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Everything posted by barbedwire

  1. I agree with you FakeJoshDuggar. No reputable agency would work with them since they are young, healthy, and have proven they can have kids (though they shouldn't name them). BUT with all their leghumpers out there if one of them "has a moral failing" and "finds" herself preggers, she would give the baby to them. Or maybe Jessa will just ask Jilly to bring home one of them spare babies from whatever country they are in.
  2. I thought it was a well done, well balanced show about Cosby. I just love DAG and especially as the no-nonsense dad. The best part was Maxine handing over her phone and the Wikipedia page.
  3. I really don't think JimBoob will EVER let us know what the truth is about where the money goes and how they all are paid. Even the over 18s/adults. I wonder if these are fans that they "let" buy them burger and sodas. Who are those extra people?
  4. Wow, more non-responsibility. Not "our son sinned" or even the famous "mistakes were made" now it is the devil's fault. Run, Anna, run!
  5. That would be horrible: Anna really believing that she is responsible for keeping her husband from straying. Let's see what her day looks like: Get up and fix yourself: makeup, good skirt, and curled hair. Then make everyone breakfast. Clean up after breakfast. Homeschool the kids, nurse the baby, clean the house, make more meals and clean up after them, grocery shop, bathe kids, put kids to bed and then you MUST be ready to serve Sloppy, I mean Joshy. Oh if Merry wakes up in the middle of the night, don't you dare wake him up and suggest he take a turn with the baby. Ugh.
  6. Thanks for alerting me to this. I just went and read. Awesome! I couldn't watch this morning because .... I know it is awful ...... but I am a woman, a mother, and I have a job outside the home I had to go to. I know, I know: the horror.
  7. Saw the commercial. No Jessa, family is not everything. God is. She should know that but is probably told what to say. And the "family is everything" doesn't go over well for those who come from abusive families. And someone needs to tell her that her family is nothing special...
  8. Good grief, her father-in-law is a doctor and these 2 don't have accurate info of all the ways you can become pregnant? But then again, being pregnant is the goal.
  9. BitterApple, or should I say Your Majesty. :) Jinger restores cars? Really? And to whom does she sell them to? They really want me to believe this?
  10. I am remembering all of those cute Hannie and Jackson talking heads That is way back when I enjoyed the show. My guess is that Jackson has to wait until SI or another brother outgrows their boots and then he gets a "new" pair. Could there be times-tables on the reverse side of those flashcards and that is what he is looking at. I always thought flashcards were to test or drill someone with.
  11. I am thinking by April Fool's day that fool will be showing his face. Hiding out - yeah, right, that won't last for long.
  12. Don't give him any ideas. And I don't think his weenie is so cowardly. Very bold. (Again, ChurchHoney made me spill the brain bleach.)
  13. Gas Paine!! I just spilled all the brain bleach from laughing so hard!! So if you don't get any it is ChurchHoney's fault. LOL! They could spell it Gazz
  14. Carson is not bad. I think any name that is already not known for something. No Daisy or Kitty or Constance, but Emily would work. Or Catherine,
  15. Ok, that doesn't look like her, but seriously I am so surprised that JimBoob let that picture get published! He is falling down on the job. He was probably too busy with JShell at the time of the photo shoot making baby #20, #21, #22... (I will be passing out brain bleach. Line forms to the right.)
  16. Wherever JimBoob tells them to live. It is not like Joshy has money saved and can make head-of-household decisions.
  17. I thought Jinger was headband girl. Could it be Joy?
  18. In that above circle picture (matchy blues and greys) which Jslave is that who is far too close to Bin? I mean full on should and arm touching!
  19. So glad Caleb is ok. But for the love of the game, make Debbie Know-it-All shut the heck up!!!!! Please vote her out! I realize she know everything and her daughters adore her, but I am guessing her fellow employees are SO happy that she went away for a month or more. She never ever seems to shut up! Go drink some more tainted water.
  20. Jinger, the laundry room is probably preferably to taking care of the howlers. At least the laundry doesn't talk back. And where is grandma? I though laundry was her jurisdiction?
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