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Everything posted by 4leafclover

  1. Mariah will prop a giant spotlight atop the wetbar and aim it at Planet Kody/Robyn while sobbing--"its ours, I don't see why we can't just have it."
  2. Terra really doesn't dress to hide her baggage, if anything her choices emphasize it.
  3. @nomodrama--I completely agree with everything you posted. Especially the last part--I cannot begin to imagine how these people complain about being bullied, all the while bullying someone else! It defies logic. To further comment on watching this "mindless dribble," my hubbie commented that he's noticed lately I've been watching mostly shows about little people or people who weigh 600 pounds. I thought about that for a moment, then agreed because the little people make me feel taller and the morbidly obese people make me feel thinner. All in all, its feel good viewing for me. The power of television! lol
  4. Stop trying to outdrink your dates Stop making out at the table Stop licking the guy's face--you're not a kitten's mother Stop talking about Richie Stop singing about skateboard riding lovers
  5. Being a "businessman," I completely expect Bill to capitalize on any opportunity that comes his way. I know I would. I'm glad they are branching out and building more businesses, creating more jobs, paying more taxes, etc. etc. etc.--the good 'ol American way! Or they could be sitting around, whining about how unfair society is to them while they buy cigarettes with their disability money and drive around with their handicapped placard hanging for the rear view mirror of their custom cars. And good for TCH for taking donations to fight cancer IN HONOR OR DR. ARNOLD! That can only end up helping others. I hope Bill and Jen are laughing all the way to the bank!
  6. We don't know if her colleagues were even invited to the bell ringing. Because they weren't there, and they said she was nice but "didn't" say she was great, she is perceived by some as being a prima donna and a preferred and much hated teacher's pet? Well, they didn't say she was an ax murderer, should we notify the police? If I could roll my eyes any farther, they'd be on the ceiling.
  7. Now we're assuming that Jen is not great to work with because we didn't see any of her co-workers at the bell ringing. Why must we always go around and around in circles on the topic of Jen?
  8. Yep, came up in a Portland school district in 2013--that PB&J sandwiches somehow represent "white privilege." Go figure.
  9. I thought the same thing--that was the very definition of "irony!"
  10. I don't buy for one minute that Tonya meant Lila was underhanded and sneaky when she called her a heifer. Tonya continued to mock Lila by saying she would need an Olympic weight lifter to pick her up. She was making fun of her weight, and Tonya of all people shouldn't be making fun of anyone's weight. And just for the record, there are many in that "majority" group who do bend over backwards to placate others. We live in a society that has determined the phrase "peanut butter and jelly sandwiches" is somehow racist.
  11. I really made an effort to try and like these women. I really did. But Kristi and her delusions of being a mother of the year because she's looking for a place to have great sex with her new boyfriend, and, oh yeah, for her daughter to live there too just irks me. Move out and leave your daughter with your mom--believe me, she'll have a much less traumatic childhood if you do. And Mar, where do I begin? With her skateboard boyfriend, her skanky way of dressing (that dress! those heels!) and the fact that she has to be drunk to have fun are just disgusting to me. "Suck face" is a great description for what she and Adam were doing, yuck. Jenn--Brad Pitt is taken, quit being so picky. You don't have that much to offer, give this new guy a chance. If he's willing to keep seeing you with your silly voice, your childish behavior and your dirty car (they have drive thru car washes now, you know), then you should give him a second look. I'm not even going to say anything about Jessice--she's too far gone for any help--yes, we all know she is a skinny, petite, lovely, beautiful, perfect, etc etc etc girl. Sabrina should save her reputation and run away from this show as fast as possible and just be patient for the right guy. He's out there somewhere and she's definitely the best of the bunch. And for the sake of all that's holy, they all need to please stop using the word "like" 42 times in one sentence.
  12. I think if Robyn doesn't get the "big" house, she'll get the wet bar at the very least! I have intentionally stayed off the Big Love forums because I just started Season 2 and didn't want to see any spoilers. Thanks. [Apologies for missing that, 4leaf. I've gone back and put all references to the show in spoiler tags. Not that it does you any good I realize.--Rhondinella]
  13. I DVR'd this episode and just watched it--first of all, seriously--Skateboard? It sounds like a song that should be sung by a 14 year old pop star singing to her audience of tween girls. Certainly not to grown-ups in an adult venue. I couldn't help but laugh, I mean.....what woman Mar's age has a boyfriend on a skateboard??? And she feels upset about dumping him? Geesh.......... What exactly did Kristi "learn" at that seminar? Her behavior screams volumes about desperation and feelings of inadequacy. Thanks to those who commented on the pork in the sink.....I couldn't believe my eyes, had to rewind to make sure I saw what I thought I saw. That was just gross. Unfortunately, IMO all of these women (with the possible of exception of Sabrina) are impossibly immature and childish and make us big girls look silly and foolish.
  14. Yes! Especially when you realize the average heart is roughly the size of a fist, it is incredible that it can still pump blood and oxygen through-out a body that size. If car manufacturers could only make a car engine that could work as efficiently as our cardiac system, we would all benefit! Another point to ponder is this--several years ago (at least here in Texas), before surgeons would perform gastric bypass surgery, the patient was required to undergo a psychiatric evaluation--apparently that is no longer the case. Otherwise people like Penny would never make the cut (no pun intended!).
  15. Had to laugh at Robyn (on the couch) saying "you guyses houses." They probably consider their hours filming as the "work" they all do. We can all see what they don't do, and that is housework. Meri's is the only house that is clean, and I know they have a lot of children but geez, Christine's, Janelle's and Robyn's houses are wrecks! Christine said her mother makes "incredible little bags." Makes me wonder if she'll try selling them on MSWC website. Maybe Annie will even be able to help Robyn in her never ending hours of slaving over the business! She seems more organized and much calmer than the rest of the bunch.
  16. Can someone here tell me what was said at the very end? My DVR cut off just after the written update saying the grand jury was moving forward with charges against Sheline but then after that, Kelly Seigler came back on saying something but we missed it.
  17. If you look on Edgar's Facebook page, you'll see he is the "owner and CEO of the Rocklynn Group, a Multi Media 'Optimazation' company." Apparently they help with "your branding and marketing needs."
  18. Maybe its just the nurse in me, but I'm sure I noticed some scars on Edgar's head, in some of the shots where his hair was shaved. I'm thinking he's had some sort of head injury, making him appear "slow" to us, and possibly unemployable other than taking orders from Penny and tending to her every need. Maybe that's why he stays there? He may be on some type of disability as well. Just an observation. Either way, its a sad life for him and for Liam.
  19. lol at your product placement--Tori would be proud (and probably a little jealous at the attention YOUR husband is giving you!)
  20. Count me in! I don't know what prompted this response, but open carry is forbidden in Texas, therefore all handguns must be concealed. And yes, guns are a totally accepted part of the culture in Texas, and we are very proud of it.
  21. Exactly why this show is quickly losing my interest.
  22. That massage "spa" looks more like the type that Deano would frequent, the kind that gives "happy ending." lol
  23. Thanks for the update--Penny and Chuck were by far the least likable imo--I really liked James and I'm glad he has found love.
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