaron Rodgers. Maybe he's been working out with Rashad to get into football shape. ;D
  23. Old Maks was a douche but he was an entertaining douche. This douchey Maks is just not entertaining at all. I'm thinking Vanessa and Nick will go together in a double elimination in the next week or two. I noticed the same. In fact, I thought it was a lot of camera tricks and they were never actually in the room together.
  24. It couldn't be clearer that they can't stand each other, but I wouldn't expect Nick to say anything but what he said. Apparently Maks didn't even travel to NYC with Vanessa this week so I think both of them are just going through the motions.
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