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Everything posted by Toonces464

  1. I wonder if that has anything to do with the season Nyle won and everyone the fam has ever come in contact with rushed the stage, including Maks's orthopedic surgeon and his wife? I know Erin is marrying the drug dealing hockey player this summer but why on earth was she wearing a wedding dress tonight? She looked great last night but I thought she looked silly tonight.
  2. Jessica Radloff said Emma and Rashad had no idea what had happened until Tom said something.
  3. Ugh, me too. Maks made the same insinuation with one of his many posts last night.
  4. Ugh, my pet peeve. I hate the troupe. Hate them. I don't want to see them clogging up the stage. I want to see the celebrity and their pro dancing.
  5. Nicole Sherzinger. I really thought with his huge voting fan base that Evan Lysacek would beat her out in the end. Nothing with ever compare the manipulation that was Season 18. I thought the same thing about that long ass post Maks made last night.......after he's already made 3 or 4 other posts. Then it's kind of ironic Maks claims he was supposed to originally have Normani as his partner. Much as he loves his brother, you know he wanted that second trophy for himself to put him on par with Val and Peta.
  6. Nothing will top the sobfest LOL. I'm still bitter about the way Charlie White was sacrificed that season.
  7. He must be taking lessons from his brother, who's been doing that with all his dances the past few seasons he's been on.
  8. So wait, because Normani is a trained dancer she deserves 10s and if she doesn't get them no one else should?
  9. They judges also ignored the missed steps in Normani's Quickstep but I don't see you mentioning that.
  10. Really? I haven't seen Normani nitpicked for anything while Rashad has been nitpicked weekly for his footwork and David for his butt.
  11. I didn't really hear "ringer" used to describe Normani until after Heather was eliminated.
  12. OMG you just gave me the heebie-jeebies when you mentioned Meryl and Maks's freestyle. The most overproduced, overmanipulated bunch of schlock I've ever seen on this show. Although I do still LMAO at the fake Maks sobfest when he pretended like he didn't know there was a camera following him around. Rashad winning would be a tiny smidgen of redemption for this season for me. Definitely not one of my favorites.
  13. So did I! Normani has gotten a tongue bath from the judges since about mid season. No critique, no ways to improve, just perfect 10s from Carrie Ann and Bruno since Week 5. Even the professional dancer didn't get that much pimping. The smoke on the floor where you can't see their feet drives me insane.
  14. They didn't pretend she wasn't but they definitely tried to downplay that it gave her any advantage. I'm going to guess the female pro dance is her freestyle. Interesting her "spotlight dance" is with the female pros instead of Maks. I guess he's too busy bromancing Nick. Oh wait, that's right.....Nick is a bachelor and therefore is more useful for publicity purposes.
  15. I guess now that she's out of the competition there's no reason to pretend she's not a pro? Thank you! ?
  16. You'll definitely get something from Heather. I see she's dancing in the female pro number.
  17. I hope you have a great time! I saw the Maks and Val show last year because I got free tickets through work.
  18. I went about 7 or 8 years ago and it was amazing, but I was lucky enough to see people like Derek, Maks, Karina and Cheryl. There's no one on the current tour (with or without Val) that I would pay to see.
  19. I also don't see people investing in DWTS if it's only on once a year. That's too long between seasons and people will find other things to watch and get invested in that will still be on after Thanksgiving. Not to mention, the pros will have to find other work, as they'll be losing half their income, as will the judges and Tom (Erin at least has her $55 million settlement plus the NFL).
  20. Tom said on Twitter tonight he is not involved with the new show. I give it one season and they'll be lucky if it doesn't bring regular DWTS down with it as well.
  21. On that we agree. I don't think she had a chance of winning by following Laurie so soon.
  22. It's being reported on Twitter that DWTS Jrs is taking the place of the spring season. The adult version will air this fall and then not again until fall 2018.
  23. He was interviewed a couple of weeks ago on ESPN and talked about his new job with them so it definitely is in his plans. Or at least it was until they made all the cuts last week. Now I don't know where he stands with them. To dance like Laurie, to behave like Laurie, to emote like Laurie. To be another Laurie instead of being Simone.
  24. I know I'm in the minority, especially all these years later, but I loved Maks's freestyle with Erin. It was so different at the time and just what they needed to set themselves apart from Evan and Nicole (who knew Evan's would suck so bad). On the other hand, I thought his worst freestyle was the one he did with Kirstie.
  25. I saw Simone and Sasha this morning on GMA and she said something about the judges wanting her to be a continuation of Laurie. I think she was right about that. Going on this season right after Laurie won was a mistake. She should have taken at least another season before doing it because it was all still too fresh. Taking dance lessons as a child is a lot different than being a professional dancer. Dancing on a college dance team is a lot different than being part of a singing group that performs choreography. I think the line of what is considered "has experience" is getting really blurred. I think you would know about that LOL Even if they wanted to take him out I suspect his votes wouldn't allow that. I so agree with this. Perfect example --- I think Maks and Peta have zero chemistry dancing together. Less than zero. But when I watched him dance with Anna a few years back I thought they were amazing together.....but there's clearly no love lost between the two of them. And don't even get me started on his dancing with Karina, though I hated them together. It was fire.
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