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Everything posted by Lemons

  1. Chelsea isn't the first piece of trash to turn her child against her ex's family but she is one of the first to do it on national TV. The grandmother loves Aubree that same as Chelsea's mother does. What horrible people Chelsea and creeepy Cole turned out to be.
  2. That long sleeve flannel would be so uncomfortable these last few days, it's humid and 80 degrees. I know my elementary school child couldn't keep that long sleeve shirt on all day, she'd be "bursting hot". She's in the northeast, right?
  3. Babies skin tends to darken over time just like eye color can change. Plus is there a photo of the baby that's not photo-shopped?
  4. People usually think of Romeo and Juliet and Romeo is supposed to be extremely good looking. Based on the kids gene pool and his older brother, well, why set him up for ridicule?
  5. Or if you're a fan of The Office, the guy named Creed. OK, never mind, his name is actually Romello. Stupid name and after a movie she randomly saw? And I don't get if you prefer to call your child a particular name, why not name him that? Why give it as a middle name?
  6. I took this for four months when I had to go through a nasty treatment for an illness. I don't know why anyone would want to take this if they didn't have to. It makes you so tired. Unless that was just me.
  7. Leah's hair has been dyed way too yellow and her clothing is so cheap looking. Looks straight out of the Nasty Gal website clearance sale department. I find her hideous.
  8. It is the parents' responsibility to prepare their child for kindergarten and especially since Jenelle claimed he was in "school" starting at two years old. But unless he has learning disabilities there's no excuse for the school not to have taught him something so basic.
  9. He is so gross. What these women won't do for money. What is wrong with them? Now that I think of it I wonder if Sonya ever really loved anyone. Besides the man she married for money, has she ever had a long term relationship with someone she was actually attracted to?
  10. And how was she also not a loser? Attracted to a guy who never even seemed to like her all that much. Not smart enough to go a clinic for readily available birth control. It took two complete idiots not one.
  11. Ramona is wealthy but definitely not in the 1%. She exaggerates like the rest of them. She made it big in the 80's and 90's, especially the 90's when money was everywhere. Now in order to keep her Hampton's home she rents it out for huge money. People in the 1% don't need rent money. Ramona is the smartest of the NYC housewives with regard to money and money is apparently everything to Ramona. She compares men to the 1% and how he measures up to that, not Mario. She'll be alone forever if she doesn't get past that.
  12. Yeah, people are exaggerating. It's quieter because of less tourists and there is crime in certain pockets of NYC like there always is, nothing new. The only serious issue is Covid-19 and unemployment, like all over the country.
  13. I know I wouldn't choose the UES to live in and I'm not sure about UWS, not my first choice. I don't know anyone in a rent controlled apartment. Did you ever have one and if so, how did you get it? I only hear about people who stay in them forever even when they can afford to move. Leeches.
  14. No wonder she is falling apart. NYC charges about 18% interest on unpaid taxes. Plus penalties and late fees. They must be pretty close to foreclosing on her. About $3,000 per month in taxes is not that high for an expensive property like hers. If she actually had renters for awhile that first rent payment would have paid her taxes for the year. She's a mess.
  15. I can do without Avery. And since she's now an adult, I"ll say it. She got her father's looks and they didn't transfer well onto a female face. There's nothing there personality wise that belongs on TV.
  16. Based on the the famous alumni coming out and looking at who is speaking at the school, you have to wonder! Just kidding. There are many schools that are excellent all over the country but the top three are almost always Harvard, Yale, Princeton. With the money behind the name Morgan I don't think she had a hard time getting in almost anywhere.
  17. Sonja is a compulsive liar and exaggerator. She bragged that her daughter got only A's and perfect SAT's. Could be but why isn't she at the family alma mater - Yale? Not that Upenn isn't excellent but being a legacy from a famous super wealthy American family, you have to wonder if she takes after her mother a little more. And Sonja also bragged that high end fashion houses were after her daughter to model. She's a cute teen but probably about 5'3" with an ordinary build. Why would they be clamoring for Sonja's daughter?
  18. She can't afford the upkeep and the longer she ignores that fact the lower the eventual sale price will be.
  19. Neither is the father of Leah's daughter anything to look at. Tinsley is attracted to Scott that's all that matters. I think Scott is adorable.
  20. They look good in photos and talking heads with filters. But when they're filmed in natural light or just out of bed or whatever, they do look their age. Especially Ramona, she's not that much older but looks a lot older.
  21. The saddest part of this show was when Renee saw the expense report. She really did start to fall for him. She started to fall for Ray when she saw how kind he was to her son. Really sad when she was sobbing in her car after she felt she had no choice but to accept Frankie's marriage proposal.
  22. The sad part about these trashy parties at the Hamptons is the help will be the ones who get really sick and possibly die from serving them. Most of the workers will have little to no health insurance and no preventive care. The rich self centered people like Ramona will go the the top specialists at the first sign of symptoms.
  23. Is it legal to call an unpaid assistant an "intern"? I can't imagine any school giving college credit for packing Sonya's suitcase and answering her door.
  24. All those men asking her out that fit her “curteia”. Fifty or sixty very close girlfriends and all their connections. Yet she’s still alone. I’m guessing that no one is asking her out and she’s a big fat liar.
  25. They've made the first class people as ignorant as the rest of the train when it comes to running the train or even knowing what's going on. So how does the first class think they are going to run the train if they take out the lead engineer? Train the redheaded teenager?
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