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Everything posted by Toonces464

  1. See, I have a problem with this, when people talk about the public judging someone famous. If they didn't want to be judged, they could keep their private life private. Lots of celebs do. When you put it out there, you're opening the door for the public to speculate and comment. Especially someone like Val, who at times seems to put stuff out there specifically to egg people on.
  2. I hated that partnership so I didn't pay much attention to it...but yeah, I laugh at the morals and values these two brothers claim to have. Their father taught them well.
  3. I haven't read the book so someone who has can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he admitted he played a showmance with her for votes without telling her, even when she started thinking the relationship was for real.
  4. I've said the same exact thing. Maks is the one who got the work with JLo dancing with her at the AMAs a few years ago, but when it came to the big gig with WoD, it went to Derek. Meanwhile the whole publicity stunt "romance" was as fake as the one he had with Kate Upton when she was selling her movie. Do you remember a few years back when he was being linked to Madonna? He shot that rumor down a few hours after it started. Meanwhile he played the KU stunt full force and never denied the JLo stunt. It seems Maks hasn't gotten any smarter the longer he's been in Hollywood. Quite the opposite.
  5. I think the Chmerkovskiys have relied way too much on showmance to advance them and their careers, and are now using their relationships with other dancers from the show for the same reason. Maks and Meryl didn't need a showmance to win. I still don't get why Meryl went along with it and frankly that really killed any respect I ever had for her. And there was nothing grosser than the whole Maks/Kirstie thing, even more so when she started pulling it with Teddy and Serge after the season was over.
  6. I remember Maks being at some charity event with her and her husband after that, but nothing since. I've wondered if he distanced himself because of all the crap around her and her marriage issues. Sounds like a real freaky situation with those two.
  7. As with most of what spews out of Maks's mouth, I think the whole Thanksgiving thing was an exaggeration of something that happened once or twice, and then he made it sound like it was a regular thing. Over the years, Maks has used some form or combination of Mel/Erin/Kirstie/Meryl as his favorite partner, depending on which way the wind is blowing that week. Obviously Kirstie is no longer part of the conversation and I haven't heard him mention Mel in years. Now he seems to mainly stick to Erin and Meryl, and usually peppers in one of the more recent partners for good measure.
  8. I always wondered about the strange friendship Jenna struck up with Meryl that resulted in them going to Hawaii together after Season 18. It was like Jenna bought into the showmance and thought that by hooking herself to Meryl she'd get her foot in the door with Val. I never understood why Meryl went along with it.
  9. Don't forget letting Nicole Volynets style her! I noticed Zendaya doesn't seem so family oriented anymore. One thing I will give Val credit for is that he seems to maintain pretty good relationships with most of his partners after their seasons end (unlike Maks, who doesn't seem to have relationships with any of his former partners except Erin) but I've also noticed Rumer Willis seems to have backed away from them as well, other than her guest appearance as one of Peta's bridesmaids.
  10. Oh, I've long had an opinion on that LOL Yes. The story goes that she was part of the Move tour and once she started dating Derek, she got a shot at troupe on DWTS.
  11. It's not a vacation for Peta and Maks unless there are 37 family members along for the ride. Or at least Yaron, who seems to take up the slack as Maks's +1 any time Peta can't be glued to his side. I think it will generate interest from the Valenna shippers, while turning off the ones (which I think are many) who wanted to see him with Normani, Zendaya, Janel, etc. Peta's fans, who seem to have an average age of about 15, will totally be on board for it. I don't think Maks has too many of his own fans left. There used to be a group of die-hards on Twitter who for years followed his every move and thought he hung the stars and moon.....but there aren't too many of those left and the few who are don't peek out of the shadows much. It's kind of funny because Derek has done the same thing as Maks and Val in settling for a relatively unknown dancer. It just doesn't read the same way to me because a) Derek didn't dump her then make a big splash in the tabloids by "dating" a bigger name celeb; and b) try to make a tabloid career out of their relationship. P
  12. I saw Our Way but I refused to go see this tour and spend money to see them spew a bunch of crap. From what I read about the show, that's exactly what they did. I still think they left Val's "next chapter" blank so that Jenna could join them next time for Part 3. Otherwise I don't know how they'd sell tickets to the tour. I understand a lot of the theaters were less than half full, with people being moved down to better seats because they were closing parts of the theater due to lack of ticket sales. By the next run, I can't imagine anyone but their die-hard fans will be attending. I also heard there wasn't a whole lot of ballroom dancing, which many of the more casual fans who went seemed to really resent. The word "narcissistic" was used a lot to describe the show. Like Maks, I think Val would have preferred to be with someone more "A" list, which I guess Amber is compared to Jenna. I guess in lieu of that, a "D" list dancer will do for both brothers! It certainly gets them more tabloid coverage than a regular girl from Brooklyn!
  13. I couldn't have said it better than spanana did. Maks is married with a kid now, all the NY fam is settling down, and Val is the only one left. Like his brother, he doesn't want to be the outcast (though in Maks's case I think it was also being the oldest) so he's taking the easy way out by going with a woman who is obsessed with him and sat around taking all his crap for years, just waiting for him to take her back. It really isn't any different than what Maks did to Peta. Not only is Val wanting to build the next stage of his career with Jenna, but I think the same is true for Maks and Peta. Maks and Val needed to add Peta to make their show different and go on tour again. Now they need Jenna to give them a Part 3.
  14. Taking this to the General Gabbery thread.
  15. If Jenna needs help with how to let a Chmerkovskiy humiliate and then settle for you when he can't find anyone better, all she has to do is ask her future sister-in-law for tips. ;)
  16. Two of the non-winning freestyles I loved, which many probably either didn't like or don't remember LOL, were Erin/Maks and Jason/Edyta. I also loved the one JR/Karina won with. Bit of trivia - Season 10 (Nicole/Derek, Evan/Anna, Erin/Maks) is the only season where not one 10 was given in any of the freestyles.
  17. That's kind of my point. If you say Sharna can't win with a contender then you can say that about pretty much every pro, whether it's been due to a bad freestyle, a competitor with a huge fan base, or just fan voting for favorites. I just keep seeing Charlie's name being brought up over and over as some kind of "proof" that Sharna can't win and I think that's a silly example. Those two freestyles of Peta's were not done by her. Talia Favia choreographed Nyle's and believe it or not, it was Karina who did Donald's. And yes, William was definitely pimped but I never saw even the tiniest bit of Katherine being pimped.
  18. TPTB have been very obvious in how they want each season to play out and who they want to win. James was a wonderful surprise and it would've been nice to see him pull off an upset, but just like so many others, he wasn't going to win against a powerhouse who was either a fresh off the Olympic gymnast/ice skater or a boy/girl band member. Even if he wasn't engaged, I don't think Charlie ever would have gone down the showmance road. I'm not a Maskyl fan at all (I despised that partnership and all the manipulation around it), but I'm surprised Meryl went along with it, especially that she had a boyfriend (I don't believe she ever broke up with Fedor). The producers and Maks's charm must've been on full display. Everyone knew Bindi was going to win before the season started. Not only that but if you're going to trash Sharna as overrated because she didn't win with a contender, then you would also have to trash pretty much every other pro for not winning with someone viewed as a contender (Maks with Mel B, Mark with Sabrina, Cheryl with Gilles, Karina with Mario, etc.). And if we're going to talk about sleaze, where is Peta's name in the conversation? I think she's the sleaziest female pro the show has ever had. IMO, they gave Adam to Jenna to appease Val. He made no bones about the fact Jenna couldn't tour with them because the show wouldn't let her. His contract is up and with the weak pro lineup they have these days, they needed to ensure Val comes back next season. YMMV.
  19. I'm not sure what more "talented" pros you think have come and gone since Sharna's been there, but the only pros I can think of who have gone since she joined the show are most of the long-term pros who were around way before she got there. I'm also not sure why Charlie keeps being brought up as if there wasn't major manipulations going on that season and as if he wasn't sacrificed so that Maks could shut up and stop whining about never winning.
  20. It had nothing to do with Sharna's abilities. The winner was already selected before the first dance was danced. I thought they would all be there, shoving their faces in front of the camera every opportunity they got. But Maks was in Vegas, Val was apparently in NYC and no clue where Peta was. I don't know if he was there but he was in NYC at GMA this morning. Nicole Volynets posted pics from there and gave photo credit to Val. Her eyebrows and her weird smile drive me bananas! LOL
  21. There were plenty of posts from Val! LOL Not just the pros/celebs, but on the Internet too. There are so few posts here and on PureDWTS for a finale night! Did you catch the Facebook Live Tom and Erin did before the show last night? They could not have been more disdainful and dismissive of this season or DWTS Jrs if they tried.
  22. I was shocked we didn't see Val rush the stage after the announcement.
  23. Erin has always had a major problem with malapropism. She does it on DWTS and she does it in sports. However, she seems to have a great relationship with Tom and I would take her 100 times over either Samantha Harris or especially Brookebot Burke.
  24. Val, Maks and Peta may consider this another win for the family, but I don't think anyone else will consider this a win. What a complete joke this season was and what an even bigger joke this finale was. Adam winning with that mess of a freestyle? After an anything goes jazz routine? He didn't even have a difficult dance that challenged him the whole season. Oh and by the way...who came in second? They didn't even bother to tell us that. I loved Josh's freestyle, thought Tonya's was good but not worthy of a 30. This season, more than any other, was nothing but a popularity contest. And Olympians are popular after the Olympics. DWTS should never have another ice skater/dancer or gymnast on again. At least not against anyone but other ice skaters/dancers or gymnasts. It's not fair to everyone else.....the athletes who have no chance against these people with training or the pros who invest so much in the season and their partners. You don't know how hard I'm kicking myself that I even bothered to watch this season. And please...if I never hear again how Jenna and Adam have "clicked" it will be too soon. Talk about beating us over the head with something.
  25. It wasn't exactly a stretch to know the minute they signed him he was going to win.
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