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Everything posted by joelene

  1. Ah, yes. That makes sense, I guess. Even so, if Spencer was tailing her or whatever (and she changed her clothing/put a wig on it in a coffee shop restroom or whatever) Spencer would soon enough notice that Alison wasn't coming out and figure out she did something, like change her appearance, to get away. It's not like she could've put the wig on before she left her house. Plus everyone knows about Vivian Darkbloom!
  2. Why was she even wearing a wig at the end? Couldn't it have been Alison's eeeevil twin?
  3. The sickness. What the hell? People who apparently got it: Sayid, Claire, Rousseau's crew. Anyone else? How you get it: Dying and coming back to life without the aid of the magic spring at the temple, hanging out with MIB(?). Symptoms: Staring a lot, creepy smiles, blindly following orders from MIB in exchange for something promised (except sometimes, like when it comes to killing someone) (Sayid), getting crazy hair, not questioning (that we know) someone appearing as dead folk (Claire), trying to kill non-infected former friends (Rousseau's crew). Cure: According to Dogen, the infected are the worst and must be destroyed. This implies no cure. There is no hope for them. Except both Sayid and Claire got better and stopped trying to kill old friends. So, the sickness source seems to be the MIB. Did Sayid die before he reached the temple? I don't remember but I guess so since that place was the only place safe from MIB. If the sickness can only be contracted by death, does that mean Claire died at one point during her missing years? I for one would have loved seeing how that all happened. If not, how did she get it? She acted odd (tho content) at the cabin. Had she been infected already?! I'd like to know! I mean she acted just like Rousseau and she wasn't sick. She wasn't like Sayid. She was merely manipulated as far as the audience knows. How did MIB get her to forget that she willingly abandoned Aaron? He killed her and she forgot? No matter, her and Sayid both got better pretty quick. Conclusion: Dogen's a hack who should get his island medical practitioner license revoked. Or maybe Claire killed them all on the plane on their way off the island. Yeah, I think I'll go with that.
  4. Hah! Word. I liked Kate too (until the reunion. Fucking Helen) and was pretty miffed when she was booted in season 11. I was fine with Dom's win (until the reunion. Fucking Helen) but I thought Alexandria should've won. I hope she's doing well with her school and design career.
  5. I didn't mind Anya's win. I didn't care enough about the designers to really care who won. The only thing that bothered me was that the finale got manipulated for her to get it. Her first presentation was crap and she should've got cut over it. The collection she finally showed was, well, fine. I also thought she was very pleasant and still don't have a problem with her, tho I only watched about two episodes of Under The Gunn and I don't doubt she deserves some hating from that show along with everyone else in it. I wouldn't have minded a Kimberly win either, or a Victor win. I'm just glad that awful runner up didn't win.
  6. Yeah, it was a great season but somehow lacked the oomph of the first season. But it was a difficult task the outdo the first A+ season. My expectations were skyhigh. Still loved it. How are the ratings? Is anyone watching (besides the Network)? I'd be gutted if there weren't a third series conclusion. Jessica and her longing for love with Ian broke my heart. That poor girl. I thought she was going to kill Becky. Happily surprised the gang all survived. Wilson becoming Mr. Rabbit was very effective and creepy.
  7. He was always giving Kate "a look" and Juliet looked like she gave up hope on Sawyer and their life together as soon as she returned. There was a glimmer of hope when they got on the sub but then Juliet's insecurities came flooding back. She overreacted for sure but you could see it coming a mile away, IMO. I know Kate had other priorities at the time and her and Sawyer had a long history but she was either clueless to Juliet's feelings or she just didn't give a damn.
  8. I'm currently rewatching seasons 4 through 6 and just got to LAX pt 1. I haven't watched season 6 since it aired and I wondered if I was going to find it as frustrating as I did then now that I know what's gonna happen. The gang just arrived at the temple and I'm already irritated. The Others have always been trigger happy but when Dogen just arbitrarily orders his posse to shot our guys I just wanna smash my television. They're all just such massive jerks! Dogen's the fucking worst. Also, I can't stand Jacob. I don't understand Lindelof's love for writing asshole characters. He did the same thing with Prometheus.
  9. Charlotte was my favorite female character. I loved her introduction and her spunky persona and her hitting Kate over the head sealed the deal. So of course the had to kill her off and make her legacy all about Daniel. I loved Mader in the role but I wish they had switched genders on Daniel and Charlotte (or made them both women), making Faraday a woman would have scored some goodwill with the writers for their terribly one note stories for women, at least the ones they didn't kill off. Shannon could have really grown into something special, I think. I think the only character I never actively disliked, apart from Charlotte, was Sun, mostly because there wasn't much there to either hate or love, tho she had a couple of good moments. Best moment ever on the show? Sun hitting Ben unconscious with a paddle. Too bad she wasn't awesome like that for the rest of the series. They totally wasted her flashforwards with Widmore and Ben. I think Claire should've been the one to kill Locke In Black. After all those years with him she'd earned it.
  10. I'm actually quite fond of this season. It gets a lot of flack but I thought it had some decent contenders and some fun challenges (like the newspapers outfit and movie genre costume). Nicolas was a lot of fun (and inventor if Irina's nickname), Logan and Carol Hannah's flirt was cute, Shirin, Epperson, Gordana and Louise were all talented and interesting to watch. Shirin and Louise were both cut way too early. Irina was easily the best tho which didn't make the season that exciting, and honestly I think she's up there among the most talented winners with Christian, Leanne, Jay and Seth Aaron. She might have deserved being called Meana but at least she had reason to be confident. I thought of her as more no-nonsense than mean and her "meanness" was really nothing compared to many other hideous past designers. She should have gone to the finals in her All Stars season.
  11. I love Milner so also hope Jessica won't kill her. Hey, maybe they will work out their differences!? How bad are the ratings? I get that this isn't a show for the masses but how are more people not watching this? I hope Channel 4 chooses quality over viewership.
  12. I felt sooo bad for her, too! Especially since she was played by the always lovely Juliet Cowan (who's been in some really great shows like This Life, Pulling, Skins) and I was hoping she would play a bigger part in the show. But she's gotta be toast. As for the remake HBO is giving me hope. They've cast "non traditional looking" actors plenty of times in the past, and considering the small part... Makes me think of Fargo, I loved how FX cast Alison Tohlman. I thought for sure that Marge lite would be thin and pretty when the show was announced. Anyway. I hope not. Such a cliché, and this show is anything but cliché.
  13. Thanks for the explanation! I think you've got it down, now that you say it it's very familiar. Monsterism, heh. I think I'm paying attention but clearly I'm not... I was looking for Simon but forgot the characters name was Donaldson so I didn't see he was in it/had been replaced. What did Donaldson do in the episode? Aahahaa I just went on that website. That was amazingly freaky! I gotta do it again and take of photo of "the event" with my camera.
  14. Except their not trying to wipe out most of the population, they're trying to prevent overpopulation and all the horror that would bring. Huge difference. I don't see these people as evil, even if they do evil things to reach their goal (though some people, like the head of Corvat, seem to be doing it purely for financial gain which is dispicable). They're being pragmatic. Milner, at least. Who knows what other high ranking members of this organization truly want out of this. I really liked that Milner pointed out that they didn't want to wipe out a certain race and for the virus to be random. You bring up a good point about Deels though. I gotta admit I've totally forgotten what part that has in the whole plan. Is Deels something they purposefully want spread to speed up the shrinking of the human race? Because that would certainly add to the moral side of things. Or is it just a side effect, something the Network doesn't want? Do we know and I've forgotten? Hee, she probably will! I must have missed when she ripped up the pages. I thought she slung her t-shirt at the interrogator? I loved the re-introduction of Grant, swinging on that pole listening to Katy Perry or whatever pop chart music that was. I thought he had discovered his inner gay, but then he just thought that was goth! Becky was hilarious. I had trouble adjusting to her manner in series 1, with Jessica in particular, overjealous and a tad too bitchy (I warmed to her more on rewatch though) but I loved everything about her in this episode.
  15. Good point, I didn't even think about that! I imagine they'll dig deeper into the Network this series. How old was Milner supposed to be? 25-30? Anyone remember when she supposedly killed all those people who had tortured and even seen her on the street in Asia (don't remember the country)? I'd love to see that in a flashback!
  16. Yes, Milner is Mr. Rabbit. Jessica Hyde figured it out when she was in Milner's office at the end of series 1. And it looked like she drowned her husband! Rose Leslie was excellent. Totally bought her as young Milner. She had the mannerism of Geraldine James' Milner without trying too hard. Great first episode, and while it was wonderful to learn all the "how's" I'm looking forward even more to tonight when we're back in the present. I'm glad we learned why the older man in The Network who questioned and threathened Grant in series 1 had the Mr. Rabbit scars. That was one thing that took me aback when I rewatched ("Wait, is he Mr. Rabbit? I thought Milner was? No, Milner is Mr. Rabbit. Okay. But...?") He was Milner's henchman! I don't think we learned that specifically before. I loved how they framed the episode as seen through a big, clunky 70's television set. Soundtrack still great but I gotta say I missed the Utopia theme music. Listen to it on my headphones all the time, heh. Mad props for the casting and acting of young Arby and young Jessica. Dead ringers. Still love the moral ambiguity of it all. I mean, The Network's not wrong in their reasoning. What do you guys think?
  17. Nan Flanagan: There have been times, I'll admit, where it's occurred to me that maybe I should put my career on hold and become a maker. But these last few hours here with you have erased those doubts forever.
  18. Hah! You've kind of made me want to read the rest now, just to see how terrible it actually gets. And yes, right, Crystal is strung up on a cross or somesuch, right? I barely remember how she is in the books either. Wasn't she also kind of horrible, kinda like Debbie? That makes me think of were-Jason, how that would adapt to TV. Since it's all from Sookie's POV did that ever really get developed that much in the books? When all that went on in the show I don't think I cared either way. It's probably for the best he never did turn were since those people were so awful.
  19. I like new James! A lot! Super fox. I liked Luke Grimes too but Nathan already made a good impression. I never ever ship anyone or anything but I think something finally broke in me today because I actually think I started shipping Lala/James.
  20. Agreed. They missed the mark with the werewolfs in general. So much more interesting in the books! Pam is a character I think succeeds in both medium. I'm glad to have both uppity friendly Pam from the books and bitchy hater Pam from the show. I don't even remember Tara from the books. Yes, yes, yes and yes! Jesus, was it already the seventh book? How many books are there? I think the last one I read was the one where Sookie and Eric marries, Arlene is revealed to be an even bigger monster than we knew, and Jasons closeted gay friend is killed? Was that even the same book? And totally agree about Andre! Spot on Allan Hyde!
  21. I did like the fifth (I think?) book a lot, the one with the vampire conference hotel blown to bits Sophie-Ann loses her legs plot, so that would have been infinetly better than the absolutely dreadful season 5. I liked child book-Sophie-Ann better than her show counterpart. I could've seen someone like Elle Fanning playing her back in those seasons. I think I stopped reading before Claude became a big deal (if he indeed did) in the books but I too was miffed they didn't do anything with him in the show. I was looking forward to gay model strip club Claude, dammit! Don't mind they left out the Panther Man. Was Nan Flanagan in the books? If not she was a great, great invention (and actress bless you, Jessica Tuck). Still the character I'm most pissed they killed off.
  22. I just hope they don't kill Holly. She doesn't get much to do but she's got moxy. Let her live! I have a bad feeling though that she'll die and her promoted-to-regulars sons will move in with Andy.
  23. Yeah, I can't believe they're giving Ken a chance. I can't believe Tim Gunn didn't vehemently oppose him being an option. Voting for Amanda. Can't remember anything she made but she had a pleasant personality.
  24. Watching Die Hand Die Verletzt now. I mean, Scully's face at the first crime scene. A total "What the fuck ever." I love it! And then there were frogs (courtesy a tornado, obviously). Mrs. Paddock is amazing. I'm sad she didn't reappear.
  25. I was very "Meh" about it. It didn't hold my attention. It kind of made me question my whole interest in the genre. "Do I just don't like this kind of stuff?" But I do! When it's well done, I really do. I just zoned out. I started when, was it Timothy Dalton, told Josh Hartnett not to be amazed by anything he'd see, a guy they -just- hired (for reasons I didn't understand), and I just thought: So if they're presenting him with a unicorn giving birth to a werewolf they expect him to just don't give a damn? I knew it would be something fantastical and, well. He did stay relatively cool, I'll give him that. It's not that I'm looking for realism, it just bothered me. Couldn't they have given him a lesson about the underworld first? It just happened so fast. After this it just couldn't hold my attention, unfortunately. Why didn't the vampires attack Eva Green? I suppose there was a reason, it just bothered me that no one brought it up? I usually think Eva Green is pretty fantastic herself but here she just felt wasted. I did like Dr. Frankenstein and the cliffhanger was good... I just for the life of me can't remember anything that happened in the middle part.
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