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Everything posted by Sandman

  1. Well, I prefer to think about Elijah as little as possible, but I was focusing on the annoying redheads and their toilsome perfidy.
  2. First Rosalind the Unending, now Ridonkulous Monica. Was Alexi Hawley bitten by a little red-haired girl or something when he was a kid? He’s like the bitter version of Charlie Brown. My guess is RM will try to mess up Wesley and Angela will have to shoot her in the head. Twice, just to be on the safe side.
  3. Ridonkulous Monica kicks herself down the stairs, shoots kidnapper dude in the foot, and then pistol-whips herself. Because of course she does. This character is exhausting. How does the show pretend not to know that?
  4. It seems to be the pattern of this show not just to give everyone baggage, but to make everyone broken. (Kevin's maybe not completely busted.) I don't have the problems with Tracy Spiridakos that some do, but they do seem to be writing Upton into a corner. I don't like the writers' calculus that says in order for Jo to be a brilliant profiler, she has to be barely functional as a person -- no: that's lazy and insulting to the viewer. Really?
  5. I think I enjoyed the episode overall more than you did, but I did wonder about this.
  6. Yeah, really not sure why they need to turn Celina into a bubblehead. Can Nolan be that bad a TO? One Smitty’s plenty — more than enough, in fact.
  7. I read the book decades ago, and the only answer I’ve ever been able to come up with is “Verrrry carefully.”
  8. Linzer is only marginally less sympathetic than Rina herself was. Jubal is letting sentiment (or something more hormonal) cloud his judgment. But then he never seemed to see Rina for the desperate, unprincipled climber that she was. So … it’s kind of in character for him — yay? I’m just glad I’m not the only one who immediately thought “What? No, he wouldn’t — she was awful! I do mostly like Jubal’s and Forrester’s scenes together. Kleintank and Sisto have a nice chemistry. But the whole collaboration with the CIA storyline didn’t make sense to me since the purposes of the FBI and the CIA seem diametrically opposed: law vs. destabilization.
  9. This just seems like the kind of detail that should have been built into Tim’s character from Season 1 — not pulled (unless I am very much mistaken) out of some neophyte writer‘s bag of tricks two weeks ago.
  10. Tim's reasoning for breaking up with Chen is idiotic -- this whole plotline seems created out of whole cloth to make everyone (with the possible exception of Diaz) look as stupid as possible.
  11. Dr. Ripley's knowing about Pawel's gambling will mean Dr. Charles will be forced to testify at the malpractice hearing. Which will in turn cause Liliana to break up with Dr. Charles. Which will create bitterness between Ripley and Charles. It would be nice if the show didn't telegraph its dramatic choices so clearly. It would also help if the plot line of Daniel's relationship with Liliana didn't have "DOOMED" stamped on its forehead from the beginning. :: sigh:: What can you do?
  12. Or it’s hubris on the part of the Bene Gesserit (… which, I know: “Gee, ya think?) breeding for a particular quality or genetic combination, and thinking they can control or destroy whatever else may result. I confess I’m surprised that Irulan seems to think the BG was interested in helping her father maintain his hold on the throne. When Gaius Helen Mohiam tells Irulan that her father will lose the throne in any event, she seems taken aback by this. Book!Irulan always seemed more loyal to the BG anyway, so the version of her in this movie comes across as a bit naive, not to be more aware of the Sisterhood’s true loyalties.
  13. For what it’s worth, I found Walken’s particular vocal patterns less evident (less exaggerated?) than sometimes. I do find it interesting that both Villeneuve and Lynch cast actors with highly distinctive voices as the Emperor. No one else sounded like Jose Ferrer! So it was never the best plan😁 Edited to add: Or maybe my whole premise is too simplistic. Maybe Feyd-Rautha’s nature isn’t directly heritable?
  14. Does making Feyd-Rautha so explicitly psychotic and bloodthirsty create a bit of a plot hole? I don’t remember that in the novel. Nothing against Butler’s performance, which was equal parts mesmerizing and skin-crawling creepy. But doesn’t the Harkonnen House brand of evil & crazy represent an instability the BG would want to screen out, rather than breed in? Mohiam is sure they can control him, but his genetic material must be inherently flawed, if not entirely useless. Unless the literal translation of “Kwisatz Haderach” is “Kookoo for Cocoa Puffs.” Or perhaps Villeneuve is suggesting that the BG is overconfident in its own planning.
  15. Are we supposed to have any degree of sympathy for Dr. Ahmad? Because I really don’t. She’s impulsive, careless and yet so exhaustingly sure of her own rightness she’s snippy and disrespectful to her teachers. What the hell was she calling Marcel “Professor Snape” for? Sure, mouth off to the one guy left in your corner. That should work out well for you. I’m tired of her weekly self-created crises. Ending her career would be a boon to medicine. Also, Pawel the sketchy brother can go, too.
  16. Is there anyone whom Voight has really cared about who isn't either dead or gone? Camille, Justin, Al, Nadia, Noah -- all dead; Lindsay, Brown Halstead, Olive & his grandchild -- gone. I don't know if it's enough to settle his karmic debt, but he's basically lost his entire family. And Trudy should probably get the heck outta Chicago, like, yesterday.
  17. I honestly thought Noah might make it —at least at the beginning of the episode. Voight’s going to rip that offender in half with his bare hands.
  18. What’s Chief Robinson’s deal? She clearly hates Violet for, uh, reasons. She’s a walking red flag her own self.
  19. Hmm. Does this iterative process also apply to determine the lengths the Nefarious Redheads (formerly Rosalind, now the almost-as-ridonkulous Monica) get to go to?
  20. I almost gave up at the autopsy scene. I mean, obviously Bailey can do everything ever, but, seriously, what would possess Nolan to think they could or should perform an impromptu autopsy? If the episode immediately following your main character’s wedding is called “Trouble in Paradise,” is it lampshading, on-the-nose, or a tacit admission that your show’s OTP is :: pppbbbtt:: ? Nolan seemed much more excited about his new spy tech toys than about his new bride. They’re not supposed to be giddy twenty-somethings, obviously, but that is … not good.
  21. At first, I thought it looked like Noah had been blinded. Nightmarish.
  22. I think I liked it, but as soon as Voight told ASA Chapman “We’re all he’s got,” I knew Voight would end up taking the kid in. The Justin-anvils were thick on the ground.
  23. Considering what a game-changer AW was to the form and substance of the genre, I agree. And I definitely remember the location shoot where Catlin saved Sally from the runaway horse.
  24. Does anyone know if Heida Reed had an option in her contract for a short stint on the show? Or maybe she signed on for only two seasons? Because Kellett’s backstory now feels kind of like a ripcord that was always waiting to be pulled. I’ll miss Jamie, I think. Reed had nice chemistry with the rest of the cast.
  25. Is it wrong that I wanted the show to prove to me that Tank was fine before anyone went back into the building?
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