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Everything posted by Coop33

  1. One of the things I've found so frustrating with this writing team is just trying to understand how people whose job it is to write this show, and who probably spend more time thinking about it than we do still come up with these obviously horrible, out of character, contrived plots. This explains everything.
  2. If the break up is going to happen in 12/13 then I wonder if Felicity actually goes back to Vegas to visit in her mom in 13 instead of Donna coming to Star City again. It would make sense to me that she would want to get away for a while.
  3. I'm wondering if someone else in the cast is going to find out before Felicity does. Maybe while she's injured he'll confide in Diggle? Idk. I really don't want Oliver to tell anyone before he tells Felicity, but I'm worried that like with Felicity in S3, we're never going to get insight into his through process and perspective on all this, which will make it even harder to sympathize with him and get through this terrible story line. The only people he could talk to are Barry and Baby Mama. Barry isn't crossing over anytime soon and talking to BM would just make everything worse.
  4. I was starting to think that the Limo Ride of Doom wasn't going to end in an accident and was maybe going to be more character based, but it's clearly crashing in the promo. So everyone almost suffocates to death and then Felicity almost dies in car accident? What a fun, lighter tone this season.
  5. Hopefully there's a screwdriver somewhere in there!
  6. I hated so much about the things this episode chose to be. So I guess the consequence of changing the timeline was that Oliver had to revert back to his dumb S3 self? I don't know that I've ever been more mad at him than I was tonight. He should know better now, or else what was the point of everything he's been through this season? Everything to do with the kid and Mom was so contrived, unnecessary, and unbelievable. I guess I should know better than to think these writers are capable of writing compelling, organic, and realistic drama. I hope the secret about the kid comes out quickly, because the longer Oliver keeps it to himself the hard it's going to be for me (and probably Felicity) to forgive him. The only things I can think of that I really enjoyed were Barry/Oliver and Thea, who is MVP of the crossover for me.
  7. Interesting that it's the weekend right before C2E2. Don't know how many people are going to be able to shell out the money for two con weekends in a row. The "Chicago" convention is also in Rosemont.
  8. Despite the crazy eyes, the dude doesn't seem to age. He looks exactly the same.
  9. I watch a crazy amount of TV and there definitely isn't enough time. My DVR constantly overwhelms me. There are about 8 shows I manage to keep up with weekly and the rest I'm always a few episodes behind on, some much more. Weekends and hiatuses are my best friends.
  10. It's so fucking good, and the performances are out of this world. I don't know how they do it, but they have somehow crafted this world where nothing makes sense, but anything feels possible. I am totally captivated when I watch and it resonates with me in a way I can't explain.
  11. Yeah, I think Alias was probably the last show with JJ's name on it where he actually had day to day involvement. I was such a huge a fan-girl for Fringe that at the time it I couldn't admit to myself that seasons 4 and 5 were not great. I see it now though. I'm one of the few that actually liked how Lost ended and I'm glad I didn't harbor any resentment towards Lindelof, or else I probably wouldn't have started watching The Leftovers which, IMO, is the best show on tv right now. I got the chance to meet Damon at the ATX festival this year and he was super nice, although his panel made it pretty clear that all the backlash from Lost messed him up pretty bad for a while.
  12. Count me in as loving Jessica Jones too. I only had time to watch four episodes this weekend, but can't wait to finish up over Thanksgiving. I love all the female protagonists and that none of them are exactly what you expected they would be - especially Trish, who is excellent. Also love the focus on Jessica/Trish since so few shows showcase female friendship. This. So much. It's refreshing to finally see a show make a woman's trauma actually about the woman and not the man who did it or the men in her life.
  13. My company rolls PTO, sick days, and personal days all into one so we start with a little over three weeks, but nothing rolls over. After 2 years, you jump to 4 weeks and then you get an additional day for every year after that. In addition to that we get 9 paid holidays. I've also worked for a company that had no policy and you could "take what you want." I felt like this ultimately benefited the company though, as many people barely took any time since there wasn't a precedent for what was acceptable.
  14. PREACH NYSSA! I'm really glad Nyssa didn't die like I was suspecting she would because I need to her to come back and drop more truth bombs on Laurel and fulfill her promise to Malcolm. I loved Sara and I'm glad she's back, but the way they chose to tell this story is terrible. Laurel is irredeemable for me now. Praise be that the Oliver and Diggle bromance is back as well. All of the OTA stuff was wonderful. Felicity and Curtis were great on their own as well. Curtis is quickly growing on me.
  15. I was pleasantly surprised by Crazy Ex-Girlfriend as well. I found it really quite delightful. I was glad that while Rebecca is acting crazy over Josh, she seems to be competent in every other area of her life. Postseason baseball is already one of my favorite things, but as a huge Cubs fan this year has truly been unbelievable. I live in Wrigleyville and it has been a non-stop party.
  16. Think how much could be different if Laurel just had a Sassy Gay Friend.
  17. God Bless Stephen Amell doing his own stunts. That leap over the railing after saving Danforth was something. Felicity was awesome as always. I'm glad she was the one that pushed for code names. I also really enjoyed Curtis. He has great friend chemistry with Felicity. I go into to every episode open to the idea of liking Laurel, but I honestly cannot with her after this episode. After seeing the full effects of the Lazarus Pits on Thea, she decides that it makes sense to put her sister, who has been dead and at peace for a YEAR, through the same. I get that Laurel would want Sara back more than anything, but to try and bring her back knowing that she would become a potential murdering rage monster is ridiculous. Why would you ever want that for her? Loving someone means you want the best for them, even at your own expense. And to top it all off, they actually show Laurel digging up Sara's grave and her mummified corpse. That's when I started to laugh.
  18. Far and away my favorite pilot this fall (although the competition wasn't too fierce). The Sexy Getting Ready song was amazing and was the moment I knew I was on board. I was worried about the characterization of Rebecca heading in because of the title and marketing, but I'm glad outside of her crazy for Josh, she seems completely competent in every other area of life.
  19. I've been meh on SHIELD since it's existence, but the first two episodes this season have really grabbed me and I find I'm looking forward to it more than any other comic book show, save for Arrow, right now. Anyone else really excited for the return of Jane the Virgin? It should start right as the Cubs game ends, so I'm happy to have something to immediately distract me if they lose.
  20. I have to second this. It has a great quirkiness to it that I wasn't expecting.
  21. Die hard Cubs fan here. I'm planning on watching both. I'll watch Arrow live while the game is on my laptop and then after Arrow switch solely to the game. I'm so anxious about the game that I think Arrow will be a welcome distraction. All other Arrow/Cubs fans I know are planning on doing something similar.
  22. That's definitely a fair point. I didn't think about her being the same age. With it being TV and happy endings and all though, they could eventually figure out a way around her having to die. Either way, it's not what's actually happening. I'm glad she'll get another chance at life.
  23. From the interview with KC posted in the Media thread: I feel like this response lends more credence to the theory that Nyssa dies. :( This is actually how I hoped they would bring her back. I thought it would be quite poetic if he took her from the moment right before she died and eventually had to take her back.
  24. I think they were in love with the idea of each other. Laurel probably from the beginning, and Oliver more so after five years idealizing her in his head while on the island.
  25. So much great stuff happens in offscreenville that that's what they should have renamed Starling City.
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