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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Seriously!!! I didn't like them together strictly because they were so obviously unsuitable for each other, yet Carrie kept dragging him along because she didn't care a lick about his happiness or his needs in a partner. I wasn't a big Aidan fan, but I hated the way she dicked him around for so long. She was pretty much a lying, selfish cheat who seemingly kept him around because he was a nice guy who treated her well, unlike Mr. Big. He was never more than a convenient rebound for her and she liked him because he was sweet and fed her ego, but she obviously had a bad boy fixation and a penchant for drama and complications that Mr. Big constantly offered---and Carrie has always craved a challenge in love, at least as far as I could tell. Aidan was just too available and easygoing for her.
  2. I had to chuckle in disbelief when Yo was gushing on the recent show about how hopefully Bella would be like GiGi and be able to be "independent"financially by the time she's 21. Only after their parents have not only bought them these insanely posh((and professionally decorated too!)) Manhattan pads, but paid for their college tuitions and daily upkeep, of course. 1%, this is obviously how you raise your kids. I know they can't help it and all, but it seems insane to me how these sorts of rich kids a'la GiGi and Kendall Jenner manage to have such perfect modeling genes and million-dollar set-up's along the way for such seemingly unfair advantages---makes you wonder if other successful models from more humble backgrounds resent them and don't care to work with them or hang out. I know it's already been reported that other models in some of the NYFW shows shunned Kendall when they shared the runway there. I wonder if GiGi faces the same sort of discrimination from fellow models---makes sense that she and Kendall are buddies then, seeing as they're both rich Beverly Hills girls from similar backgrounds. I'll give them both this much: they make the modeling dabbling of the Hilton sisters seem oddly quaint and laughable in comparison to their own bigtime modeling successes.
  3. Didn't she casually mention on that one episode last season as she was packing up her autographed books to send to famous friends that she went on a date or two with Ralph Fiennes? Hey, I'd be bragging about that one too---he was pretty damned hot before he lost his hair and got outted as a airplane bathroom stewardess-banging sex addict. I think she's even hinted that he may have been the inspiration for the movie star character her book's heroine was seduced by.
  4. Yes!!! I almost posted about that myself and how her awful voice just makes my skin crawl---for a supposed "singer", her constant vocal fry is literally ruining her vocal chords. She and Stassi have the show's worst cases of fry, although at least they don't use it constantly with upspeak like the Kardashians. Like Valley Girl speak, gals particularly in California suffer from this affected affliction, and I'd just love to see a vocal coach rip them a new one for it. Girls, vocal fry ain't sexy---you just sound like idiots.
  5. Seriously!!! Giggling about all the various ways you hid your alcohol abuse while at work and then proudly revealing it all to both your former boss and millions of television viewers nationwide??! What. A. Dumbass. And Stassi has already proven on the show what a shitty, entitled excuse of a "stylist" she truly is, so I suppose her biggest career ambition appears to be a kept woman/rich housewife. She's a bit long in the tooth/not quite hot enough to be a Hollywood trophy wife, so she'd better pray that her rich invisible boyfriend never dumps her, or there goes her biggest likely gravy train. Unless she'd wisely humble herself enough to ever slink back into Sur as a waitress again, but her dumb smug ass would rather burn a decent bridge than potentially capitalize on her last 15 minutes. I do love how Lisa totally burned her ass in her talking head when she mentioned how "sad" it was that hiding booze while waitressing at Sur appeared to be the proudest achievement of Stassi's life thus far!!
  6. Seriously! The dude went from years of casually dating numerous actresses/younger gals in the industry, to then shacking up with a Vegas cocktail waitress, a sleazy Italian dancer/actress, to a former pro-wrestler, to....Amal the Amazing!!! I don't mean to seem cynical and I adore George otherwise, but I also have to believe that this marriage is somewhat strategically planned for both of their mutual benefits. It just seemed way too quick and convenient for a guy like him, a guy's guy who was known strictly for dating arm-candy; not to mention the huge publicity frenzy he stirred over their quick marriage after years of swearing off marrying ever again?? Oh well, good for them---they're a lovely, classy couple and I hope they're happy together forever and that she gets more comfortable with their Hollywood lifestyle of red carpets and awards galas. Speaking of comfortable, besides Ricky Gervais, I wonder who was the drunkest celeb there last night? I almost miss the trainwrecky appeal of those fringe actors like Paz De La Huerta who obviously came for a good time and an open bar! Maybe Jeremy Renner in all his boob-ogling glory...
  7. That's the thing---he's known for all these serious, dramatic villain roles((let's not forget how close he came to an Oscar for playing that scary evil Nazi officer)), it would've been a hoot to finally see him win an acting award for...his rare comedic turn!!
  8. Damnit...I'm sure Michael Keaton was great, but I was rooting hardcore for Ralph Fiennes to win for "Grand Budapest Hotel"---he played such a hilarious dandy in that film!!
  9. George is just so damned classy and Old Hollywood cool. Clooney for President!!!
  10. Atlanta, this is probably the best glimpse currently available of her Manhattan pad, via LuAnn's Instagram:http://instagram.com/p/vMikt6jifn/ She does seem to have great taste/style that carries into her wardrobe as well. I loved how she did her former Hamptons house as well---so tastefully chic, and yet cozy and livable. My fave thing about LuAnn is that she seems so comfortable with her own self: she doesn't seem to be a plastic surgery addict, she always dresses stylishly age-appropriate, and she has a cute short 'do instead of desperately clinging to long hair/ridiculous extensions like most other Real Housewives. ((and that's one thing I *don't* like about Carole: the plastic surgery and too-long extensions are a bit off-putting and go against the "too cool to care" character that she tries to display))
  11. As a Manhattan real estate porn addict, I adore getting glimpses of these ladies' luxurious lodgings! Therefore I live and die for Carole's awesome, loft-esque pad---it's just the sort of elegantly funky apartment I would dream of living in if I ever moved to NYC: http://thedesigndaredevil.com/2014/04/carole-radziwills-nyc-apartment/ But I drink the "Cool Carole" elder hipster chick KoolAid anyway, so I'm a fan of her daring style overall, whether it be within her home or via her often edgy/whackadoodle wardrobe. For me, she's living the worldly lifestyle and displaying the stylish chutzpah that most of us gals would dream of enjoying while in our 50's. As kooky as Kelly was, I also adore her own downtown loft. ((HATE her wardrobe though)) Although I think it's somewhat odd and yet oddly appropriate that she's *always* redecorating the place and moving shit around. It's like she's got this constant manic decorating instinct: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lC38VC0yQUI https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1bbIKWFXtvo ((and she's redecorated the joint at least 2 or 3 times since she shot these videos, of course)) Bethenny's redone new apartment that she showcased on "Bethenny Ever After" was mindblowingly stunning, but it also seemed oddly cold and lacking in personal accents. And given the fact that it was displayed shortly before her messy divorce was beginning, it's just sad to think of her marriage crumbling in that showroom of a home. I really wanted to like Jill's glitzy apartment and it had good bones, but her gaudy Vegas decorating style ruined it for me. Ditto Alex and Simon's Brooklyn Brownstone that they literally ruined with all the tacky bordello stylings. Ramona's place is beautiful, but it really needs an update---way too dated with its grandma-esque, typical upper East Side decor. But the views look awesome. Kristen's apartment itself is fab, but she can't decorate worth a shit. I suppose having the two small kids in there has made her decorating instincts secondary to all else, and it shows. Maybe that's why Heather's apartment has yet to be featured?((although I do love the modern rustic vibe of her Berkshires home)) I actually really liked Aviva's rented townhouse this past season, although much like Bethenny's "dream home" reveal on her own show, the place just seemed way too done up and perfected by well-paid interior designers to feel like an actual home. Sonja's crumbling townhouse is just so sad. Much like Sonja herself and her tired old wardrobe, it's like a ghost of past glories, although there's still some slight charm left in that little courtyard, I suppose. I follow LuAnne on Instagram and have seen glimpses of her own little pad on there, which seems sexy and fun, yet still chic and classy, just like her Countess self.
  12. Agreed!! I really miss this show too, and I hope that the taint "Euros of Hollywood" left with its recent flop of a performance didn't affect the re-airing of this show. Plus, I thought the network was pushing Reza as one of its big "Bravolebrities" and that the ratings have been good---Reza has appeared in many of the recent commercial promos, after all! I'm just befuddled as to why this season isn't being pushed out yet. Is it a boring mess?
  13. I hope she's a good tipper, but I doubt it---not to generalize, but I've learned from my waiter friends that Europeans are typically non-tippers. Tipping for services in most of those areas just doesn't happen. And Bleona just comes across like a non-tipper, being so smug in her self-proclaimed VIP status as she is.
  14. Geez...this boring B-reel footage wasn't even worth airing. This must've bombed so hard. And these folks are just so unabashedly tacky. Although I will miss the sweetness and good humor of Fawni and Massimo; shame they can't get their own show together.
  15. Mom was also wrong to allow her kids to treat their family so disrespectfully and to have such hideous manners. Plenty of extended family members gave me some pretty ridiculous gifts as a kid too, but I sure as Hell didn't make them feel like crap about it, but treated them courteously and thanked them for the effort. That's what I loathe about commercials these days---more and more retailers making viewers think it's totally fine for kids talk to adults so condecendingly and with such an appalling lack of manners.
  16. Ditto on the gift card preference here!!! I tell everyone who wants to give me gifts to get me three things, and three things only: nice candles, nice booze, or gift cards. Sorry, but I'm a picky bitch about gifts otherwise and I prefer shopping for myself---plus, I typically end up regifting those gifts people give me that aren't in my three required categories anyway, because people who think they "know" my tastes often end up offending me with what they think I'd like, actually...that includes my family and friends, who have gradually learned that I'm just not into surprises gift-wise. Not to sound ungrateful because I always appreciate the attempted gesture, but really, gift cards exist for people like me: we like what we like and would rather pick out our gifts ourselves rather than swap/return/give away yet another gift fail. Plus, I prefer the convenience of giving gift cards. I've had people argue with me that gift cards are "impersonal", but what's impersonal about finding out a person's favorite place to shop/eat/play, etc and give them a monetary amount to enjoy at that favorite place?! It sure beats just plucking out one of those random, ubiquitous gift sets of bath salts/chocolates/make-up, etc you see littering the department stores every season.
  17. I wanna smack this hateful little twerp soooo hard on those Old Navy commercials with Julia Louis Dreyfus playing her aunt, and this brat nastily announces to her aunt as said aunt is giving all the kids Christmas gifts, "Mom says you give fancy gifts because you don't have a boyfriend!" And then after aunt gifts them with a beautiful pony, this nasty little shrew then snaps while pointing at her brother, "He's allergic to HAY!!!" What a rude, ungrateful piece of shit that kid comes off as---but sure, by all means, Old Navy crap is sooooo much better than "fancy gifts", therefore it must be okay to be a total asshole to your eccentric single aunt who cared enough to buy you a beautiful pony instead! Bitch. Edited to mention that the YouTube commenters all seem to agree with me on how awful these kids are, specifically that one bratty girl---because if these kids prefer Old Navy clothes to a badass pony for Christmas, perhaps they have some complex mental issues that extend far beyond being rude and ungrateful to extended family members.
  18. Missoni is another one of the Eurotrashy fashion houses, but they've used some of the younger members of that family to reinvigorate the brand in recent years with publicized appearances and getting their names in social magazines/events, which is a brilliant idea. Maybe DVF saw what Missoni was doing and thus the idea for a televised "brand ambassador" search was born.
  19. I've always gotten the same vibe from DVF clothing that I do from Diane herself: Eurotrash. Yes, I know Diane comes from a good background and all, yada,yada,yada....I'm just saying, something about her clothing just seems very garish and cheap to me, with the sexed-up silhouettes and weird fit and bright colors/wacky patterns, which many a European nouveau riche fashionista loves. Same with the Herve Legere bandage dress. What separates DVF from the similarly Eurotrashy stench of Versace/Donatella Versace is that Versace was embraced by Hollywood on a grander scale---you just don't see DVF pop up on red carpets nearly as often as Versace, and the House of Versace tends to vary the styling of its clothing a bit more. Plus, Versace makes a point to reach out more to a more youthful, vibrant and eclectic clientele, such as with Lady GaGa being one of their recent campaign models. DVF, I dunno, it just seems too locked into the sexy wrap dress legend, along with the Eurotrash slant. No one under 35 seems to be too into the brand, as far as I've seen in my years as a fashion-follower.
  20. Maybe she came to America for her sex change operation? Maybe she's finally decided to remove her hideous hair extensions?? Maybe she's marrying Massimo so they can open up an art gallery/dance studio in LA together??? Oh, the mind boggles!!! Actually, no...it doesn't. This show sucked on levels beyond the depths of Bravo's recent fails like "Love Doctor", "Silicon Valley", "Miss Advised", "100 Days of Summer", "Courtney Loves Dallas", etc... And it's a sad day when watching such dreck makes me miss the idiots of "Shahs of Sunset"---it's mostly a shame that poor Fawni and Massimo's talents/charms were wasted by appearing on this dreck and sharing a screen with the rest of these deeply unlikable, Eurotrashy goons.
  21. Nope---I feel the exact same way!!! Can we finally just see a positive and glam spin on female friendships and social strategizing?Seriously, let's remember how all of these HW shows were during their first seasons: fun parties, fab events and posh vacations, society gigs and glimpses into various careers, family lives and planning meetings, genuine friendships with a dash of healthy disagreements here and there, snarky talking heads, fashionable moments mixed with a few drunken adventures: the end. So how is watching upper middle class/rich ladies living their regular lives "boring"? That's *exactly* how this entire franchise started out until producers decided that ridiculously soapy, staged drama and pointless bickering= ratings!!! Nope. Done. I'm sick of my brain cells being further insulted with all these staged arguments, tacky hair-pulling/wine-tossing/slap-filled literal fights, made-up scenarios and dramatic confrontations. Good for Bethenny for refusing to film any of that inauthentic bullshit---she's always been a no-BS sort of chick and that's the entire reason why audiences liked her on the show! After all, she spent her time as a "Real Housewife" promoting her business ventures and reacting to/commenting on the ridiculous antics of the show's biggest nutbags, so I don't know why it'd be such a surprise to anyone that she won't agree to act like an aggressively vicious, trash-talking new version of herself. And if watching regular women live their regular daily lives on television is "boring" then I truly fear for our civilization and its idea of modern televised entertainment.
  22. If you're bored by NYC and have the time/money to properly enjoy it, then you have serious issues. Or else you're just a hopelessly culture-devoid basic bitch like Stassi. But then again, this is a chick who apparently sees nothing wrong with constantly discussing/butting her nose into other people's relationships, proudly hanging out at her previous workplace with her former coworkers/boss, and acts as though being a jobless concubine with a seemingly imaginary boyfriend is aspirational. She's pretty damned smug to be so damned pathetic.
  23. What happens in the Hamptons? Brittany acts like such a pompous asshole that she ends up sent home, THAT is what happens, hah!!! But honestly, who cares about any of them at this point? Amanda is a mealy-mouthed, boring dimbulb sorority girl, Leonore is a tacky try-hard Staton Island chick, and Kier is a self-important bitchy fashion blogger. I've enjoyed this sad little show for the silly escapism it provides, but the awful casting for this show is so laughable at this point that I just want DVF to tell all three of the last gals to fuck off and then move on with her fashionable lifestyle already, because the "brand ambassador" thing obviously ain't working for her.
  24. Yikes!!! Why is that mag gushing about her figure so much?! She's got no defined waist whatsoever, her foobs are wonky and the constant tanning makes her wide, ripped torso look like a stick of beef jerky. No thanks, I'd much rather have my curvy pasty-white body than that "envious" figure of hers any day of the week. She's just so mannish looking!
  25. I'm beginning to wonder if Stassi is pregnant---on her style blog she keeps wearing these tent-like tops and flowing dresses, while in the tightest recent dress that she wore she was shot from a distance and without her stomach showing in the closer shots. Plus, she mentioned the potential nursery idea when she was giving Katie a tour of her new apartment. Trying for a pregnancy/stay-at-home-mommyhood would certainly explain why she's suddenly quite content to just swan about town with no job or real point to her currently lazy existence. Either that or she's just super-sensitive about displaying any of the recent "happy weight" she's mentioned. I'm guessing all those fried goat cheese balls didn't help things...
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