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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. Even if they didn't know for sure, the CW had been sold, and the new CEO had announced they were going to move away from scripted programming. They had to have had a really good idea they wouldn't be getting a season 4, and planned accordingly. And you're right, we've already seen Nancy and Ace jealous of each others' dates. There's no reason to do it again, especially with so few episodes left. They already know they love each other, and that that love is requited; there's no reason to introduce other people for drama, not when they have the curse to contend with. And with such a compressed time frame, it looks like Nancy got over Ace, her person, the man she was willing to die to be with last episode, in about three minutes.
  2. This. And it might be less maddening if they'd built up an attraction to Tristan over time. But with so few episodes left, they had to shoehorn it in almost immediately. Just last week, Nancy was utterly heartbroken, and now she's slow dancing with someone new? They should have dropped the new love interests idea with so few episodes to go.
  3. 100% agree. And there are a lot to choose from. Sorry, forgot to include the article with the spoiler. I don't think the writers are trying to go anywhere. Just having (their idea of) fun.
  4. Those are great points, and you're probably right about the function of these love interests. It's just frustrating with so few episodes left. Everyone is a huge improvement over Gil. 😉
  5. I so hope you're right. I'm just annoyed they're introducing alternative love interests at this point.
  6. I really enjoyed every aspect of this episode, especially Bess's delightful meddling. But that scene with Nancy and Ace at the morgue was brutal, and it felt like a goodbye.
  7. A few actors are on set today: Cole, Lili, and Madelaine. Everyone else has wrapped.
  8. If they do "go back" anywhere, it will be brief.
  9. If it pays so generously, why are you still grifting so shamelessly, Jill? Is fleecing people like the remorseless liar you are part of God's plan too? Makes me want to work harder on behalf of Satan's kingdom. I'm good at PR. Too bad no one else does.
  10. Has a more terrifying description of a human ever been uttered?
  11. I throw up a little in my mouth thinking about Jim Bob claiming to protect anyone.
  12. I agree. If they'd wanted to do a star-crossed lovers angle, I wish they'd done it back in season 3. I don't want to spend the whole season watching Nancy and Ace yearn for each other and then get together in the last 10 minutes.
  13. How can anyone drink that pink mixture of chemicals and think it's healthy? Fixed that for you. 😉 That garbage looks like runoff from a nuclear power plant. Grifted crap.
  14. She "may not survive" rainbows on a shirt? How Jill suffers! No one has ever been so maligned and persecuted! This makes me want to fly a rainbow flag over her house.
  15. We accuse you of being bigots because you are bigots. Glad we could clear that up.
  16. Wow, really? That makes the wedding episode where he says he doesn't want to give her away (and maybe hints she's his favorite?) even creepier.
  17. Wow, Abbie might have a job. Wow, I never thought I'd be shocked at the thought of a 30-something adult being gainfully employed.
  18. We know what keeps your kids on the straight and narrow, Jill. We know how cults keep kids isolated and afraid as a way to prevent them from knowing anything other than cult ideology. We also see, thanks to your baffling insistence on sharing every detail of your mundane lives, how you insert yourself into every aspect of their adulthoods in order to ensure they don't encounter anything to contradict the nonsense you've been peddling the entire lives. We aren't trying to figure out shit. We know exactly how this crap works, and that's why we hate you.
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