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Everything posted by Coop33

  1. The staged wedding plot line is definitely falling under "so bad, it's good" for me. I am curious as to whose idea it will be though.
  2. Was worried I would somehow end up being Laurel, but I got Felicity :)
  3. I knew something big had happened when I logged on to see five new pages. Holy cow. Honestly, I think the only thing holding me back from being 100% sure that Laurel is in the grave is that is just seems too good to be true, but if I had to put money on it, I think I'd bet on Laurel now. I'll be at HVFF in Chicago and this could make things very interesting, especially if KC actually keeps the commitment.
  4. Oh, completely agreed. I should clarify that I mean that in feeling that it was justified that Oliver kept William a secret, others will feel that it's justified for him to keep things from her from time to time - because of the life they lead, etc.. In EBR's interviews this week she mentioned a couple of times that Felicity has to decide whether or not she wants to continue being in a relationship with Oliver knowing that he's going to do this again, which leads me to believe that she's more going to have to come terms with the fact that Oliver lies, rather than Oliver including her going forward.
  5. My biggest concern is that instead of seeing Oliver work to earn Felicity's trust back, we're instead going to see people like Diggle talk to Felicity and explain why they think Oliver was right to keep William from her, resulting in her eventually thinking that she was wrong and forgiving him.
  6. Please let her tell him Felicity is his soulmate.
  7. Is there still room on the Laurel is in the Grave Train? I'd like to buy a ticket.
  8. The stupid was strong with this one. Felicity literally walking out on Oliver at the end was hilarious. The break-up was fine. Nothing too damaging was said, so I'm sure they'll be back together by season's end. Thea/Malcolm was good. Glad that Thea's finally realized her father is horrible, no good, very bad person. I think they are definitely setting Malcom up to be the "him" in the flash forwards, as well as next season's big bad. I liked Vixen quite a bit, but why did Oliver go all the way to Detroit and back to get her? And how does Laurel know her? I am actually feeling pretty zen about everything now that the BMD is over. I hope Mandyville has a nice welcome parade for BM and William. Let's never visit them.
  9. Welcome, ah-maa-zing! Love your namesake, Penny was my favorite character too! Everything going on with Bellamy on The 100 is really disappointing me too. It's the first time show has done something that felt unearned to me, which is a bummer because one my favorite things about the show is how all of the terrible things these characters do are somehow understandable and forgivable. I'd recommend checking out Mo Ryan's interview with Jason Rothenberg regarding all of this if you haven't yet. I love that she's not afraid to be critical and hard on show runners.
  10. I have developed a Pavlovian response the flashbacks. I grab my phone and start scrolling through Twitter without even realizing it. It was a relief to finally hear Oliver's thoughts and justifications for keeping William a secret. I wish we could have heard that sooner, as I was slightly more endeared towards him after getting to see how much keeping the secret was hurting him. However, I very much wish Thea would have smacked him in the face with his idiocy instead of helping him double down. Now I'm mad at both of them. Curtis's gift was touching, but I really wish that Felicity could have been able to do that for herself. I also wish that she hadn't needed Curtis's help again to hack into the laptop. She used to be able to do all of these things herself, Arrow! Would have loved the Donna/Felicity scene if it hadn't been raining anvils the entire time. I'm glad all the secrets and lies will be out in the open soon, but I am honestly dreading these next few episodes.
  11. I actually just started watching The X-Files on Netflix as well (was having some serious FOMO with the reboot), and this is suuuper helpful. Thank you!
  12. For my sanity, I'm not going to let Oliver's line about visiting Central City get to me until it's confirmed that they meant he's seen the kid since the Crossover. If that does end up being the case, I will lose my ability to even with him very quickly. It was so, so great to have Roy back, unnecessarily parkouring everywhere he went. I thought his scene with Thea was great, and maybe Colton's best performance in the series. I didn't realize how much I missed him, and I hope he gets to come back(flip) again. It was nice to see Stephen getting in on the parkour as well. Overall, I thought this was a pretty strong episode for stunts. Really liked Felicity and Calculator going head to head. I was hoping they'd go straight for the Alias reference with a "Daddy?" but I guess "Dad?" works just as well. Looking forward to seeing them as father/daughter next week.
  13. Dang, I'm worried about Tatsu now too, but would they really bring her back just to kill her? She has no immediate connection to current story lines, so that would seem pretty cruel. It would have been weird to never hear from Waller again, so I get why they needed to kill her (even if I don't have to like it), but that doesn't really apply to Katana.
  14. Well, no surprise that an episode about Felicity and Diggle is one of the best of the season. I loved getting to watch DR and EBR shine. A gigantic boo to Felicity's codename being Overwatch. (I don't blame you though, wonderwall, I blame MG's ego). That was petty much the only misstep for me. Like, I didn't even mind Laurel this week. The Felicity stuff was great. Her goth self was clearly a manifestation of all of her doubts and insecurities and I'm glad she was smart and strong enough to overcome them. I do hope that we see Felicity struggling again, if only a little. Being paralyzed is not something one should be able to get over in the matter of an evening. EBR was so great in this though. I bow down. Oliver was great in his support of her, and I loved their scene with Felicity's speeches. SA brought tears to my eyes when he got tears in his. I'm such a sucker for these two. I guess I should have seen Waller's death coming with the upcoming Suicide Squad movie, but I did not and it truly surprised me. I imagine Lyla will be given the reins to ARGUS. If they ever consider doing another spin-off, it should be about Lyla. I would watch the shit out of that.
  15. I'm sure Felicity is walking again by the flash forward scene, but they just didn't want to show it. I mean, this is Arrow, for maximum dramaz they have to show her getting up from the wheelchair. I wish we knew if/when they decided who would be in the grave so I knew if it was even worth it to speculate on Felicity's and Oliver's reaction to the death.
  16. I never once believed they would kill Felicity, but it's nice to have it confirmed, and a good thing since I thought this episode proved that the show needs her. Her diminished presence was felt through the episode for me. It was mostly a snooze fest. Outside of the Olicity scenes, Oliver pointing out Laurel's hypocrisy with regards to Sara was my favorite part. Someone should have pointed that out to her much, much sooner, but I'll take what I can get. I enjoyed watching the back and forth between Thea and Anarky. Willa is really doing a great job this season. The Andy/Diggle stuff fell flat for me, don't know why. Lyla is awesome and I want her around all the time. i think what we're mostly supposed to take away from the flash forward is that Felicity and Oliver are broken up. She's not wearing the ring, and they are sitting as far apart from each other as possible. I don't know if we can really read into their reactions as to who is in the grave as, with the premiere, I'm not even sure the actors knew when they filmed this. I still Lance is the best bet.
  17. The West Wing is my all time favorite. I've watched the first four seasons more times than I can count (I don't mind seasons 6 and 7, but 5 is such a slog that I can never make it through). I was actually just thinking yesterday that it's about to start another rewatch.
  18. The Brendan stuff was by far the hardest for me to watch. I had to take some breaks during the episodes that were mainly focused on him because they were so enraging. I'm not 100% sure Steven is innocent, but I do think Brendan is. The poor kid got roped up in something he isn't capable of understanding and now no longer has his freedom. It's heartbreaking to think about. There have been some new developments in the case - Steven has a new legal team, fronted by Kathleen Zellner and the Midwest Innocence Project. Zellner has exonerated 17 wrongly convicted people over the last 20 years and by all accounts is a legal bad-ass. I wish there was more hope on Brendan's front, but it looks like Steven may have a chance.
  19. Has anyone been watching Making a Murderer? I just finished it tonight and honestly don't know where to begin with my thoughts. It was extremely well done and compelling, but I've never yelled so much at my television.
  20. 2016 is totally the Year of Penny. Of all the shows I've watched that have ended, I think I miss Happy Endings the most.
  21. Alias was my first TV love. I was obsessed. I've always wanted to go back and do a full series re-watch, but every time I get to the end of season 2 I can never bring myself to start 3. Count me in as being excited for the next season of The 100 as well. I really dig that show.
  22. I'd like to thank the Golden Globe nominations for being way more interesting than the SAG nominations. Rachel Bloom's nom is awesome and will hopefully help with Crazy Ex-Girlfriend's renewal, and I love that it didn't come at the expense of Gina's.
  23. And it just takes too much energy to harbor resentment and anger, right? (I'm a total sucker.)
  24. The gas chamber thing was not a good look, but other than that I really enjoyed this. If the writers were trying to get me to forget that Oliver is a lying liar who lies by writing sweet and honest Olicity scenes, it worked. Everything I love about them was on display tonight. Felicity reacting to Donna and Quentin was the best. Donna's reaction to finding the ring was amazing as well. I wish we could have her around always. "Excellent! You've got your bondage outfit on!"
  25. My sister recently moved to New York and I am definitely planning on taking advantage of the free place to stay to see many more shows than I've been able to. We have a good amount of theater here in Chicago, but it's still nothing like Broadway. The last thing I saw in New York was Fun Home which was sublime. Planning on spending and arm and leg to see Hamilton on my next visit to New York this spring. I am completely obsessed with the cast recording. Hoping to maybe catch Waitress as well.
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