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Everything posted by LilaFowler

  1. Dina in the background laughing her ass off is a close second for me personally. Third would be the guy's face when the hair extension was presented to him on his kitchen counter. "SHE WENT RIGHT FOR THE PHYSICAL" "I HAD THE CANCER" ...Amber is truly reality tv gold. I have no doubt she was told by producers to kick everything up a notch, just like the twins. Consider it: Dina never gets confrontational, Theresa has bigger problems and doesn't seem to give a damn about fighting with the other women, and Melissa is the NJ equivalent of Tamra Judge from OC. The new women sitting down and calmly discussing the homewrecker accusations over a cup of tea does not make for Bravo-approved reality tv. They want fighting, they want hair pulling. Are all of Amber's kids biologically hers? Someone please straighten this out. If Jim has an ex somewhere I'd love to hear her story. Also, let's email the Seton Hall Law alumni group and ask about ol' Jimmy. This guy is such a pretentious, fronting twat.
  2. Amber's husband is that kid in grade school who read you the riot act when you broke a rule and then tattled to every teacher he could find and the principal also. Not surprised that he seems to be litigious and trying to throw his nonexistent name around. I can't wait until he and his wife are living in a dingy townhouse with their kids who look nothing like them.
  3. That sounds like an excuse for poor grammar. "He had a hard life with no role models so he can't be expected to spell correctly."
  4. Eddie reminds me of Nick Lachey for some reason. This show is boring.
  5. She also meddled in Sonja's relationship by CALLING THE GUY'S MOTHER. Ramona is such a hypocrite. She'll discuss every other relationship on camera except her own. I don't feel any sympathy for her whatsoever.
  6. I would like for someone (Andy, ...hello?) to ask Aviva if she still thinks Sonja and Ramona are white trash.
  7. LuAnn was the star of the reunion, omg. The whole thing was gold. The left couch is clearly the winner's circle. Sonja is mentally ill. You have no yacht, lady.
  8. Amber had The Cancer. Dina's life will never be the same once her beloved Lexi goes to college. Melissa lives in a (not) small, disgusting house. Tre's family will not work without Juicy and his juiciness. Same stuff, over and over.
  9. If this is the end of Tamra, then hopefully it's the end of Heather, too. No one else really likes her. Vicki hates her. Shannon hates her. Lizzie pretends to like her but I suspect it's merely for screen time and she obviously thinks that Heather is being mean. Who does that leave in Heather's corner if Tamballs leaves? No one. *big smile*
  10. Tamra seems to realize this is most likely the end for her. She has no story line. Other cast members are onto her shit stirring and are calling her out on it. Maybe she's trying to sabotage the entire show, who knows?
  11. Audriana is beautiful, the olive features with the blue eyes. Yeah, she seems to be quick to scream but look at her sisters. Being raised in that environment, no kid has a chance to grow up to be normal. Hopefully the girls will be raised by a responsible adult when Tre and Juicy go to Hebrew camp or whatever the fuck they're going to say.
  12. It's been a little less than 24 hours and the episode still hasn't been posted online anywhere (that I can see). That says something. RHONJ episodes used to be posted within a few hours of airing.
  13. Exactly. You'd think that would be easy enough to comprehend. Aviva is done. Who wants to film with her? Maybe Sonja but no one else. She doesn't go on housewives trips for bogus reasons. Her father is a disgusting lunatic. See ya!
  14. Heather's blog is full of eating crow and backpedaling. I love it. I love when she so clearly looks like a c-nty piece of shit that even she can't deny it.
  15. When has Rapey Ryan even gone on a Housewives vacation? I don't remember this happening. And how much money could he really even be making? Do the "supporting cast" members even get paid?
  16. So both Tamra and her rapey spawn have publicly admitted that it's all fake. I hope Cohen kicks them off the show for it.
  17. Yaaaasss at this leg-throwing episode finally happening. I hope this is not the last RHONY.
  18. Someone finally seems aware that the tide has fully turned against her and her mangy sidekick. HA!
  19. I gave up on RHONJ in the middle of the previous season when it became too infuriating to watch. I'm reaching a similar point with this series. Heather, Tamra and Actin'-Like-a-Bitch Terry (TM NeNe) are making this show unwatchable. It's to the point where I am going to watch the rest of the season just to see if they get some comeuppance, but if both Tams and Heather return for next season, I'm out. We all know that Tamra is clinging to this show because that broken down trailer park gym that she's shilling won't pay the bills for long. But what exactly does Heather intend to get out of appearing on this show? They don't need the money. Getting a few lines on a cheesy show that no one watches hardly seems like the career bump that she desires. She is making herself look like a raging BITCH on here (because she IS one!) and I can't imagine this is doing her public image any favors. I just don't get it. She acts like she is so superior but week after week, even her most loyal fans are turning on her. Her behavior is simply appalling. I hope her daughters get bullied in school and they bawl to her every night and they're driven to the emotional brink. That may be the only way she understands Shannon's POV. Shame that it would have to come to that, but she's fucking oblivious.
  20. I did laugh when Dina had her tree outside. My basset hound attacks our tree year after year (the ornaments are "toys," didn't you know?). He also likes to eat the tinsel, which made for some very surprising discoveries on the lawn.
  21. I'm pretty sure that on at least half of Dina's appearances on this show over the years, she's mentioned her uber-close relationship with her daughter. We get it. She's really caking on the makeup this season. I don't know how old she is, but her style is late teens/early 20s, aka, too young for her. She and her hats need to get a clue. She and Tamballs Barney Judge need to understand that dressing younger doesn't make you look younger, just desperate. I feel very sorry for that puppy having to live with Milania. What a little psycho. That said, there wasn't much thought put into that pet, was there? When those girls are living with relatives in a year, where will that dog be, in a shelter? Nice of Joe to play loving husband and father these days. Unfortunately we all saw the episode when you called your wife a cunt. I can't tell the new women apart and I don't care because none of them are interesting. Fire drills, Bravo, really? Yawn. Seeing Kathy and Rich just reminded me of how I don't miss them. Joe and Melissa are Juicy and Tre 2.0. He's trying to keep her in a certain lifestyle and she's never satisfied. Looks like Antonia is another ungrateful brat. Can't say that I'm surprised at all.
  22. What does Amber's husband do? Do they actually afford their lifestyle or are they frontin' like the rest?
  23. Teresa and Joe should not be on this show. They're criminals.
  24. Only 2 episodes left? Didn't this show just start? Aviva helping a Boston marathon bombing survivor is going to redeem her in my mind. Damn.
  25. On WWHL, Tamra said that she doesn't read anything on the internet about herself because she would get depressed. She's at the very least aware that everyone hates her (ha!). Alienating Vicki isn't really going to help her cause, though. Did they already film the reunion? This will only drive Vicki away from Team Scary Face more, which is good--that's exactly what I want. Heather and Tamra versus the rest of them, with Heather eventually turning on Tamra also.
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