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Everything posted by ByaNose

  1. Dominic from Oklahoma aka GQ Model. Basically, perfect single father & good looking. Unfortunately, he had an annoying (girl) friend who was the wife of his Realtor. I didn't know if I felt more sorry for Dominic or the husband. Ugh!!!
  2. Why were Theresa & Eve wearing matching outfits? Was wardrobe unaware of this? It made them look even more like than Mother/Daughter (big age difference) than sisters.
  3. I grew up in a house with a garage facing the front. Everyone did & you never thought twice about. I have lived in a townhouse for years without a garage & I miss that. That said, I always look (maybe, a future move) at the houses with the garage on the side where you just see two windows. I just like that look for some reason. I never knew I would be like those annoying people one go the HH. Of course, I don't think I would go on television show professing this. LOL!!!
  4. Finally watched the premiere episode. I've been busy & had so much on the dvr. There isn't enough time to watch tv & work. LOL!! Anyhoo, how is that Beckett & the guys who have been working with Castle for 7 years would think he would intentionally do any of this? It doesn't make any sense storyline & character wise. That said, I enjoyed the episode & I thought Stana did a great job with the material. Although she did look different. New haircut? I couldn't put my finger on it.
  5. I really thought there would be a Season 4 and then TNT would cancel it. Like, I said before, this new Dallas was just all sorts of crazy. For some reason, Cidre felt the need to put the show on steroids. I guess she felt she needed to keep up with the network shows & Netflix & FX & so on. The show moved so fast she didn't give it (and, us) a chance to breath. They just needed to concentrate on the Ewings, Pambecca & Ryland. Juidth Light brought the crazy but she was OTT and not needed. Juan Pablo del Pace was a good looking guy & a decent actor but he too wasn't needed. Basically, it's all of Cidre's fault for running the show. Also, for TNT not leaving the show in the summer where it belonged. It was perfect for the summer in the doldrums of network reruns.
  6. And, now we'll never get to see the use of cgi of the new wing at Southfork. <eyes roll>
  7. I will say that Mitch Pileggi was a real find for this show. He really brought the crazy evil, didn't he? I even got past he & Light playing Son & Mother while they should have been playing lovers.
  8. I watched Dallas 1.0 which was awesome. Dallas 2.0 was a well done show in Season 1. Unfortunately, Season 2 & 3 went off the rails & was so unlike Dallas. I never got into the drug cartel stuff & much preferred when it settled on the Ewing family & Southfork. I missed the old days when the Ewings would sit around the dinning room table or out on the terrace eating dinner/breakfast. There was more drama in those scenes alone than all the crap Cidre was showing. They hardly used the pool & the exteriors of Southfork except when someone would drive their car up. Granted, they did film more in the winters than the HOT Texas summer. That said, I was looking forward to Season 4. It was a good escapist 60 minute show with some good acting. Of course, Linda Gray looking pretty hot at 60+ didn't hurt. She was simply amazing looking. RIP TNT Dallas!
  9. I think Kelly is 44 now. I just watched the show and Kelly hugging her BFF (gag me) Jessica Seinfeld from behind is not a good look. Kelly clothes were barely hanging on her. It is scary how scary skinny Kelly is and yet she's praised in the media for her health & fitness. That said, Happy Birthday!
  10. I honestly didn't think he was gonna find the idol. I don't know how long it really took but it really pissed me off. LOL!! Now, we have to see how long he last, does he tell anyone & does he use it. Too many questions & no answers.
  11. I had two family members who went that day & they say it's 100% true. The only reason it didn't get out faster was the Friday show was previously taped. Then it was the weekend where apprently all of television shuts down. Rosie can't stand not being in control and wants to be the moderator. You snooze you loose, Rosie. That said, Whoppi is a horrible moderator & TPTB should let her leave if she wants to.
  12. I think Matt Borlenghi was supposed to play Valentin. Unfortunately, Valentini & Carlavati took GH over and dropped the character/storyline. At least, I think that's how it happened.
  13. I think Anne did it. John really did look like he had been sleeping. Granted, the pictures are of a dead man but he was on his left side perfectly as he had been sleeping. Since, they weren't divorcing and were both jointly comfortable with the money & jewels I think she was "sick" enough to kill him. Whether she did it on purpose or was in some mental state may be debated but I ultimately think she did shoot him. As for, for the house it did look amazing. I looked like a (very expensive) tree house. I found Anne oddly annoying and I think Marcia Gay Harden should play her in the Lifetime movie.
  14. Is the new brownstone the old (Rick & Lesley) Webber house? I'm almost sure that the staircase and fireplace are. Yes, I have too much time on my hands.
  15. Oddly enough, I saw the previews for next week & can't remember a thing about them. I think I have a short attention span.
  16. Yeah, they weren't large personalities & or big characters on Survivor. Keith was sort of forgettable and like fishcakes said, Whitney is just basically remembered for saying one line out of 14 episodes. So, I was kind taken aback when they were cast for TAR since it was a few years ago when they were on. I could understand if it was just last season but it wasn't. I know the Big 3 of TAR, Survivor & BB are cross casting but Keith & Whitney wouldn't have been on my radar. I don't think they are long for the race. Maybe, 7 or 8 place?! They are kind of vanilla to me. Very boring. IMO!
  17. Their teeth are beyond white. That said, I need to make an appointment with the dentist for a clean & some whitener solution. Call me shallow. I'm all about white teeth. Just not as scary white as Jim's. At least, he doesn't have to put on a mask for Halloween. LOL!! BTW! Up to what part of the leg is the save good for? Is it like when there are 5 Teams or around there? Exactly, what leg would that be, too? Thanks.
  18. And, in another interview I read Derrick finally disclosed that the picture he was given for HOH was of his father & his wife & Derrick's daughter. I'm guessing it ain't all fun with Derrick's side of the family. Thus him being very happy with his wife & daughter. I think Cody quit his job as a sales person and will probably try his luck as an actor or something in LA. I didn't get the impression he was going back to New Jersey. I guess real life has to settle in sometime, right?
  19. If it hadn't been for TA, I doubt Derrick would have interacted with Donny at all. Everyone one on the outside (and, Derrick) like to make Derrick out to be this super nice guy to everyone. Althoughh, he really couldn't hide his distain for Donny. IMO! And, now that's he has won he really seems to like him even less. Granted, everyone doesn't get along with everyone. Especially, a young guy from the city like Derrick & a "older" guy from the south. I just find Derrick a little phony while trying to hide his dislike for Donny. I might be in the minority on this but it's what I've noticed in his exit interviews in print & video. I also don't see them keeping in touch either. See you next summer BB!
  20. Yeah, it looks like Misti & Jim suffer fron tan anorexia. They are a strong team but hard to look at. They probably even got more tan while doing that road block in the Virgin Islands.
  21. The two questions I wanted asked to Derrick were about skittle gate & "lying" in the DR. I was surprised Rob didn't ask him. I suspected Jeff wouldn't & I haven't read anything about it in Derrick's exit interviews. He was asked by both Rob & Jeff if he was he surprised that he didn't get Donny's vote & Derrick said Donny was basically bitter. That's when I think someone should have followed up with his role in skittle gate. IMO!!
  22. Jim is too scary, too tan & looks like his head is full of steroids. They seem like a competent couple but he is so scary looking that I wouldn't to be stuck in his dentist chair for a cleaning.
  23. Surprised that Cody didn't mention all of HOH wins.
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