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Everything posted by Toonces464

  1. I was a bit surprised none of Maks's former partners showed up. Amber gave an interview about a week ago and said she was going but she wasn't there. I thought maybe Meryl or Heather would go. I figured Erin wouldn't because of their past relationship, same reason I figured he wasn't at hers a few weeks ago.
  2. Unfortunately I don't think this is going to end well for her. The guy she married is a cokehead who waited until she got that huge settlement to propose to her, despite her pretty much begging for a ring. And that small group of friends consists only of hockey players and their wives, so I find it kind of weird that only his friends/co-workers were included. Not a single person from DWTS/NFL on FOX or even her best friends Brooklyn Decker and Chrissy Teigen were there?
  3. Unless they have a bad relationship (like Maks and Hope or Cheryl and Ian), I think most celebs who have been on the show continue rooting for their pros to win.
  4. If DWTS is a major part of her life then I think she has some changes to make.
  5. The show has had a problem for a long time now with ringers and the perception of ringers. This season they had four women who were perceived that way. They were not going to all make the finale because that isn't what the viewing audience for this show, or at least the majority of it, wants to see. Do I think Normani had help? Absolutely. Whether that was based on her, Val, or the number of votes she had in comparison to Heather, Simone and/or Nancy I have no idea but my money is on Val. He is currently the most popular pro on the show and because of that it benefits them to keep him around as long as possible.....just like they did with Derek (and to an extent Maks) for so many years.
  6. If there is, I'm sure it's very minuscule. I think in some cases, the person who comes in second or even third makes out better than the winner as far as how it helps their career. I know the pros are paid a base salary and then it depends how long they last. That's a very good question about a difference in pay for the ones who go all the way to the end but don't win. You feel the ideal finale would have involved Normani and I think TPTB did listen to you and your type of viewer by pushing her into the finals. Everyone I know who watches the show said from Week 1 they thought Rashad would win and that's who they were voting for. David, there was just no way they cou compete with his fans. Add them to the general DWTS voting audience that does like that kind of contestant and there's your finale. The show made a huge mistake in bringing in a professional dancer to be on the show. To the general viewing audience, this was not what they wanted to see and clearly Heather didn't have a big enough fan base to overcome that. And they made another huge mistake pairing her with Maks. He is not as popular as he used to be and he doesn't have the power voting fan base behind him anymore that can drag Kirstie Alley to second place or keep Hope Solo around until just before the semis. Plus he's lost the ability to be able to showmance his partner for votes which I think hurts him more than anyone (including him) could have realized. I think pairing Nancy with Artem was a good move for the show and I think this season turned a lot of people around on Artem, but he also was not a strong enough pro in terms of popularity with a strong enough fan base to keep them around against some of the other pro fan bases, like Sharna's. The show has lasted for 24 seasons with this particular business model and has at least two more to go so I think it's working just fine for them.
  7. I've seen Maks many times put out a sparkler followed by a clunker. And obviously Rashad and David were able to challenge Normani since they both beat her.
  8. You can't say the only real threat to Val and Normani getting immunity was Heather and Maks based on what they danced the previous week. Even if they hadn't been eliminated, they could have produced another clunker like that Jazz.
  9. Why would Heather and Maks be the only real threat for immunity? None of their dances were that spectacular that they would warrant immunity except maybe their Rumba. Rashad, Simone, Nancy, really anyone could have been a threat depending on the week and the dance.
  10. I really liked Sharna with Charlie and James. Peta showmanced Brant as much as James. Oh Gilles. How much I loved him in Season 8 when he was partnered with Cheryl and how much I despised him during All Stars with Peta. That still makes me so sad that he didn't come back with Cheryl. One of the biggest reasons I hope the fam all take next season off is that maybe we'll get Karina back.
  11. I agree about Mark but let's be honest, Peta showmanced James just as much as Maks showmanced Meryl. It just didn't get the same kind of attention because she wasn't as big a deal as Maks.
  12. Again, I really don't think you can blame Sharna for what happened with Charlie. He was sacrificed at the altar of Maks. I couldn't stand Sharna when she was in the troupe with all her mugging for the camera and that annoying wink. I liked her during her first season because I thought she did a good job with Andy Dick. Since then I waffle back and forth on her. I realized the other night I would like her a whole lot better if she wasn't part of the fam because they rub off on her in a way I really don't like. Just like Peta.....I've never liked her but I can't even stomach the sight of her as part of the fam.
  13. It means that as in you might have a different opinion.
  14. This. Back in the days I was a Maks fan, the only times I ever voted for him were with Misty and Erin. These days I really can't say I have a favorite pro.
  15. To be fair I don't think that had anything to do with Sharna. Charlie was clearly sacrificed that season to get Maks his mirrorball.
  16. New York. :) It's funny because I was thinking how nice it was that Emma and Rashad had a moment for just the two of them, unlike the season Nyle won and the entire fam rushed the stage the second his name was announced. The guy was carrying enough drugs to supply a small army, and at least one wasn't of the variety for a bunch of guys having a boys weekend in Vegas. YMMV. Charlie White.
  17. I think Rashad was always going to win. I think they just pimped Normani so much because Val is the most popular pro right now (and really the only "star power" they have) so it benefits them to have him go to the end.
  18. I dread the day Erin gets her drug dealing hockey player on the show. LOL I am a part of what is generally thought to be the most obnoxious fan base in sports. The people I know are not nice. But there are a lot of fans who cheer for the sport, not the laundry. Exactly what I was going to say. I don't think his fan base, or lack of one, mattered. He was the perfect contestant for the demographic. And his looks and personality didn't hurt. At all. I do disagree. I was Team Erin & Maks that season but really thought Evan would walk away with it. His weak freestyle did him in. But even without it, I think NIcole was just that good and back then people weren't over the ringers like they are now.
  19. I don't think the celebrity going on tour necessarily had to win, just make the finals. Alex Skarlatos went on tour and he didn't win.
  20. As a baseball fan I totally disagree. Being David was the first MLB player to appear on the show, I think most baseball fans were voting for him, regardless of team affiliation or loyalty.
  21. I think you run into this every season.....though from what I've seen Normani's fans seem to be more hysterical than most other fan bases.
  22. I think this is the story they thought they'd play out with Maks and Peta when they agreed to come back. But I suspect that, like me, the oversaturation of them by the show and the tabloids has just worn people out on them.
  23. How about all the seasons two women were the last two standing? Are those conveniently forgotten?
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