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Everything posted by dizzyizzy01

  1. Cory certainly got a lot of crap also and the comments about his death/OD were and continue to be supremely gross. But as someone immersed in this stuff, it is a fairly objective statement, that women in general do get it worse. You can physically count up the articles and comments about the various actors if you want, but I do think you'd find it would support the argument. Part of it is simply because Lea is more high-profile than some of the other cast members. I like Mark, but nobody's really checking for him right now. And again, you don't see a single article about Matt or any of the guys feuding with their new costars, but you already see stuff about Lea and she hasn't even met her costars. Even if this board is a small sample size. You already have a few people clearly making judgments about sincerity with regards to Lea, but not the others.
  2. Oh they all have crazy fans and critics, but Lea does get more just because she's more high profile. And I do believe it's also because she's a woman (although to that end Naya gets a lot of flack also). I mean, there are articles about Lea and Arianna fighting on the set of Scream Queens already, and 1. production hasn't started yet, and 2. they haven't even formally met. You don't see any articles about Chris/Darren/Matt feuding with co-stars. Even here, nobody's questioned Mark's tweet, but you clearly see a couple of people questioning Lea's motivations. I don't think anyone is a martyr though. It isn't that serious.
  3. Oh yea. I'm just saying that could make it worth watching for some people. I've watched some fairly terrible movies because I liked one of the actors in it.
  4. I mean I like Indy movies too, but the plot for Struck by Lightening is just not very good IMO. It's got a pretty stellar cast though.
  5. I know this is a message board and everyone's entitled to their opinions and such, and at the risk of coming off preachy, I do want to say one thing. I find it pretty gross to judge and question the motivation of any of the cast on how they want to remember Cory/Finn or their time on the show. I just feel like people forget that the actors are real life people and not every action is some intensely calculated event. But to your point, that is the nature of social media. You're sharing personal thoughts online for others to see. I just see no difference between Mark/Lea's intention. They're both posting a nice sentimental photo. And Mark had to plan where to put that plaque, take that photo, and tweet about it. But, again, I don't question his motivations behind it. I think it's a nice gesture. For all you know, Lea decided to get that jersey and a friend happened to snap a nice photo on their iPhone. Hang out with my friends and those kinds of "artsy" photos happen pretty much everyday. But, even if it was a planned photo, who cares. It's a nice memory for them and a nice memory to share.
  6. I have absolutely no understanding of how what Mark did and what Lea did is any different. They both posted a photo on social media. How is that any different because he posted it 2 days later?? To me, that is such a bizarre line to draw. Maybe it's promo for the episode tomorrow!
  7. Jon and Matthew are both up there on my list. Really hard to choose, but Jon's show overall does sound more appealing.
  8. The music industry is a completely difference place now, and there's actually a lot less label money that is being thrown around. The Voice winner deals are pretty pitiful in what they guarantee, and honestly, the show doesn't try very hard to market the winners. Despite AI's faults, they were clearly trying to find a star. They lagged seasons enough so that the tours were pretty successful and the winner had a chance to get their music out there before the next cycle. There was a management deal tied to the winner on as well as a recording contract. The Voice doesn't do that stuff. Also, I honestly don't think they've had a very marketable winner so far. Nothing that comes even close to like Kelly, Carrie or even some of the slightly less successful ones like McPhee or Daughtry. Granted, I don't think AI can launch a Kelly or Carrie in today's market either.
  9. She was just ever so slightly flat at the start of every verse.
  10. Why is Max George getting so many songs?! He's not even good. I mean I'd almost forgive VA getting so many songs if it were someone like Groff, but seriously why?
  11. From that article, I got the impression that Adam and Blake are never leaving with the description of their "special bromance". I think they really need to take a season off before they basically are the show and it becomes even more difficult to sub them out. It might already be close to that point.
  12. People are certainly freaking out though. The fact is, it's a television show and they want/need ratings. Derek's more recognizable than more than half these stars. It's no surprise producers will try to do what the can to get him on there. And I really don't think he gets "favorable" treatment. They're just designing the show to get what they think will get the most eyeballs. Derek's honestly just better at playing the game. Derek knows what works and what doesn't. I certainly do not think Bethany would have made it as far with any other pro.
  13. It's a bad song to start with and there's nothing here that improves it except that you can actually understand the words on this version. Ariana sounds like she has marbles in her mouth.
  14. A kiss is totally cheating, but it is true that Blaine only cheated on Kurt once. He cheated on Karofsky by kissing Kurt, so he's cheated in relationships a couple of times now. Kurt wasn't perfect in his relationship with Blaine, but either way, Blaine totally isn't in a place to be getting married and neither was Kurt! What is with this show and people getting married before they're legally allowed to drink?
  15. I think it's cause someone on here probably wrote actress when they quoted the article. I actually think it might be Jenna cause we don't see her react in surprise at all when the couples walk down the aisle and the article makes reference that the reaction was cut from the episode. Everyone else has some sort of puzzled/surprised expression at some point. I think the article makes it sound like a bigger deal than it is though and is purposely kind of catty.
  16. awww...that's a really sweet momento. seems like they had a good last day =)
  17. People are insane and need to step away from the internet and go outside. Do they have no understanding of reality?
  18. It's kind of interesting that most of those actors are not from the US. Just a curious observation. A lot of people do pursue degrees, but again, it's hard to compare the unknown (e.g., they really had the opportunity to choose between a legitimate professional opportunity vs. pursuing a degree with thousands of dollars of debt that honestly doesn't really translate to better job opportunities). Meryl is also kind of an interesting case in that she didn't start to seriously pursue acting until she was already well into college.
  19. But I said even if it makes sense in the glee-verse, I still said it's a stupid storyline. Sense in the glee-verse is still pretty much nonsense the majority of the time. BTW, when did I even say NEVER. I said it was illogical and made little sense, but I'm pretty sure I never actually said it never happens. So maybe you're putting words in my mouth?
  20. Never of course is always a hyperbole. That's why the saying never say never exists. The examples that were brought up just don't apply at all. How do you compare a child actor that was in one of the biggest movie franchises in history that decided to go to school to study something completely unrelated to acting or an established writer/actor/comedian that is saying she's not ready for a job she isn't even offered to a aspiring performer being presented with a legitimate professional opportunity and instead going back to school for a BFA. I just never would have presented this decision in the first place. She should have been going back to NY to work and audition. I mean if it were up to me, they wouldn't have squandered 5 prior seasons of characterization to suddenly decide she's no longer interested in Broadway after a month.
  21. Yea, for the story they want to tell it's fine. People were just suddenly pulling in real-life examples of Franco, Watson, Williams, etc. as if it's the same thing and somehow supports the bizarre storylines Glee does. It's not.
  22. Again, I think most if not everyone understood what the story Glee is trying to tell is. I and I think some others just believe it's not a good story to tell makes little sense even if it can plausibly happen in the Glee world. Then start bringing in real-life examples like Emma Watson and Jessica Williams that don't even really relate, and you further confuse the discussion. Also, to say consistent storytelling existed in Rachel's storyline is pretty absurd. The girl went 5.5 seasons all about Broadway and NY. Then because they wanted to reboot Lima and do a stupid television pilot she suddenly wants to abandon it all for LA? Yes, that's some internal consistency within Glee. Sure.
  23. Again, logic in Glee canon is still absolutely bonkers in reality. It's like saying Finn's stuck in Lima storyline made total sense just because the show said it did. Or that Sam can totally be a health teacher without a college degree because Glee canon says so! It's still an awful portrayal of how stuff actually works, and ultimately completely illogical.
  24. Just because the shows tells you it happened, doesn't make it not illogical. 99% of the show is completely illogical. By the way, getting a BFA or MFA doesn't suddenly teach someone how not to get bored after 1 month of performing on Broadway. It can't overcome writer inconsistencies. There's no salvo for overcoming bad writing and sudden re-characterizations! Just saying!
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