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Everything posted by LilaFowler

  1. Tamra's probably thinking about next season. She would obviously want Lizzie to leave and is trying to tempt Alexis back. So conniving. She doesn't care about anything except the Bravo paycheck.
  2. I think even Heather was tired of picking fights with Shannon. They had basically made up and then Terry (by his own admission last night on WWHL) ruins it.
  3. Alex always annoyed me with her desperate need to fight other people's battles, specifically Bethenny's and Ramona's. Neither one of them really gave a damn about her. Are they all still friends? Yeah, thought so. They were just using her, and despite being an intelligent and capable woman in reality, she wasn't cut out for reality tv.
  4. Vicki really does NEED approval from others. It's really quite sad that a woman her age isn't secure enough in herself to say, "the hell with everyone, it's my life" and really mean it. She needs to get a backbone. Tamra is twice-divorced and currently married to a hard-pinging douchebag, why should she be able to pass judgement on someone's relationship? She shouldn't. Bawling over Tamra's continued disapproval of Brooks was just a waste of energy. The dinner last night was the time to stand up to Tamra but Vicki just sat there whimpering. Infuriating. I don't see how they can continue this show after this season. It's basically Vicki, Heather and Tamra and the jig is up.
  5. On WWHL, Terry admits that he did not hear anything that was yelled at Heather while she was on the mechanical bull. He says a couple of times that he was told (doesn't say who the source was) about it, and later says that what Eddie was saying was worse than what David was saying. He then goes on to admit that he overreacted at the final dinner that will be shown next week. Heather and Terry are in this reality show shit for the exposure and the opportunities that it provides. They said it on WWHL. Neither one of them is taking any of this seriously at all. Vicki's tears over Tamra and Brooks were real. Shannon's frustrations are real. I think Heather is playing a part. She may have confessed a few things to Tamra because she needed a sidekick on the show, and maybe she told her about some eating problems she had in the past, and likely didn't think Tamra would run around and tell people (big mistake). I think the anorexia comment was what hurt Heather, but she made everyone think it was the wedding. That wedding was a damn joke. They were new friends and it was for a reality show.
  6. Great, I'm going to have to re-watch S4 now. It had so many great and cringe-worthy moments. (Look at Sonja on the left, running away! LMAO)
  7. Heather and her bitch will be on WWHL tonight. I will not be able to watch so I hope someone recaps it.
  8. IRL, is Lexie going to college on the other side of the planet? You'd think so, from the dramatic way Dina has been handling it.
  9. LOL, did anyone else catch Gia say that she was "shitting" herself when she found the dog eating the chickens? I can't remember how old she is but she dropped that line like it was not the first time she said it.
  10. Ugh, Mario is so good-looking. I hope Ramona doesn't go nuts with plastic surgery or anything after all of this. Your husband leaving you for a younger woman is really tough.
  11. Bird shit facial: before she started talking, Amber looked almost scared, like she was expecting Tre and Dina to go in on her. (Actually, that's what I was expecting, too.) She's lucky that Tre was ganged up on so much in previous seasons and that Dina is in her first season back in years. Otherwise, they would've ripped her a new one for the way that Tiny Jim behaved. He is a disgusting man. I think Dina's date was lying about the flat tire. He would've just called her when it happened. With the invention of cell phones it's hard to get away with stuff like that. Where is Tiny Jim's "unregulated bank"?
  12. Amber thinks reality tv is the perfect place to tell secrets that she heard through the grapevine. I believe her IQ is in the single digits. She was on WWHL tonight. I don't think Andy likes her at all.
  13. Exactly. Did she think Nicole wouldn't find out? Even if Melissa hadn't told her, she still would have seen the footage from the car last week. Does Amber have an IQ above 12? Let's test her.
  14. I'm watching the rerun. Amber thinks Melissa created the mayhem? I'm no fan of Melissa, but I don't think she did anything wrong. If I were Nicole and one of my good friends was telling people (on camera) that I was a homewrecker, I'd want to know. Nicole deserved to know. Amber's big mouth is what caused the mayhem. Take some responsibility, you cow. And cut your damn hair.
  15. Is Jim not enough of a man to apologize to Theresa and Dina himself? He has to send his wife to do it for him? If I were Tre or Dina, I wouldn't have anything to do with Jim or Amber. Freeze that bitch out, refuse to film with her. Also, Dina has a problem with Melissa betraying her 'old friend' Amber? Um, what about Amber spreading gossip about her good friend Nicole? Hello?
  16. Jim has short man syndrome and he has it BAD. LMAO at Milania (for once): "Say hello to ya motha!" We're only a handful of episodes into the season and already Amber and her troll husband have no friends in the cast. It must be a record.
  17. I thought Kelly looked the most beautiful on the Morocco trip, and that was due to the fact that she was covered up for most of it. When the camel tried to buck LuAnn, Kelly was wearing this cable-knit sweater and pants combo and she just looked lovely. Then there was the Pucci dress that she wore to dinner the one night (when Alex was clomping around in her ugly LV shoes and trying to confront people). LuAnn getting tossed around by that camel is hands down the funniest Housewives moment for me. Youtube doesn't have any clips that don't suck, otherwise I'd post something here.
  18. LuAnn and her family seemed to be based out of the Hamptons. I'm sure Kasey wasn't the first mistress that Mario took to their Hamptons home while Ramona was away on business or even just away filming Housewives stuff. LuAnn has probably been hearing things about Mario for years. Just speculating, of course. Makes me wonder if Jill knew anything, or Sonja. Sonja's tearfulness after the fortune teller in Morocco was verrrrry curious. Looking at that scene with fresh eyes now. LuAnn was very serious, wasn't joking around, and Sonja had a meltdown. They've both known Ramona and Mario for years.
  19. Oh wow, great find. Ramona was a bit of a beauty, wasn't she? I believe her when she says she had a lot of guys after her.
  20. Season 3 is largely the reason that it's nearly impossible for me to hate Ramona.
  21. According to Kelly's linkedin page, she attended Columbia from 94-98 and has a BA in Literature. I'm sure if she had actually just attended a workshop for a certification, that would be public knowledge by now, right? She was a fairly famous model at the time. Universities bend the admission requirements for celebrity students all the time, so I don't know, I think I believe her. Her rep actually released a statement about it at the time: she attended the College of General Studies. It's not an extension or certification program, but an actual undergraduate college at the University.
  22. Ramona has said very harsh and inappropriate things about most of the other ladies' husbands and children over the years.
  23. Except for the whole "I have a message from Bethenny" announcement that she did in front of the whole group. That was pretty cold. I never really liked Jill but I felt bad for her there.
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