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Everything posted by dizzyizzy01

  1. I mean you said it yourself. It's not important. It's promo for a cancelled show that has terrible ratings. They aren't going to have a large budget for promotional activities. It is still a fox affiliated twitter account. It's also very low-cost to do a "poll" like this. A tweak to a website is very cheap to do, but still does cost money and take some time. A few twitter questions don't require the lead time and production cycle.
  2. The description says fan-voted. I don't know where they voted, maybe facebook or fox.com or something.
  3. People give too much weight to the BTS productions.
  4. Well Ryder/KItty didn't have the same life circumstances as Finn/Santana/Quinn as far as we knew either. I think Marley was Rachel without the social tone deafness and drive that made Rachel an interesting character. She was the underdog/awkward/unpopular girl but had no bite to her personality.
  5. S4 or S5 doesn't matter. It's still very very similar storylines and very similar character types: unpopular girl/popular cheerleader/bad boy/popular jock boy. It's also more weird, because I 'm pretty sure Rachel knew who Unique was during nationals, but oh well. It was written for the cheap laugh, even if it wasn't very funny.
  6. I still don't even understand why Rachel should even know them. Why would a graduate know the names of kids that happened to join a club they used to be in, particularly since she never actually interacted with them...
  7. When S4 started, Marley was clearly the underdog unpopular girl being picked on by the mean cheerleaders. She even had her own brand of a love quadrangle with Jake/Ryder/Brie/Marley similar to Rachel/Finn/Puck/Santana. It wasn't exactly the same but there were definitely similarities.
  8. Who is even supposed to be Straight Blaine or Gay Sam?
  9. If you can make a living doing what you love to do, I think that's pretty damn successful =).
  10. I mean I think it'd be awesome if everyone of these guys have a long-lasting career. It'd be fun to do a where are they now several years from now. I just think it's silly to state that anyone has the "best" shot at success post-glee as others have stated about Darren, and it's true that Darren at least currently doesn't have any projects lined up. However you never know what the future holds. Like some have said, a lot of it is luck. Sometimes it's just about being in the right place at the right time.
  11. Not really. It's just that the old cast has been sidelined mostly. Rachel has had a little bit more than Mercedes and Kurt, but she barely sang in the last episode and was only part of a group number for the Carol King/Alanis episode. There has been a lot of the newbies, VA and Warblers. I like the new newbies a lot more than the previous ones, but I still don't really care about them as characters; and I really don't care about random guy from The Wanted.
  12. I agree. I just think it's unlikely, unless he got pretty lucky, that he'd become some breakout star in acting or music. I certainly think he can make a career for himself.
  13. I think he has a shot at a music career. He's just not going to find it on a major label. He's a better fit for a smaller label that would want to invest in him.
  14. Not really. It's also arguable if he's a bigger star than Naya. Anyway, he's not listed on the Columbia roster at this point so if he hasn't been officially dropped, he's probably very close to being dropped. Even if he hasn't been officially dropped, he's definitely not a priority for the label.
  15. I'm almost 100% certain he's been dropped. Not that being on a major label means as much as it used to in terms of success, but I'm almost positive he's no longer on the Columbia roster.
  16. They regularly film/record stuff for 2 maybe 3 episodes at a time so we can't definitively conclude just from the timing that The Wanted guy is recording for the finale.
  17. I think Ezra Miller is a much better actor than Darren though. It's also still a big TBD if DC will have the same success Marvel has. I think Henry Cavill isn't really that much of a bigger star post Superman. His profile was raised (but not nearly as much as say any actor named Chris from Marvel) and that's after playing one of the most recognizable characters in the DC universe.
  18. Ashton and Mila turned out to be much better actors than the 70's show demonstrated them to be, and I still think they were better actors since none of their acting ever took me out of a scene. Darren hasn't really down anything to show that he's better than what he's shown on Glee, and he's had some real terrible scenes on Glee. His movie with Kristin Wiig was also kind of awful in my opinion anyway. Maybe if he gets the chance, he might prove me wrong. I think Darren is moderately talented and a better musician than actor, but I think his charisma and good looks are sometimes over sold. Someone compared him to Chris Hemsworth, and Chris wasn't getting much notice before Thor. Darren's good looking, but he's also fairly short. There's pretty much no way Darren would ever be cast in a Marvel Movie =P.
  19. I don't know. I think the whole invitational plot is pretty nonsensical, but I think Rachel is reading the new kids pretty well. It's true that Jane and Mason came to her and said they wanted her to be harder on them, but Roderick does look like a breath away from keeling over. Also, I thought the kids did have pretty stunned expressions on their faces during the VA and Warbler's performances. Also, with Sue deciding to be the judge, there was actually no feasible way for New Directions to win in a fair manner. I doubt Sue would give New Directions the win even if they were the best. Anyway, I can't take the invitational competition too seriously. I enjoyed the Kitty/Rachel scenes though. Still too much Sue and Klaine in this episode.
  20. Certain people clearly revel in the ratings lows on this forum. It's not a crime or anything to find glee in the show failing, but I don't think it's "chiding" anyone to make the observation that people are celebrating it.
  21. It's just pointing out the obvious now though. Everyone that has half a brain knows the show's tanked. The show's cancelled. The ratings suck. It's not news. And the .1 difference that changes is most likely statistical variation probably within a standard deviation. It just honestly doesn't matter.
  22. Semi-related to Glee, but I was watching the local news and they interviewed Lee Daniels about Empire. He said that Glee was actually what inspired him to do a musical TV show. Someone in his house was watching Glee one day, and he was basically like oh shoot, I wish I had done that, and has been thinking about how to do a TV musical show ever since.
  23. Yea he was. I think almost everything was live on the first tour. I thought Mark was live on Fat Bottomed Girls with a backing track, but it was hard to tell on that one. They were definitely live in LA anyway.
  24. They were live for the most part. The first tour was almost all live, there was more of a mix on the second. However, Lea, Amber, Chris were all live for their big numbers. I'm pretty sure Mark was live also. I think a couple of the group numbers might have been lip synced though.
  25. Melissa is good, but she was very boring. At least on the show she was. I saw some video of her doing some stage thing where she actually demonstrated some personality; it was much more enjoyable.
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