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Everything posted by dizzyizzy01

  1. Well, yes, the writing on this show is overall terrible, but I'm just saying I wouldn't call mike a giant stereotype that is composed of every Asian stereotype ever. He was written as a fairly normal guy.
  2. The Asian stereotype most typically would have Mike portrayed as a nerdy kinda asexual guy. But they had him on the football team and standing up to bullies on Kurt's behalf. I don't think he was always submissive. To me Mike was just a nice guy that wanted to make his parents happy, which can be an Asian stereotype but it's not unique to Asian kids (living up to parents expectations). They could have left off the medical school thing though. That was a bit much. I mean it wasn't perfect, but I still think he's better written than most of the other characters. Baby steps I guess.
  3. Not that the writers don't have a problem with how they view the white boy hero complex and how they write minorities on this show, I actually thought Mike Chang was a pretty decently written character. It did probably help that he was mostly a background character so less opportunity to screw that up. To me, Mike Chang is the nicest of all the glee guys cause except for that one line he has to Tina during s3 and the retcon of their breakup, he was generally portrayed as a nice dude. I would also say he's not very stereotypical. He's the football player dancer that's joins the Joffrey.
  4. The problem was turning what was supposed to be a dark comedy into the occasional PSA. You can't play some issues straight and others as a joke. It just doesn't work very well. Especially when most of the issues that were focused on the girls were generally ignored or played for laughs.
  5. I mean, I hate the idea of Sam and Rachel, but I think it is only obvious because people here are aware of the spoilers. Songs have always had cute interactions with the characters the could be argued as out of character or out of the blue. Like Rachel and Mike in Gives You Hell or a bunch of Santana and Rachel interactions in songs. I don't think writers on this show really do much foreshadowing. Also, we have no way to know if it's a minority or majority. It doesn't matter anyway. It's a portion of a tiny audience and the show is ending.
  6. Of course, but trained dancers who have a lot of dance talent can pick up simple routines very quickly, which is all glee really does. Like on dwts, those pro numbers only rehearse a couple hours and those are far more complicated routines. Someone who is not at that level clearly needs more time to learn a routine.
  7. Eh. Agree to disagree. I think they just started caring less in the later seasons and had less time to practice. Paradise was mostly her running around with Cory. I'd have to rewatch, but I dont think there was a lot of actual dance choreography for Lea in that particular number. She looked pretty good in the Funk number to me and all of season one. She does need the benefit of practice though. I think she's at least serviceable. I mean her choreography in Spring Awakening wasn't very challenging but you still need to move to the beat at least part of the time. She's certainly not a good dancer though.
  8. Lea was fine with following a beat. She's by no means a great dancer but she can move to the beat. If you couldn't move to the beat, you wouldn't be able to follow choreography and the best choreographer couldn't make you look good (see Cory and Chord). She can't improvise whatsoever either. She needs choreography and time.
  9. The song distribution certainly needed to be more balanced for New Directions for their competition numbers, but it's not Canon that Mercedes outperformed Rachel for WSS. Only Rachel said that when she was being insecure, the people casting the show did not. They thought both of them were good.
  10. The girls overall were always better than the boys. Even Lea as the weakest link could follow at least basic choreography when given enough time and move to the beat. The boys had Cory and Chord so there really wasn't any contest there.
  11. I think it's sort of hard to totally categorize singing and dancing with acting. Acting in my amateur opinion seems to be broader in interpretation in what would be good technique. I honestly don't know how to measure that, and there seems to be plenty of amazing actors that seem to have very little classical training. I think it would be difficult to be a good dancer with proper technique without extensive training, certainly not in ballet for example. I've seen Matt fall out of turns and be a little sloppy at times, and he doesn't always finish all his movements. Also to be clear, this is not a slight against Matt at all. He's a really good dancer. But if I objectively put his ballet or jazz technique up against Jacob's, it's not as good. Again, I give Matt the edge in tap, maybe hip-hop, but I don't actually think Matt's hip-hop is good. Matt's a little too stiff when he's dancing hip-hop. But I've never seen Jacob dance hip-hop.
  12. Hmm, I guess I could have said headed to Julliard instead of going, but that's what I meant anyway. If technique is subjective, I wish you could tell that to every single music teacher I've ever had! There are different schools and different curriculums of dance, but I still maintain that technique is pretty objective measure. And I think all three of them are focused mostly on Jazz (which in itself is extremely broad, but anyway. Also, I'm mostly guessing on Matt since he's a Broadway performer and that's probably the genre he would have trained in). There's a certain way to place your feet and move your body when you execute specific moves. I think if you had Jacob, Matt, and Heather side by side doing a pirouette for example, there'd be a fairly clear difference in technique. I've actually seen Matt perform live in a couple of different settings, so my opinion is not based solely on his work on Glee. I guess the one area I'd give the edge to Matt on is tap technique because I don't think Heather or Jacob have any training there, and I've never seen either of them tap. But again, technique is not the sole determinant of how much you enjoy a person's quality of movement or dance. Matt could definitely dance in a manner that one enjoys more and in your opinion seem like a better or more charismatic performer, but I still don't believe he's a better technical dancer. Anyway, we should probably just agree to disagree.
  13. I don't think technique is subjective. Performance preference is. LOL. Not all training is the same! But just to clarify, Diana started dancing at the age of 3, but I don't think she was training at the same level as Jacob or Heather. I'd venture to guess she "trained" like how my friends did. Classes a few times a week and some performances recitals here and there. Maybe participating on the school dance team. Jacob was going to Julliard for dance before he decided to try his hand at acting. Heather was gunning for a career as a dancer. It's not really a fair comparison.
  14. Yes, Matt has training, but Jacob and Heather were competitive dancers since they were very young. They spent their entire childhoods through high school training in studios. Matt didn't. He performed and had some training, but his life was not dedicated to dance. Matt is a very good dancer, but Heather and Jacob do have much more technical training than Matt and are better technical dancers. Again, it's not to say one doesn't prefer to watch Matt dance or perform.
  15. Matt's a very good dancer, but Jacob and Heather are definitely better technical dancers and have more training. Harry vs. Matt could be bit more subjective, but I think Harry is a more creative freestyler and moves much more fluidly than Matt. One can still certainly prefer to watch Matt dance though.
  16. I think Ceelo has really been the only creepy coach with his sometimes off-color comments and the obvious leering. I don't always agree with the other coach's decision making and they all clearly have their favorites, but I have seen nothing inappropriate from the other coaches. All the fuss over Sugar and Pharrell seems to be just that people don't like that he kept her. I don't see how he did anything appropriate with her. I definitely don't see anything between Ryan and Gwen other than Ryan being over the top earnest. I guess Gwen called him a cute guy? I don't see how that's inappropriate though.
  17. Well there's at least Dot, who did a a few guest spots. I think Romy Rosemont and Aisha Tyler also had very brief guest appearances. I don't think a regular cast member has worked with Ryan/Brad again that I can recall anyway.
  18. Oh certainly. It's annoying and awful on pretty much every level. My friends all think I'm insane for still watching this show.
  19. Subtlety, nuance and character development does not appear to be something these show-runners/writers care about.
  20. I was just joking, and trying to say in a humorous way that people can't know what the actors are really thinking unless you're actually in their head. Evaluating talent, performance, etc. is subjective and of course dependent on each individual's personal opinion. Trying to unequivocally determine people's mindsets is pretty much impossible and kind of a leap. Anyway, I was stuck in various airports/hotels over the weekend and this thread made some interesting reading so thank you for entertaining me!
  21. People that believe they can read these actors' minds and know their intentions both fascinate and horrify me at the same time.
  22. Perhaps poor word choice, but Darren very obviously likes the BTS team, is often on set, and is very willing to get in front of a camera. It's not to say other actors aren't willing or able. I just think a lot of people don't realize how little planning goes into some of this stuff. I know there was some media article about the whole fox special ops thing, but i think that article made it sound more sophisticated than it really is. TV production operations are some of the most convoluted things sometimes illogical things out there.
  23. I think people just read too much into things. Personally, I think is fairly obvious how little planning goes into the actual show. I doubt the behind the scenes fares much better. I do think Darren is inherently easier to get on these simply for the fact he's always ready to mug for a camera, but I do not think there is some master plan on anyone's part. The BTS clips is a very small part of the overall production of the show.
  24. There is no point to being invested in any character's future. The writers' aren't so I think you'll be disappointed no matter what!
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