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Everything posted by Toonces464

  1. How disappointing in such a short season that the winner was known before the show even started.
  2. Actually, I believe the judges are kept away from the dress rehearsals. In the blooper clips, there are fill-ins sitting at the judge's table.
  3. There's definitely lots of manipulation going on (just look at Season 18) but I don't think tinkering with viewer votes is one of them. I think Rashad and David were two of the best guest judges they've ever had. I would be curious to see some of the other, less douchey, pros like Kym, Tony or Cheryl, take a turn as a guest judge and see how they do.
  4. I don't think the franchise is dying. I think all the random attempts to change things up is what's killing it. If it ain't broke..........
  5. Tom tweeted earlier tonight that it was unlikely we would ever see a 4 week season again.
  6. I wish they would've used that hour to bring back the results show instead. But that being said, I don't think there will be burnout because I'm not sure the core DWTS audience will watch Juniors.
  7. For the sake of Toonces, I'm glad Maks was nowhere near DWTS and Meryl last night. Had he been, I probably would have stabbed myself. Multiple times. With a really sharp object. Actually, that dance was choreographed by Talia Favia, not Jenna. She's the same woman who choreographed Peta's freestyle with Nyle.
  8. That's where the pro is so important. Erin was the same way about her height and Maks got her through that. I don't think Keo is a good enough pro to have done the same.
  9. There have been a lot of people in need of redemption who have been on the show. I keep thinking of Ryan Lochte. While I continue to run hot and cold with Sharna (I like her best when she's far away from the fam), I would rather see her win in a full season than this cheap excuse for one. And I'd rather see her win it legitimately, not the manipulated way Maks won his. I'm not excusing Tonya but I've always thought Nancy was a snooty bitch.
  10. They can't make up a finalist. All those things that involve votes are very closely regulated.
  11. I'm not a fan of Mirai at all but I feel like she should've had Charlie as her mentor rather than Meryl because the pre-determined outcome of the season hasn't been this obvious since Season 18. Charlie was much more likable but in the end it's all the same. Gotta keep the Chmerkovskiys happy, not because the show won't survive without them, but who really wants them and their 97,000 family members "shooting off their mouths" on social media because they didn't get something they wanted or thought they deserved? I thought a four week season would be better than nothing but at this point, I'm sorry I invested the time. This has been just terrible in so many ways and while I think losing a season would be the beginning of the end of the show, I'd rather see no season at all than another 4 week season. I'm rooting for Josh but I really don't think I care who wins. Oh...couldn't they have gotten a mentor who could actually be there? WTF was up with that?
  12. The only saving grace is that Maks and Val have a show tonight so they can't be there. Meryl is the only one who made the finals if I'm not mistaken. So yes, another push to hand the mirrorball to Jenna/the fam.
  13. It's Sasha and Adam, and of course Val had to stick his nose into it.
  14. This season has been a huge disappointment in every way imaginable. It's getting to the point where the only reason it's worth watching is to see what Erin's wearing (her dress was gorgeous last week).
  15. This pisses me off. The contestants have such a short time as it is, why cut into that with former contestants? Anything to ensure Val's girlfriend gets the win. I can't read that pic?
  16. Yep, a primo Chmerkovskiy trick. Much like the very private "I will never speak of my personal life" Maks has basically turned his relationship with Peta into 50 Ways to Remain Relevant.
  17. I think going to once a year would be the end of the show very quickly. People would move on to other shows, and those would be coming back in the fall.
  18. Isn't it usually up against The Voice? I think the mini season was more because they blew the budget on AI and didn't have the money for a full season. Until the past few years, I always tended to enjoy the spring season more than the fall season. I don't know if it was because we got the football players in the spring seasons but there just always seemed to be better contestants. My favorite seasons (8, 10 and 24) were all even/spring seasons.
  19. Seriously, I think she's at a loss without Maks and Val there. Obviously she's much closer to them than any of the other dancers and it shows in their interactions how comfortable she is around them. I don't think so because they have Jenna to root for. And after Val's tweet about how he should put a ring on it, I think they're going to double their efforts in the hopes she wins and he proposes on the spot (yes, I've already seen comments about this).
  20. No season will ever be more rigged than Season 18 (just ask Charlie White).....but this one is definitely a close second.
  21. I'm not a Meryl or figure skating fan but even I could tell the "breakup" with her boyfriend was part of the showmance storyline.
  22. So disappointed that in such a short season they're being this obvious with a pre-determined winner. And I'm sorry but I can't get past the fact it's Val's girlfriend in the season Val is missing. It's reminding me of when Maks went off to do the Bachelor in Ukraine and suddenly we had a troupe featuring Nicole and Teddy Volynets to make him happy when he came back.
  23. I'm assuming both he and Maks will find a way to show up in the final. Did you happen to see Maks's IG story that night saying the reason Rashad had become such a good dancer was because of the lessons he took at DWM? I guess Emma had nothing to do with it. I noticed Fedor sitting next to her. The last thing I want to see is her dancing through because that's all we need is for the Maksyl brigade to get fired up again.
  24. That was me, the thinking being we already know the contestants and their partnerships with their pros so it's easy to get behind them and not feel cheated out of the time it takes to get to know them. I think Adam and Mirai are HUGE ringers. Huge. Up there with Evan and Kristy, just a step below the biggest ringers in the history of the show, Meryl and Charlie.
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