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Everything posted by dizzyizzy01

  1. I actually think that audio failure is what helped her after multiple montages. She didn't really stand out otherwise. But I think Matt will be fine as long as he gives strong live performances.
  2. Again Lea is NOT Rachel just as Amber is NOT Mercedes so this point is moot. In canon, especially during this booty camp episode, it had been clearly documented that Rachel worked much harder than any of the other kids and Mercedes did have a tendency to be sort of complacent if not lazy. In canon Finn was supposed to be the male lead and one of the best singers, but Cory clearly was not the best male singer of the boys. Sam is supposed to be some great dancer also (remember White Chocolate?), and clearly Chord is a borderline awful dancer. The writing didn't always match up to the actor's true skill level, but that's the nature of a television show. People act and pretend and not everything is true to reality. Rachel does get criticized, but it's just canon that's she a great singer, dancer, and performer. You don't have to agree with it and it may not be 100% accurate of Lea's ability, but that's the canon for her character. I'm not saying the lack of follow through on any criticism of Rachel is good writing because it's not. It just has nothing to do with the various abilities of the actors, and as a criticism, I think makes little sense.
  3. Well the over 49 set is probably not buying Taylor's new album...
  4. The problem is the demo figure. It's the only one that really matters, and DWTS is in 4th place in that time slot, whereas they used to be #2 and sometimes #1.
  5. Besides Taylor's quote being taken out of context in that interview (she wasn't actually talking about Amy and Tina), it's a bit of a different thing when you have a couple of women in their 40's making fun of someone that's barely 20 about something that's pretty standard for a girl that age (i.e., dating and expressing feelings about boyfriends/ex-boyfriends). The difference is that Taylor is a songwriter and in the public eye so everything she does gets hell of a lot of attention. I do think Taylor's taken the opportunity to take advantage of the way the media perceives her to garner further attention, but I still think it's problematic how she's ridiculed for basically dating and writing songs about her life. I don't think there's any songwriter out there that doesn't do this. Anyway, Taylor's proving to be a really good mentor. I actually think she's a super awkward performer herself. Girl just doesn't have a lot of rhythm, but she does have really great instincts about how to put on a performance. I'm impressed with how specific she's able to be given the short amount of time they have with these contestants.
  6. I'm impressed with her coaching and her ability to get some pretty good performances out of her team, but man the commentary is painful. Then again, I kind of feel that way about all the coaches now.
  7. I think it's because the Swons are on a label (Arista Nashville) not associated with the show and Cassadee is.
  8. That's still pretty damning with faint praise. Better when compared to terrible sales is still terrible. They'll need a hit single, and fairly soon probably.
  9. I don't think so, there's not a lot of activity in other threads either. I think the battles were just terrible and people's interests are waning a bit. The ratings are dipping slightly even though relatively the show is doing very well for network television (still beating out the World Series). So far, I think Gwen is really not entertaining as a coach. I actually think she's been a decent coach in being able to pull out some good performances from people even though I hate some of her song choices (Maneater? Really??), but she's really mediocre at commentary. Talking about the the first contestant's body and how happy/great/inspiring everything and everyone is to her? Her pitches of clothes, being a girl, etc. They're becoming increasingly repetitive and boring. She doesn't have the inadvertent WTFness or bluntness from that Christina had. Gwen's reactions are almost the same for every contestant. Adam continues to be annoying. Blake is fine if kind of bland. Pharrell is a great new addition, but this panel is getting a bit old. I'm hoping the knockouts are more interesting.
  10. What happened this week? All the battles were either extremely mediocre or downright awful. Blessing cannot stay on key to save his life. I think I like Danica but that cover of Halo was terrible.
  11. I guess my perspective is yea, that's a terrible way to say things, but it's still commentary about his performance. She thought other people performed better than he did and he shouldn't be moving on. Did she say it in a nice or pleasant way? No, but the reality is everyone knows there's outside factors beyond simple talent and performance that motivates people to vote; people just rarely comment on it on this show. People just tend to skirt around the issue where Christina's bluntness just comes out. Blake and Adam are very good at playing nice with the audience and saying a whole lot of nothing that sounds warm and fuzzy. Christina is absolutely terrible at it.
  12. Her critiques are about the performance though, at least when she can think of something to say anyway. She is most certainly not the most articulate person when she has to think on the fly. The biggest complaint has always been about her saying Tony Lucca's performance being one-dimensional and calling him out after 99 problems, but I actually thought the one-dimensional comment was pretty accurate and 99 problems was incredibly petty. She also critiqued Melanie and Amanda quite a bit, but I thought she was right. Melanie was kind of terrible on the show post her audition, and Amanda really was all over the place with her song choices. However, I do agree that she has been harsher on Adam's contestants than others, but I still don't think she's really said anything that wasn't true. I still think Christina's biggest problem is that she just doesn't come across with a warm or even friendly personality. She's honestly just pretty blunt and doesn't have much of a poker face. She clearly likes what she likes and really can't fake it when she doesn't.
  13. Well then she's still honest. She's just selectively honest sometimes as all the coaches are. None of them are really critical of their own teams. They have no reason to be. She's also really bad at sugarcoating stuff. When she doesn't like something you can always tell no matter what she saying. It's actually something I like about her though. YMMV, I think she's a refreshing contrast to some of the other coaches.
  14. I wasn't really a fan of that dress, but that dress would have looked horrible with sleeves. The material was way to heavy. I think it'd be awful.
  15. I mean it's not like the sold only a million for each album. They're debut went 6x platinum. To put it into perspective, the Mariah's Carey's Musix Box sold 7.3 million in the US and it was one of the biggest albums of '93-'94. Btw, the grammys have never been all that rock friendly. They didn't even have a best rock album grammy until 1995, so I'm not sure that can be a measure of a rock band's success, particularly in the 90's. Anyway, I still don't think it matters because I honestly don't think the advisors spend much more time with the contestants than what's filmed/shown which really isn't much at all. I just don't think Gavin is any less of a "get" as a advisor than a lot of the past artists, but I do agree that he wouldn't have ever done this show without Gwen being on it. I don't think he would have been asked, and I don't think he would have done it either.
  16. I've found Gwen to be very underwhelming so far, but that's really not accurate. Bush has had at 3 mutli-platinum albums, so it's not minor success and is probably one of the more successful rock bands of the 90's. They've certainly had as much success if not more within their genre of music than several of the past mentors like Joel Madden, Miranda, Ed Sheeran etc. Bush isn't a mainstream band by any means, but they had a pretty long and successful run in the 90's before the broke up. They only just recently got back together in the last couple of years.
  17. I think Adam's a mediocre coach in terms of contestants actually improving during the show. The people that were good stay good and that's about it and more often than not some of his choices have really hurt his contestants. The biggest objection I have to him is just that I find him really really annoying and sort of an attention whore with the climbing on chairs, ridiculous poems, etc. He's a good salesman and probably very charming in person, but he's also just really obnoxious. He makes a lot of his sales pitches about him rather than the contestant, at least the stuff that we're being shown anyway.
  18. I think Gwen is really unimpressive as a coach so far, but Gavin and Bush have actually had a lot of success although their most recent album didn't do that great. I think they've had at least 3 albums go platinum in the U.S. They did break up for a while in the early 2000's, but they were one of the more successful rock bands of the 90's. They're a rock band that is certainly less mainstream than a R&B/Pop artist like Alicia Keyes, but they have had a very long and successful career. He's certainly more well known than Miranda was when she was an advisor. Anyway, I don't think it really matters. I think it's been made fairly known that the advisors don't work with the contestants very much anyway.
  19. I don't think it does at all really. It kind of shows that's her feelings are a bit easily manipulated probably, but I don't think she's stabbing anyone in the back when Sam's the one pursuing her and kissing her (perhaps not under his own actions, but still). I hate this whole stupid thing in the first place and think Sam is barely smart enough to function as a human being, but I think what's really gross is Sue manipulating someone who's ex-fiance DIED not that long ago who hasn't had any other romantic relationships since his death.
  20. Oh, I'm not debating that. Adam's and Blake's careers would not be where they are without the show. They're in a really unique position that most artists will never be in. I'm just saying it's not true that these guys are making most of their money from touring like the previous poster said, and they're only doing ok as recording artists/bands given kind of middling record sales and lack of touring opportunities, especially with the amount of name recognition and celebrity they both have. Although I think Blake is more successful within his given genre and would be absolutely fine if he left the show now. Maroon 5, I'm not quite as sure.
  21. Yes, album sales are in total decline. Very few artists move more than 100k in the current market so Adam and Blake are still doing pretty decently, relatively speaking. I stand corrected. Maroon 5 hasn't toured really at all in the last year, but they did have about 100 shows over two separate tours from 2012 to the beginning of 2014. However, it's still not a lot when you compare to other top acts. Katy Perry's last tour was about 130 dates in a little under a year. Bon Jovi's last tour in 2013 was about 100 shows. Coldplay did 90 shows on their last tour. I think it's a consequence of Adam's schedule on the Voice, but just given the economics of the tours and what Adam makes per season on the show, I'm pretty confident the bulk of his income is from the show and not from Maroon 5's touring. The band certainly isn't hurting financially though and I think certainly wouldn't have been playing some of the same arenas without the added fame and exposure from the show.
  22. Well the person wasn't really talking about making money, but about album sales and I'll venture to guess success as a recording artist. Certainly all the judges got commercial boosts and increased name recognition from the Voice, but I'll venture to guess the MAJORITY of their earnings is actually from their salaries on the show rather than their tours at least in recent years. These guys honestly just haven't really toured all that much. Certainly, not compared to many other bands or artists. The judges in this show are in a unique position that other artists are not. It made Blake and Adam household names, whereas before the Voice the average person on the street probably had no clue who they were. Christina is in a completely different boat, and I'm pretty sure she didn't even attempt to put together a tour with her last album. Also, she already was a pretty big household name before the Voice. You can't compare the career boosts the other coaches got to Christina's. Yes, she might have been a couple of years removed from her peak, but Christina had really already achieved years ago what Adam and Blake are currently achieving.
  23. Nothing on this show makes sense.
  24. Again, there are still a lot of people that follow her for her Glee tweets. Just speaking objectively, they're still generally her most popular tweets. And, yes even, this much discussed daleastreet tweet. Also, it sounds like some people have a very naive view of celebrity twitters. It's not some holy ground of integrity if you don't tweet about projects you're involved in. Twitter is a marketing platform. It's a tool that fosters "direct" connection to a fanbase, helps maintain interest for that celeb, and can actually generate direct revenue for them in specific cases. The show is obviously beyond saving at this point, and I don't think that's what Lea's trying to doing at all. She's giving fans a glimpse into her life without really revealing anything too private. Lea's actually very good at this. That's what she's always done on Twitter; there's nothing new in these series of tweets.
  25. OMG. Take ownership of what? What do people think Twitter and other social media accounts for celebrities are? Their primary function is to connect with fans and promote things they are involved in. This idea that one shouldn't use a "personal" Twitter account to promote a project they're involved in is absurd. Also, the converse (not tweeting about a project) doesn't make someone else more/less worthy of admiration. Twitter is not a personal phonebook. She's not spamming friends and family to watch the show. And she has 4 million twitter followers and counting, so her tweets are not turning people off. It's just a small vocal minority that have some strange view of what a celebrity should use social media for. If you go looking for it there's plenty of people that like her tweets also. Generally, her glee tweets are still some of her most popular tweets, getting the most retweets. It's all a matter of what you're looking for. Also, why bother with some dig about her book or album? Nobody's talking about that in this conversation, and yet you can't help but bring it up. Anyway, her book was on the NY times best seller's list and her album did decently. Were they blockbuster hits? No, but they did pretty decently and enough to green light a couple of other projects. Comments like these just support the idea that people give Lea a much harder time relative to anybody else.
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