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Everything posted by Evie

  1. It happens. I got my first period on my 10th birthday and started fourth grade a few months later.
  2. I think Nicholas just needs some time to process it. He could have stopped at the assessments, but he was starting the process to be formally diagnosed at the end. Josh Thomas didn't seem to think his diagnosis was tragic, so I trust that Nicholas ultimately won't either.
  3. From what I read in the Friends forum, Perry said they don't always stay in touch regularly but when they do see each other they can talk all night. That sounds pretty normal to me for busy people with families and careers.
  4. Really good episode. I read Josh Thomas' interview in the New Yorker about his autism diagnosis so knew he was planning on incorporating it into the show. Thomas based the characters he played in Please Like Me and now Everything's Going to Be Okay so much on himself and his experiences, that as a viewer, the diagnosis is not that surprising. Looking back, I can see it. I liked that they had Suze bring it up because as a parent of an autistic child, I buy that she might see the signs. I really like the friendship between Nicholas and Suze. I liked that Genevieve helped him with the self-assessments. I felt that the scene with Matilda was probably pretty realistic with how she completely rejected it, gradually came around and then turned the subject back to her and Drea's disturbing shower curtains. The wedding can't happen just so those are never used. I can't believe there is only one episode left in the season. It really flew by. I hope this show is renewed; There is nothing like it on television, but unless it's getting good numbers on Hulu, I doubt it will be.
  5. I think what bothers me about the ending other than the WTF of her marrying the boss is that we know Toby is not in a good place in 2030. Within five years Kate is happily marrying someone else but Toby is miserable years later.
  6. I liked the Madison stuff. She deserves someone who loves her, so I'm glad she called off the wedding. I would love it if they slowly get to know each other while co-parenting and fall in love, but I just know they will go down the Sophie road for a third time so Kevin can "earn" that ring. I loved Chris Geere in You're the Worst. Not sure about his character here and really not sure about him marrying Kate. I mean ... what? I could see her with the neighbor before this guy. Now that I said that the neighbor would actually make sense. Long distance marriage, Kate leans more and more on her neighbor buddy who already has a relationship with little Jack. I can totally see her marriage to Toby falling apart, but I just can't see a relationship developing with her boss. Tess is a brat. I hope Nicky being married means he found Sally. Or maybe not. These people are too hung up on the past.
  7. I was hoping Drea would say no. I don't want her to get her heart broken because Matilda is trying to fill the Juilliard hole. The Nicholas/Alex breakup was brutal. It would be very hard being in a relationship with Nicholas, but I think Alex is wrong about Nicholas not loving him. Nicholas is just not great with emotions. I didn't care for Genevieve's storyline.
  8. I like Madison and Kevin. I think they could build a relationship like Miguel and Rebecca. But Kevin is just not into it and that's not fair to Madison. I'm just so over Sophie. Yes, Nicky! Look for Sally. I was never into Miguel and Rebecca but now I would love more of their story. At least it's something different.
  9. Congratulations to them. He certainly has a type and a specific marriage pool lol.
  10. Nice Kate and Rebecca scenes. Good to see Toby and his dad as well. The ballet school drama, while timely, was a little flat since we know Beth is running it in the future. Randall and Beth dancing was lovely though. I really like Madison and Madison and Kevin together so not thrilled about the return of Sophie. Also, Zoe wasn't really wrong about what she said but who responds to wedding news with "You always find a way to make it what you wanted all along." That did not sound like a compliment.
  11. When Genevieve posted her YouTube video he posted saying he liked her and it went from there. I think she knew who he was from school.
  12. It was nice seeing Sarah Drew again. Marrying April and Matthew was a bad idea, but I still don't like that they undid it so April and Jackson can potentially get back together offscreen. Jesse Williams has had one foot out the door for a long time so I'm not surprised that he's leaving. I do think Grey's will get one more season but after the returns and exits this season it will feel anticlimactic.
  13. I was happy but surprised by the winner. Everyone but Chloe and Lee were being strategic and ranking their favorites and/or perceived frontrunners low. Savannah and Terilisha: Awkward. I watched it play out and still don't understand what Savannah supposedly lied about that set the whole thing off. Fun season!
  14. "I love you, Duck Duck" "Forever, Muck Muck" "I feel yuck yuck" Yep. That was awkward. I'm surprised the hookup didn't hightail it out of there. I really liked Drea and Nicholas' conversation. He was actually listening and serious for a change. Genevieve and her little friend as my mother would say were cute.
  15. I didn't know how I felt about Chloe until this batch of episodes. In the beginning she seemed to be putting on an act but she's toned it down and really does come across as very young and naive like Trevor said. I don't think she's played a particularly strategic game, but she's built very strong relationships with everybody which is impressive. I'm kind of rooting for her. And Deleesa/Trevor. And Lee/River. I think this is River/Lee's game to lose. Courtney could win too, I suppose, but I think Courtney and maybe Jack/Lisa will rank River first so it depends on where River falls in Chloe and Trevor's rankings. I do like him and he's played a good game, but I admit, the pool thing kind of lost me which is silly because why do I care what the winner does with the money. I didn't feel bad for Mitchell at all. He has played it more authentic than some others, but you don't wait until the last blocking to talk to people if you want to win. I don't care if you don't like or trust them. I liked Deleesa/"Trevor" a lot more in this batch as well as Jack/Lisa. I didn't realize Jack was only twenty. He does seem insecure and potentially Nice Guy-ish but he's so young, he can grow and change.
  16. Drew really does make excuses for Amber. Maybe she's depressed? Depressed or not there is no excuse for Amber saying horrible things about Kristina online for Leah and the world to see. Can you see how your bond with Leah is threatening to Amber? Well, Amber could have had a bond of her own with Leah if she had ever made Leah a priority. I'm all for someone calling Drew out but Josh is just a dick. I don't believe he is any different when the cameras aren't around. He's not the sole problem in the marriage though as Mac is crazy and dumb. Cate and Tyler, same old, same old. Tyler gained weight. Nobody came out of the Larry and Taylor fight looking good. Apparently, Larry and Jen don't watch the show or they would have known why Taylor was mad.
  17. Yes! Youn Yuh-jung! Thrilled for her. She is delightful and was great in Minari.
  18. It's kind of a shame because of the year it's been these Oscar's will have an asterisk next to them because I really did love a lot of the films and performances.
  19. I think I liked Season 1's contestants more but this season is more exciting and unpredictable. I'm liking Courtney a bit less because of all the "snake" talk, but he played the Joker twist well. Lee/River and Chloe have good instincts. Lee/River pegged both "Trevor" and "Emily" as catfish and Chloe picked up on "Trevor" coming across as a bit feminine as well. I really like Khat and Mitchell is a much better player than his mom and brother. I felt for Jack when he was crying after the mannequin challenge. That challenge did seem set up to out catfishes. "Trevor's" was too good and "Emily's" was horrifyingly bad.
  20. This show does a good job of covering three stories while weaving in and out the characters. I'd forgotten that Genevieve ended last season trying standup. Youtube videos seem like the natural progression. I didn't think Alex sounded sincere either. Nicholas's mom telling her to dial back the crazy lol. Nice to see Barb again. Drea's back! So Matilda and Drew agree to be girlfriends without sex and Matilda is free to have casual, safe sex with guys. Sounds like a plan. Nicholas has unconditional love for Alex doing lunges with milk jugs but Alex doesn't love Nicholas's self-centeredness. I feel you there, Alex. Nicholas would be exhausting to be in a relationship with. He is good with the girls though. I liked his conversations with Genevieve.
  21. IIRC Ryan allegedly said that to Taylor and is what prompted Maci and Taylor to get the restraining order a few years ago. Amber was so drugged up. If Dr. Drew wanted to encourage Gary to find a therapist for Leah, great. I think therapy would benefit Leah (and I think Gary fears therapy will somehow make Leah like Amber). But encouraging Amber and Leah to go to therapy, ugh. Amber wouldn't get off the couch to go and Leah has made her feelings clear. Amber is so jealous of Kristina which is only going to alienate Leah more. Between Larry's temper and Jen's crying and enabling, it's not surprising Ryan turned out to be, in Taylor's words, a "piece of crap."
  22. I loved how the conversation between Matilda and Genevieve covered such diverse topics as grief, North Korea and penises lol. It was just really funny and sweet and realistic. Oh, Nicholas. "Hey, Dad." I'm glad Alex finally got him to share how he felt about his dad and his mom badmouthing his dad.
  23. I like Lee/River and Courtney. Chloe is loud and annoying, but I don't mind her. She seems to have done a good job establishing relationships with everyone. I would try to form some kind connection with everybody by day 2 or 3, but at both eliminations, there were people that apparently hadn't chatted yet. I knew #GirlGang wouldn't last, but the drama escalated quickly. Saving Trevor instead of Chloe after telling the girls she didn't trust him made Savannah look sketchy and Terilisha viewed every little thing she said after that through that lens. Jack/Emily is the only one I really dislike. I'm sure the producers encouraged it, but it was dumb for Lisa to play as Lance Bass. Even if people know it is a catfish, they won't vote to give her $100,000.
  24. Taylor was extremely dull and lifeless. I couldn't square her as the bad girl who went off to military school or party girl who passed out in bath tubs. Everybody seemed more or less reasonable until Taylor's dad decided he knew what Taylor really wanted (more like what he really wanted) and caused drama. It's probably best that they go to court to set a visitation schedule because Taylor's dad will keep overriding Taylor's decisions and refusing to let Armani visit, claiming he's violent, not invested enough, can't be trusted etc.
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