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Everything posted by dizzyizzy01

  1. His album is likely in recording label purgatory right now. Don't know the actual contract terms Columbia had with the Glee cast, but I really doubt he can market and release any material he created under that label with anyone else. Not anytime soon anyway. Hopefully he is starting over with another label that does want to work with him, but his role in Hedwig is probably taking priority right now. It'd be refreshing if he'd be more upfront with what's going on though instead of deflecting with things like trying to distance himself from Glee.
  2. I think DROMP is still my favorite musical moment on the show. It just was well done and fit the story arc perfectly. I also really liked Take a Bow. I always enjoyed Rachel + singing into her hairbrush =P. Oddly enough, Firework is one of my favorites as well even though I actually really hate the original and the song does kind of make no sense. Endless Love is one of my favorite duets on the show. Pity there weren't any Schue/Rachel duets this season. S1 and S2 were really the highlights musically. Songs still mostly fit the storylines in S2.
  3. Glee is never supposed to be an accurate depiction of ANYTHING, least of all anything in the school. I mean you have a principal that basically tortures and stalks students... The Broadway stuff, the music recording stuff, the NYADA stuff, the McKinley stuff. Having an expectation of reality is going to disappoint you at every turn.
  4. Nobody has claimed she's some great profound writer, but to say her effort is akin to slapping her name on something to peddle dinner plates or sheets sounds like the extreme of trying to be overly critical. The straw man argument of saying people are claiming others should be "grateful" to Lea is again another extreme. Nobody's saying anything of the sort. Certainly not in this discussion, so to bring it up is really just trying to derail the point.
  5. I know I shouldn't be, but just pointing out the obvious I guess. I mean did the people being critical even read the book?
  6. Well equating her writing a book to slapping her name on plates and bed sheets is rather dismissive of her effort. Just saying.
  7. Since a lot of the songs in 2009 are the auditions, Mr. Schue has some really funny moments. You see his expression and notes as Artie, Tina, Kurt, etc. audition, which was fairly amusing. Unfortunately, there are no choir room numbers.
  8. I can buy some poor decision making on her part like the understudy fight or even the NYADA stuff. The abandoning something she's worked for her entire life for something she also very recently and very strongly stated she did not want (LA and TV) was not believable IMO. I mean the election stuff also had to do with wanting to get into NYADA, to NY, and ultimately Broadway. That was also stupidly written but it is what it is. I don't know what student elections have to do with performing arts school applications, but it's Glee.
  9. Stuffing ballot boxes to help a friend (in an incredibly misguided way) and quitting a club when you are 14(?) because you feel it doesn't support your needs (rightly or wrongly) is a big jump to abandoning your life-long dream.
  10. I mean they get an hour to record a song sometimes, but they have certainly gotten lazy over production over the years.
  11. Which is why I prefer that they didn't go down the Funny Girl story line at all because they retconned her character without any explanation. She never wanted to go to LA or be on TV. She's never had any issues with work ethic or commitment before. The kid that grew up wanting to be on Broadway her entire life and who did the rehearsals, workshops, out-of-town runs all happily suddenly abandons it all for Hollywood? It just wasn't good writing.
  12. Dude, an Escalada for a 16-year old, is spoiling by any sensible definition. That's an $80,000 car! No after school job covers that =).
  13. I think the hard part was the real-life circumstances of why Finn died on the show. They really couldn't/didn't want to dive into the deeper stuff around Rachel's mindset. Everything was kept at a fairly superficial level, and while it still amounted to horrible storytelling and I wish they had gone a different direction around her story, it's understandable why they avoided that idea all last year.
  14. There's a lot of Will in the episode and a bit of Sue & Will. It's pretty funny actually and Terri is awesome in her awfulness as usual. I actually think 2009 is a really good episode. It stayed fairly true to the characters from the Pilot. I do kind of wish it wasn't part of the finale though because it feels like an entirely different show. It felt like S1 front 13 Glee. Btw, people that were worrying about Kurt not having his audition piece. It's actually in the episode, but they filmed it in a way so I guess as to not show how drastically Chris has grown. I just don't think they re-recorded anything to release it as a new song. The only auditions not shown is actually Rachel's and Mercedes'.
  15. The episode only focuses on the POV of the very first glee club kids so Kurt, Rachel, Tina, Mercedes and Artie. There's a lot of Mr. Schue also. All other characters are pretty peripheral.
  16. There were definitely a lot of WTF out-of-character stories for pretty much any character that had any significant amount of screen time.
  17. Depends on how serious the program is I guess. My basketball coach played professional ball in Europe, but he eventually left to go play pro ball again. The head coach for my high school football team was our history teacher that did it for some extra cash, but our football team hadn't won a league championship in over 2 decades so sports was perhaps not the biggest priority in my high school.
  18. I mean Kurt did have the side swept bangs thing in the pilot, but in 2009 it looks like a bad wig. Kurt's throwback look is the worst in the episode. They pull-off Rachel, Mercedes, Tina, and Artie much better. Although, I don't think Artie's look has evolved nearly as much as the others over the seasons.
  19. At least in my school district, you don't need a college degree to be a coach, but you do need a degree to be a teacher. My HS coaches didn't have degrees unless they were also teachers. Isn't Sam also a health teacher? Either way, him as some sort of proponent of going back to school as the right choice was plain stupid. Dude has no place giving advice on the subject. He didn't go to school himself, doesn't want to be a performer, and can barely string together coherent thoughts.
  20. Lea's appearance had never been confirmed. I understand that there had always been a disclaimer that said they were working on coordinating schedules and talent subject to change. I think that is deceptive business practice to sell some sort of meet & greet before it's even confirmed, but I guess not illegal if you have a disclaimer. Non official conventions that don't have some official studio participation always seem slightly shady to me. I wonder if it's because it's just the last ever panel so RIB and the producers decided not to attend. Maybe it is just conflicts especially with Scream Queens starting up production for RIB. Not sure about Dante, but there are several more producers on the show now. There were still several compliments about the writing and story lines, about the show opening up dialogue between parents and kids. I mean for all its faults, and there were many, the show did tackle some interesting topics (not well mind you, but they did).
  21. A lot of performing arts schools don't really let you enroll in school and do a professional job because you'll never be in class. They just have you defer or withdraw. You can usually go back if you want to. That's the point of the school anyway, prepare so that you can get that professional job. I liked Kurt and Jesse providing their thoughts much more than Sam cause they actually have something valid in the discussion to contribute. Rachel was way more willing to hear Jesse and Kurt out, which made a lot of sense cause they actually understand the situation or can relate to it. Sam's just not in the right position to be giving any advice on the subject. He didn't even get into a school, doesn't want to be a performer, and has no real understanding of the implications. His rationale boiled down to here are a few random people that finished college first but without any actual reasoning. It's just well these guys did it so you should to. That's not really a good reason to do something.
  22. 2009 is a lot like old school Glee. More of the dark comedy. Emma's brochures are back also. The one in the episode is pretty hilarious.
  23. I agree Pharrell and Usher are far more gentlemanly and polite. I think it makes a big difference especially for someone who may not like the stereotypical "guy humor". There was a lot of potty humor with the Cee Lo, Adam, Blake crew.
  24. LOL. I don't even think that was what was happening at all with All About that Bass , but if you want to go down the path of someone singing an insulting song to a love love interest, that's like every character at some point in time. Classic example: Fat Bottomed Girls anyone?
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