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Everything posted by dizzyizzy01

  1. The only fun thing left on the show for a while had been the musical numbers, but we don't even have that anymore. Nobody cares about VA or the Warblers. And at this point, nobody really cares about the New New Directions either. Every single achievement/milestone on this show feels so unearned. Rachel getting another Broadway role after 1 audition, Santana/Britney getting married, Blaine/Kurt breaking up and getting married, Mercedes somehow being some recording star, Kurt with his Vogue internship and NYADA, Sam miraculously getting a modeling contract and now back in Lima teaching without a degree. I guess the only ones that seem to sort of make sense are the kids that are pretty much entirely off screen like Mike and Quinn. The choice between another Broadway role and going back to NYADA is just such a dumb one. Why are the writers even setting this up? It's just an unrealistically stupid set-up and it feels like cheap storytelling. Rational people don't spend $50k in tuition a year to go to performing arts school if they're already getting strong opportunities at real professional jobs. It's not like Rachel is some legacy kid with tons of connections or money. If it's the right opportunity, you take the job and leave school to return at a later time if you really want to. Performing arts school don't really teach you the business side of things anyway. Not enough where you don't need an effective team around you anyways. That's why people have managers, agents, lawyers on staff. The worst part of this story is also having Sam "try to be the voice of reason". The guy that couldn't get into a school and sniffs jock straps. He's the last person anyone should be getting advice from.
  2. I believe so. It definitely is the first one that occurs as a number outside the choir room with everyone participating. I think everything else even in thee choir room had some of the original twelve excluded in some fashion. I think they just gave up on choreography. I also had heard Zach was less involved, but I forgot where I heard that. Isn't Rachel missing from Last Name? Or am I forgetting...
  3. Actually Gotham and AoS will probably settle to around the same levels. Gotham is already averaging lower than AoS did in its first season, but that's also because AoS debuted better and fell faster. They both seem to be settling in the 8 million viewer range at around a 5 or 6 share in the demo. Both good enough to be renewed, but not some runaway success on either part. I think it's really hard to compare CW shows to anything else on TV since the standards are so much lower. Anyway, to bring it back to something relevant to this thread. I do hope they can do something interesting with Melissa's show. The premise seemed interesting, and it would be great to have female-led superhero show be successful.
  4. Well Flash and Arrow are doing well for CW standards. Those numbers fail on any other network. Gotham is barely doing well. It's doing well enough not to get cancelled, but let's not pretend those ratings are some sort of smashing success. It barely beat a repeat of The Big Bang Theory last week in the demo. If Fox had anything else that was doing well besides Empire, Gotham would be cancelled. Right now it's hanging on. That said, Marvel isn't doing so hot on television either.
  5. Yea. It's just a general criticism of WB/DC really. It just seems to be following the recent pattern of how WB/DC keeps making all their superhero incarnations so serious. Melissa's character just seems to be following in that vein... Her costume is pretty similar to the last superman, which was kind of a fail as far as superhero movie franchises. http://www.hitfix.com/harpy/first-look-cbss-supergirl-totally-stole-her-costume-from-supermans-leftovers
  6. Or the recent outrage over the new Aquaman. People weren't feeling the Henry Cavill Superman either. Current DC just somehow manages to suck out the fun in Superheros!
  7. It's pretty unusual for a scripted television show, especially if it's not a procedural type show. Particularly one that's in it's sixth season when things should be pretty well established. It's pretty amazing in that I don't even think this cast ever even did table reads. The actors were flying pretty blind a lot of the time so it's pretty impressive how well some of them did with their characters. I mean rewrites happen on all shows at some point and there are always production kinks. But Glee never seemed to fully get everything under control and really never seemed to operate in a way you'd expect a long-running show to run. ETA: IMO, some of the late scripts added to the crappy production of the show too. They didn't give the production team and crew proper time to do blocking, lighting set up, and other normal things shows do.
  8. Why do DC characters always look so muted? Blah, not a fan of the costuming...you can do better DC!
  9. I don't think people are saying the performance wasn't good. The song's has just always been kind of creepy and it starts with Finn watching Rachel change behind a screen.
  10. Well, Will clearly rolled his eyes at Rachel for Gives You Hell and was critical of the performance. It's not that big a deal, but he clearly didn't encourage that type of behavior whereas he was encouraging Finn. That's all anyone is saying.
  11. I mean it was clear that Will had a soft spot for Finn. That was totally inappropriate to compliment Finn on! Doesn't make the other situations where characters used song to call people out OK, but dude teachers shouldn't encourage that stuff! Didn't Schue tell Rachel that Gives You Hell was inappropriate? What did he say when Santana did Trouty Mouth? I don't think he was like "Wow great example of what everyone should do!"
  12. Yea, unlike Darren though, Rebecca has legit Broadway cred. She's been in a couple different shows, and she's from the OBC of American Idiot. This is going to be an interesting role for Darren. Hopefully it's successful. I still just can't really picture him in the role.
  13. How does the sample of just Damien make this a pattern of stereotyping? Adam gave Delvin a very recent Aloe Blac song the prior season and he had Javier sing Coldplay. Damien actually seemed to be in that lane of the songs Adam was giving him. If you looked at his youtube channel, he's not the most contemporary guy. I mean he ultimately sang a 70's Motown classic for his very successful audition. Adam may have just been playing off that strength. Also, I do agree that Adam may just like that era of 70's soul/r&b. I mean for this episode, Adam's the only guy that turned around for the Improv cook guy, and that guy sang a Billy Paul song. And, I don't even like Adam. He's pretty much my least favorite coach. I just think the evidence doesn't support what people are claiming.
  14. I find Adam incredibly annoying, but to say he's biased against AA contestants is such a reach. He's kind of all over the place with his coaching strategies, but he's that way with all his contestants. I don't think his risks and choices are always successful, but I certainly don't buy he's trying to sabotage anyone. Christina seems to have adapted to more of the guys' sense of humor as the seasons have progressed. It started a couple of seasons ago, but now it's becoming more apparent. I think she's just more comfortable with the show format and also it seems she didn't really enjoy the "guy humor" at first. Her interview on Fallon seemed to indicate she's much more comfortable with the guys' ridiculousness and jokes now than she was initially.
  15. None of the other girls are even close to Heather on a dance level. It's possible to enjoy someone else's performance more, but based on pure dance ability, it's not even a question. I truly believe that the original cast was a huge part of the charm of this show. The series premiere did pretty well, but the show continued to build throughout that summer and the regular season. The subsequent mall tour and concert tours the following summers really kicked things off. And I'm a pretty big fan of Lea, Cory, and Amber, but I do believe that Somebody to Love and the original DSB just wouldn't have been the same without those three. And really, those two songs were just so huge for the show. The writing got progressively worse, and by S4 was pretty terrible, but the ratings started to further decline when the show became increasingly focused on the new kids. I don't think that can be argued. It's not solely because of the new cast or even primarily because of them, but they didn't make an impression with the platform they had. They didn't manage to build up much of a fan base with the audience that remained during their tenure on the show. It seemed like their departures didn't create much of an outcry.
  16. I think they are just crazy and delusional.
  17. If this had been s4 or even s5 it would have been a pretty decent episode. Now it's just pointless and a giant waste of time. Where are the sendoffs for characters people actually care about? Laziest writers ever...
  18. You can just track the series of comments. The comment I responded to was about why attribution of ND's success cannot be solely attributed to Rachel needs to be pointed out despite the fact that the poster was clearly talking was about team effort. Then you went back and quoted a post, which I actually personally thought was a ridiculous comment, and seemed to imply I was referring to that original comment which I don't think neither I nor the poster I was responding to supported. Anyway, this is not really worth it to try and explain. You can read the progression of comments yourself if you want. And really, nobody's outraged; it just ain't that serious. I just find sometimes there's a lack of logical progression/linking from how people read posts...
  19. You do know those two posts are not the same people? In fact, I'm not the original person that responded to that first post so I really shouldn't speak for them, but my interpretation is that person was disagreeing with the post you're quoting...
  20. Matt's talents were so wasted on this show. I doubt any of these actors think of or will think of Glee as some "embarrassing project". I think they were all certainly ready to move on, but Glee was absolutely huge at one point and launched their careers into new levels for most of them. Some of them probably wouldn't have a career without Glee. Some of the experiences that cast had Oprah, meetings the president, world concert tours, etc. were all pretty unbelievable and unlikely to ever happen again for them.
  21. You do realize my comment about reading the full comment was not in response to you right? People need to relax and not take every single comment so personally. I mean I never expressed agreement with the very original poster and my comment wasn't even necessarily directly tied to your original comment. It's my observation that people have a hard time giving credit for anything before something else she didn't do is brought up.
  22. The posters original comment was clearly about a TEAM effort. Not all comments are the same you know...you have to actually read the full comment.
  23. Sometimes it seems very difficult to give Rachel any credit for anything. So once you do that, the rest of your statement goes out the window? I mean, Rachel's a character with a lot of flaws, but sometimes it's pretty extreme on what people hone in on.
  24. LOL. The nature of message boards lends itself to tons of whining. Speculation and complaints about unsubstantiated rumors and confirmed spoilers drive most of the traffic here. Half the posts are people complaining about the same things over and over again. Blaine/Kurt, Sam/Rachel, Rachel/unearned "wins", character/story retcons, crappy writing in general. Come on, there's no denying that!
  25. Oh right, those stupid blind gossip things. I'll be honest. At this point, tumblr is a harder site to quantify and measure, but it's certainly becoming an increasingly bigger player. I'm also not that familiar with Thebacklot, but apparently they're just as catty about dudes as some more mainstream outlets are about women!
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