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Everything posted by Rhetorica

  1. I loved watching Joy Reid giggle at the "softening" of Trump on Lawrence O'Donnell tonight!
  2. Brian Wms & Rachel just reported that Sanders demanded his votes be counted for the "history books". So the motion of acclimation meant nothing, unlike when Clinton nominated Obama.
  3. I just binge watched all three episodes. Not as bad as the red wedding but after seeing Emma's death and Barry's and Molly's reactions, I'd forgotten about Jamal's murder. The plot, indeed, thickens.
  4. I was glad that Chris was the one to announce the Dem VP. His colleagues seem to respect him.
  5. As long as the "baby" is a full grown, good looking man, I'm OK with it.
  6. The chanting wasn't near as chilling as "One of Us!"
  7. Did anyone see this? I couldn't believe what I heard and had to look it up. SMH..... http://www.salon.com/2016/07/19/rep_steve_king_defends_rncs_lack_of_diversity_where_did_any_other_subgroup_of_people_contribute_more_to_civilization/
  8. This wasn't on All In. Chris had a panel before the opening of the GOP convention. I couldn't believe what I heard and had to look it up. SMH..... http://www.salon.com/2016/07/19/rep_steve_king_defends_rncs_lack_of_diversity_where_did_any_other_subgroup_of_people_contribute_more_to_civilization/
  9. I just saw an MSNBC promo that repeated three times. I swear it was fives minutes long. It mostly showcased Brian Williams and Chris Matthews. Chris Hayes was shown for a hot second. He won MSNBC’s only Emmy last year. SMH...
  10. To paraphrase Yoda, "The appeal to arrogance is strong with this one."
  11. He did. But cop dude wouldn't, couldn't, or didn't hear it. He wouldn't even listen to Chris. I think Chris just gave up on him. Wasn't this the same cop dude on last night?
  12. I binged watched the season and am ready for the finale(s). I can remember what happens easier that way. Cassie can just go. She has frayed my nerves. Jennifer is awesome and needs to be leader of the world. Deacon is a delight. Love the bromance and tension between Cole and Ramses. Look forward to reading all your comments and theories.
  13. I'm sure it's because of his charming, witty personality...
  14. Here's another from Kos: http://m.dailykos.com/stories/1536587
  15. I'm tired of the personalities not calling out the Sanders' surrogates who want the super delegates to vote against the people who duly elected Hillary Clinton. Talk about undemocratic... That's what the Sanders supporters have been claiming for weeks.
  16. I binged watched this last night. I read the book and saw the original mini series. This one was just as heartbreaking. I have no problem with the rewrite. The original series was a national event when most households had three or four stations and no DVRs. It became a national dialogue.This one had to draw viewers with all the options available today. I hope it spurs people to research and discuss these issues. On a shallow note, if Belle and Chicken George had babies, the world would have some beautiful people.
  17. Steve Kornacki sat in for Rachel. He compared this Democratic primary to the 2008 primary and mentioned Clinton's concession speech. I was fortunate at that time to be teaching a class on Political Discourse and had them study the speech. Here it is in case you're too young to remember. Great rhetorical device. http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2008/jun/07/hillaryclinton.uselections20081 Spyglass
  18. I never, ever cry over fiction but there was just too much in this episode, both joyful and sorrowful. And sometimes joy and sorrow overlapped.
  19. I'm sorry for all the posts. I guess that bell kept swinging...
  20. Well, that was sweet and tied up in a bow. I'll miss this show, and Galavant, and The Muppet's Show. I guess I'm a jinx...
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